/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General

Kurwa Edition



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jesus christ marie
we're not gonna talk about the minerals

If anything it shows the current state of Twin Peaks. Drugs are even more prevalent there than 25 years ago.

Imagine being a Vedderposter right now

BTFO forever

This is Sheryl Lee, a QT who starred in David Lynch's Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me which released 25 years ago today in August 1992.

Say something nice to her!

Kale Maclachlan lol

Just watched the episode

How are vedderfags coping?

Why are you even needed in season 3?

new leak



she has qt nipples

So who bottomed?

>when your gun transverses to the fourth dimension

All dead

>no more WILSON

why keep watching

So, does Lynch paying homage or just mocking Tarantino while using his actors?

She was the best part of that movie, but based Ray was close


>david, we need a clean way to wrap up this story line
>ok, have them park the vehicle too close to an angry insurance guy's drive way
>then he kills them


>tfw Falling kicked in

>:-) ALL.


Dale, no question.

Tarrentino borrowed from wild at heart
And hated fire walk with me

: ^ ) ALL

You just reminded me that there are plenty of anons ITT who haven't gotten a good night's sleep

either way, still comfy dialogue

Are there any other characters out there like Coop? Not necessarily a lawman, but just impossibly likable. The only one that comes to mind is Jimmy Stewart as Elwood P. Dowd in Harvey.

Are they ever going to explain who the New York millionaire who owned the glass box was?

>you will never wingman Ray as he goes trolling for black grandmas to fuck


>Jeffriesposting died
>Vedderfags got BTFO
>CUTEposter still stronk

Will you survive parts 17-18? I hope so.


that shadow that appeared when richard got zapped looked like the same shadow when the woodsmen descended in part 8.


¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ALL

just look at kyle's lips. he was made for servicing alpha cocks.

>Sound Design by David Lynch
>All those crispy Cheeto sounds

His sound design is almost as good at Hideo Kojima's.

It's where we've been headed since the beginning, user

It was Bad Coop

I believe that's an archetype: the naive do-gooder. cc: Tom Hanks

Watch it MIKE

Someone post the fanfic

The doppelganger.

Pretty clearly Mr C.

that's why everybody says twin peaks is yours and completely ignores mark frost

>for weeks on end vedderposters believed his song indicated Coop was never coming back
>they used this theory to shitpost and be general cunts, even tried to materialize proof out of thin air
>episode 16 comes around
>they go silent

Watch it, BOB.

>they go silent

is anyone else gonna re-watch Season 3 before finale? I feel like i should but I need motivation.

wew, too bad I missed this. Imagine being this wrong

“Damn, you look good,” Harry said, just to prove the point to himself.
Cooper started to pull back as if he wanted to respond, but Harry’s hands tightened in his hair. His cock was so warm in Cooper’s mouth; he didn’t want to have to deal with the cold air.
“Keep going,” he murmured. “I’m almost there.” It was a lie, and if the way Cooper glanced up at him through his eyelashes was any indication, they both knew it. Still, Cooper didn’t try to pull back again


What did he mean by this?

are there any good fanfic writers itt? my weenie is beginning to feel funny again.

Will Part 17 be as batshit insane as Episode 29?

What a cutie pie, unfortunate what Lynch did to her over the years in his dungeon though

not only were they wrong, the song they hyped for WEEKS turned out to be a total snoozefest that just slowed down the entire episode and added literally nothing.

>Don't go away come back and stay forever and ever

Fitting lyrics

I imagine this will be an ending FOR THE AGES

post rare eddies

Slob on my knob, cheryl!

what happens next?

: - )

17 hour stream? Right into the final episode?


Are you a NEET?


imagine being mad at based eddie LOL

>I-I was only joking! It's ironic guys, I'm serious!

>and now the roadhouse is proud to present 'The' Merzbow



why not just list him as" merchant" in the credits lynch you anti-Semitic fuck. this is a very problematic show desu.

Dwin Beaks

That clever tongue worked him over, rolling around the head and pressing against his frenulum. Harry didn’t know what a service like this would cost at One Eyed Jack’s, but he would bet cash that Cooper was better than every girl they had, and he was doing this for free.

Sometimes, Harry couldn’t believe how lucky he was that Cooper had turned out to be into this. Right now was definitely one of those times. Harry ruffled Cooper’s hair, just to see it fall in his eyes make his eyelashes flutter. Then he grabbed two fistfulls and rocked his hips.

He moved slowly enough that Cooper was in no danger of choking, but he could still tell from the sudden grip of hands on his thighs that Cooper was surprised. Those lovely, manicured hands relaxed quickly, and then Harry could roll his hips in languid movements Cooper loved. Sure enough, a moan vibrated around his dick, low and delicious.

You are about to be privy to a great L Y N C H ing

i bet every post about that polish guy is made by a pole
and it kinda makes me happy that I'm not the only one here

Get high on drugs and sleep deprivation? Make it fun?

cooper didn't get his mind back, just as we predicted

this whole episode was a dream

you'll see...

>this mad
your tears sustain me

>BadCoop is defeated.
>All is well
>Just then True Truman walks into the Sheriffs office. Hugs all round.
>Coop, Truman, Hawk, Bobby, Andy and Truman 2 walk through the town.
>All is how it should be.
>Go to the Roadhouse.
>Julee Cruise is on stage.
>This plays: youtube.com/watch?v=MvCp0XtXYXw
>Various people who live in Twin Peaks are shown in the Roadhouse kicking back.
>Coop and Truman clink glasses and swig a beer.
>Andy begins to cry uncontrollably for some reason. Hawk comforts him.
>Julee Cruise fades out on stage and The Fireman appears. Coop stands up. Fireman waves his arms. "IT IS HAPPENING AGAIN. IT IS HAPPENING AGAIN".
>Fades back into Julee Cruise.
>Black announcer at Roadhouse walks to Coop. "I'm so sorry"
>Cuts to the police station. Lucy is going through catalogs.
>Audrey is outside the Sheriffs office. In the reflection of a glass window Bobs face appears briefly, laughing.
>Back to the Roadhouse. Andy is crying. Coop knows his journey isn't over yet.
>End of Credits read "Rest in Peace Lucy Moran"
>Twin Peaks Season 4 - 2019

How do you react?

I'll rewatch it all probably the week after the finale airs. Gonna get comfy as fuck and watch the Q2 edit of FWWM tonight though

Can someone remind me what happened to this character? I had a feeling that she's going to be a part of the new main cast and plot important in this season but then she kinda wanished. She just got phased out or what? What was her significance?

It was also a song for Audrey, the worst character this season by far. Fuck the vedderfags for making this general shit for 3 months straight.

>crispy Cheeto sounds
I had to mute the audio, I fucking hated that cunt, glad she's dead.

>Cooper is back
Implying he's not going to make a Doppelgänger of himself for Janey e and sonny Jim but not retarded and he's going back to the waiting room with Laura now bad coop is dead

i lov polan do u
lov pollan

You know, with TP being so centered on domestic violence / violence against women in general, Whitehouse wouldn't be out of place.

>my dick's face when

>Audrey, the worst character this season by far
take that back, u lil cunt

Who /cbb/ here?

thoughts on this as a whole?
underrated desu. floating is perfect, and the demo's for falling and blue velvet are great

I'll definitely fall over asleep halfway through with all those comfy wide shots

is this post satire?

That reminds me there's a new ep today.

What causes a man to vedderpost? Lack of parental love and affection?

