Who do you think they'll cast as Anne Harrenhal in S8?

I suppose...

but harrenhall is off the table

She needs to be on the table first

Emma is far too good an actress for this show


Idris Elba

Her armpits are so slutty

I'm surprised she isn't already on the show considering her acting skills are on par with all of them

I thought Harrenhal was off the table.

Harrenhal is cursed.


She grew up good.

>Not off the table

I suppose

Why does this dumb bitch always tape her nipples? The worthless slut should be shot without trial

This should be her role.

Just this.

>Good actress
I get it, she's cute in that girl next door way but she's not a good actress

> Opening scene is her being rammed by Euran Greyjoy.

>le I only fuck 6'3" rugby players face
Why is she so despicable bros?

Literally a goddess

Trips of Truth

Over privileged, entitled, high status, millionaire, western woman, who believes she's oppressed. That's why.

angry cucks angry at a pretty female yet again. i thought this was tv/, but its actually now where the soul of "gentlemen" thrive

>Over privileged
>MRA are also SJW
The circle of life


don't ever forget

>Anne Harrenhal


Acting, not looks, cuck.

what futuristic facetiming shit are you using? low IQ fuck

Fuck off to reddit already or kill yourself and stop fucking rellyig to me.
Get a fucking life, you underage little shit.

I made a song for her:
>Emma's a modern woman
>Tough as nails
>Your name is Emma, the Emma of heaven
>You left us on a sunday morning

That's all I have so far bros

>Fuck off to reddit
you are on Sup Forums. if you actually gave a shit, you would be on 8ch a LONG time ago, dumb as bricks fuckdip


That's it, I'm sending my goons on you, little fuck.
You annoyed the wrong person.

you missing Sup Forums? little tike. did all the female bodies and dicks scare you away?

Stop bitching like queers and post more emma fagets


She only does pure kino not television although I would watch it and buy the dvd just for her.

>those ugly eyes
>that ugly face

fucking brits.

if she did tv shows, i would also buy those dvd's