Is it me or has the writing this season just been awful? Lots of cringy dialogue, inexplicably stupid decisions...

Is it me or has the writing this season just been awful? Lots of cringy dialogue, inexplicably stupid decisions, predictable plotlines and deus ex machina.

And I noticed this even before I found out that the screenwriters are beyond book material.

>series goes off the official road, no more book material
>writing becomes garbage
gee I wonder

It's just you. My wife's son has great taste and he's loved this season

Early seasons had decent material from the books but delivered badly. The recent seasons have better delivery but shit writing. Seasons 3 and 4 were probably the best.

the characters speak in simplistic millennial language now

All the earlier seasons seemed a lot more intelligent plotwise than this massive dung heap of season 7. Fucking jew screenwriters good only at copying good shit, not at creating their own ideas which are literally all Hollywood 101 predictable garbage.

the world in the show feels so fucking small with all the teleporting and scenes where they just walk around and talk in tiny rooms.

What deus ex machina? I know jon and beric, but that wasn't this season.

Jon and his retard friends trying to catch undead and about to die from the attempt, a few hours later giant dragons arrive from the other side of an entire continent. Thats a deus ex machina right there.

>no more books
>writers don't want to risk anything
>write it generic and safe
not rocket science.

missed opportunity

Yeah I thought that part where Melisandre said "Yass Queen slay!!!" to Daenerys was a bit far

I dont think you know what that word means. They sent a letter and waited a day and a half for their friend to give them a lift. The ice breaking under the weight of 1000s of soldiers is closer to deus ex machina than that.

>deus ex machina
>uncle benjen arrives in last second, once again

maybe don't watch it then????????????


>Sees massive dragons blowing shit up
>Chooses to investigate
Again I don't think you know what that wrd means
If I were locked in the boot of a car, and a tree branch falls from the sky, hits the boot and opens it, as if god himself were saving my life, that would be deus ex machina.

>Chooses to investigate
so he just spawned at the right second in the right part of the map?
how the dragons find Jon tho?

what a fucking shit show

The deus ex machina is the fact that dragons can travel faster than a ballistic missile when essential hero needs saving.

As another user has pointed out, Benji saving Jon was definitely a deus ex machina.

Jon is a Targ so they can track him.

The whole reason for his existence is to fight the army of the dead. Why wouldn't he be on that part of the map?


cmon this is bullshit and you know it.

>A man coming to the rescue at the last second is deus ex machina

kys nigger