Seriously though, WHAT did he mean by this?!

Seriously though, WHAT did he mean by this?!

Cersei found out about the secret wedding of Jons real parents and told him about it during their small talk (off screen). He wanted to tell her about it in private, but as he got to her room he realized it was too late.

Is this real or bait? How could she have possibly known that?

Just a theory. Otherwise I have no idea why he would be there.

jon and dany's relationship potentially doomed the world b4 he (as far as he knows) revived the truce

he's concerned that their relationship will cause more problems

He knows them fucking will only cause trouble

He's going to betray her for his family. He's always loved his family. When he found out Cersei was pregnant he realized he had to stop Daenerys to save his unborn niece/nephew.

Agreed. It just was shot in a weird way.

Torturing Howland Reed.

It's foreshadowing.

Their relationship will lead to trouble and Dany will DEFINITELY die next season.

retarded theory

As far as he knows, Cersei is currently allied with them.

he wanted the bad pusy

>once for gold
>once for blood
>once for love

mostly for Jaime.

he knows that this will set off another war down the line. the new targ child will fight cersei's child. Dany's new world won't be peaceful

We don't know how much he knows. The conversation cuts off when he finds out she's pregnant. We have no idea what they discussed.

Does he know Dany is supposedly infertile? They'd probably have enough problems just for being lovers, forget the kid.

I remember reading a snippet of GoT's end game that George RR Martin had envisioned back in the 90's. According to him Arya, Sansa, Jon, Dany, Tyrion, and Jaime would all live to the end.

>Jamie believes Cersei's plan
>"you really are the dumbest Lannister"

Cersei implied that Tyrion didn't fall for it. We don't see their full conversation off screen, Tyrion felt guilty for Myrcella and Tommem's death and for killing Tywin, and he found out Cersei was pregnant.

Also they made it obvious that Tyrone no longer believed Daenerys would be a sane ruler after she roasted alive the tarlies

This. According to GRRM, Tyrone is the input of the reader/audience.

That's retarded. So what's the solution? No more children? Just let the human race die out?

Nevermind, forgot they had a while conversation about it, duh

I guess but he'd probably agree with Jaime that Cersei's plan to just wait around is retarded.

the solution was cersei (the only person not wlling to bend the knee to dany left) not having a child

no more targaryens or lannisters

He's wondering why these two strangers are suddenly in love and fucking when they just met like two days ago, their relationship isn't developed at all, and they have about as much chemistry as water and oil.

Cerseis plan was to attack caloreesi while she's off fighting Wight Eisenhower

XD bran told him! Sent him a vision that they were aunt and nephew haaha because bran is magic :0

Yeah but her entire plan hinges on the living people winning. She has literally no backup plan to defeat the walkers.


The fuck? He's the one that brings up the issue that she can no longer bear child. Why would he give a shit if she was fucking Jon? Is she not allowed to have a man ever again? Because she certainly would need to find a husband at some point, she even says so herself when she ditched Daario.


>yo dudes, fyi Cersei totally lied to you. why do you guys keep forgetting I can see everything?

He was drunk out of his little mind, and he had nothing better to do.

Yeap, that's why they talked about appoint a sucessor

Great, so she kills Daenerys and then three dragon zombies come and push her shit in.

Her plan is fucking retarded, and therefore completely believable for a pregnant, emotionally unstable hypercunt.

they've known eachother for months
time is going super fast this season, leading to all the teleport memes

He knows this shit will end up bad. The North will have a fit.

Is it? He probably was going down there to chat about his convo with Cersei over some wine, and then noticed, "oh shit, she's getting banged". Thought - this could be trouble. Walked off. If you live with roommates, this should have happened to you at least once.

Bran warged into Tyrion. Only explanation I have.

Oh, so they fell and love and their entire romance happened off screen and must be assumed.

It was all over once she saw his ripped abs and badass scar.

He might have changed it in the last 20 years

Does he even need to warg anymore to see shit? I guess maybe if it's something going on in the present.

There's a new black guy in the show???

i'm not saying it isn't forced but you must be dense if you didn't see this coming

He's the Jackdaw that wargs the world.

At this rate, that looks 100% correct with how we're set up going into the final season. People kept saying Sansa would bite it at some point because of how useless she is, but she's definitely in that heavyweight group now among the cast.

Howland Reed died in the Sept of Baelor though

Are you serious? They've been teasing Dany's love with him all season even flat out telling it to her face that he is really into her. If you mean the time that past, they did mention how much time has past since he was in Dragonstone with her, but if you missed it, then OK, you might think it's a week or something.

There is LITERALLY nothing wrong with being a cuckhold.

Stop cuckshaming. We are people too

Tyrion follows Dany because she's going to "break the wheel". No more hereditary monarchy, no more praying that the next in line for the throne is competent. But if she's fucking a guy who is a legitimate marriage candidate, that presents a problem. Because now we've established a line of succession again.


The leaks, which were all correct, said that the last Cersei scene would be her in bed soaked in blood, implying she miscarried. The scene was the only one omitted from the leaks. Some people say it was just the dude making a mistake about the Lyanna scene playing again, but it could be that they decided to save the Cersei miscarry for when it has more storytelling weight -- i.e. after a reveal that Tyrion conspired with Cersei.

Or it could just be he's worried about dealing with two impulsive, emotional young people as the future of the country.

These are pretty good, it can also explain why Tyrion got surprised when he found out Cersei was pregnant, and then their talk got cut, and we see them coming to meet the rest.

I hope Tyrion sides with the Lannisters in the last season, even if it kills him somehow.

>I hope Tyrion sides with the Lannisters in the last season
I hope he doesn't. It makes no sense. Only three Lannisters have ever treated him with decency: Jaime, Kevan, and Tywin's mother (don't remember her name, but she said Tyrion was the most like Tywin). He has no reason to love the Lannisters otherwise. Now that Jaime has left way does he side with them. He doesn't love Cersei. From day one, she has hated him and vice versa. There's a passage in the books about how when Tyrion was a baby, Cersei used to hit him to make him cry. No love there at all.

>Breaking the wheel.

I'm sorry, but what is her plan? A republic, a absolute monarchy? I don't see how these could be implemented without pulling shit out of their asses. I don't hear them talk about the great democracies of Valyra or whatever to inspire them. Dany's rule is clearly Imperial in nature.


She is the Oliver Cromwell of Westeros.

Tyrion tried to talk about a successor. Obviously this means he has someone in mind, and Jonerys is going to ruin that

But who?

So she will genocide the Irish? Who are the Irish of westeros?

No. He was talking about different methods to get people elected like Jon when he became commander through the votes of his peers. I don' think he thought there was someone that should succeed her after she passes.

a P.O.V.O.C.

>I'm sorry, but what is her plan? A republic, a absolute monarchy?
She doesn't even fucking know. That's what annoys me. She complains about the cycle of noble families but her entire birthright is based on that cycle. It's retarded.

Probably the North, even if Jon accepts her, the rest of the North lord still remember what the last Targaryan did to Starks.

you have no idea why he would be on the thing that would transport him back north? what?

you're a retarded theory

>Also they made it obvious that Tyrone no longer believed Daenerys would be a sane ruler after she roasted alive the tarlies

Are Tyrion's recent motivations, dare I say it, a product of good writing?

Watch the commentary. He is concerned because romance means danger and it never worked out so far.

Dany did one stupid thing out of affection for Jon and lost a dragon. Jon did one stupid thing out of affection for Dany and antagonized Cersei even more. He's just worried those two will disregard the necessities of war out of concern for each other. Not that hard to understand to be honest.

He knows that Kelly C is already bipolar as fuck and now her being in love with Jon is going to make her even more of an unpredictable political liability and will probably make her do something foolish and put herself in harm's way unnecessarily

Remember how he tried to get her to not fly north to save the gang because if she dies "everything is lost"? He's already thinking post-great-war and is pissed that her and Jon are letting themselves get distracted

People keep bringing up how Jorah was cucked by Jon during the council meeting, but I think that was the look everybody had when Dany agreed to sail with Jon. I'm sure even Theon knows what's actually going on.

Daenerys is taking Jon's side on everything now, which Tyrion and Jorah find troublesome. After she agrees to sail with Jon, and after Jorah gives Jon that look, Dany puts on a slight smile and nervously lays her hands on the table. She is extremely flustered, and it's obvious to everybody in the room.

>She is extremely flustered
did you mean soaking wet?

Jon's argument seemed more convincing to me anyway

Yeah, sure.

All of this was foreshadowed by Bronn earlier on in the episode when he was talking to Jamie.

Nearly every (bad) decision taken in regards to the Iron Throne has centred around sex and/or lust in some form. Daenerys now getting it on with Jon is clearly just a continuation of that. I don't know how much more obvious D&D can make it.

It's similar to how everyone was wondering why Tyrion had that morose look on his face in the episode where Dany used her dragons on the Lannister army. Literally at the start of the episode Dickon mentions to Jamie how it was difficult to kill Tyrell soldiers who he had previously regarded as his friends. Yet viewers still had trouble drawing parallels between Dickon's situation and Tyrion's.

I swear, even when D&D lay on the symbolism/foreshadowing thick people still cant decipher characters motivations/feelings.

What happened to sand pussy

I know it was obvious what they were gonna do on that boat, but nobody was acting like Jorah was, visibly frustrated and then stared at Jon in defeat afterward. If he was just like, OK, that's your choice, but nope. He was visibly defeated like somebody was about to fuck his woman.

Dead and rotting in front of her mother in a dungeon.

She's dead bro. Dany didn't even bother to ask about her or the mom. At least Yara is relevant thanks to Theon's quest.

Cuckolding self-insert for GRRM

I thought Jorah Mormont was the token cuckold self-insert character.

Yara will be raped, become pregnqnt, and used as a scarfice for a dark ritual.

He realized that he has no one and never will. This is his fate now, to listen to others fuck. He is literally forever alone.


B-but muh democracy

I think Tyrion is going to betray Jon and Dany, despite the facts that the leaks don't detail anything of the sort.

Tyrion goes to talk to Cersei and the scene cuts off when Tyrion says she is pregnant. Then it cuts to Cersei walking out and agreeing to the truce, seems odd. Even though we find out this is a ruse later, cutting the scene at that moment seems suspicious.

Also, the seasons seems to be building up the fact that Tyrion is starting to second guess Dany's leadership (burning the Tarly's, etc.).

Realizing he may have a new nephew/niece on the way, he may have a change of heart since he feels guilty for the deaths of Myrcella and Tommen.

What commentary?

Motherfuckers, literally 1 episode ago he was going on about "muh line of succession" "muh heir".

That's what the shot is about. hgim making sure that there is an heir.

No more Westerosi children. Let the Dothraki take over. Westerosi children cause climate change anyway.

That's because somebody WAS literally about to fuck his woman.

What about the knock-off red witch? We haven't seen her in a while. Maybe she'll come back and work for Cersei.

Emilia said there was nothing happening with Jon and Dany in one of those and they fucked each other last episode

>next season starts with a montage of Tyrion masturbating to the sounds of Jon and Dany fucking


this is just bad writing to me, a woman would never be this attracted to a small man irl

But Cromwell was dictator and a Lord Protector, there was nothing democratic about his rule, he was literally just the chosen of the gentry

There is no way that Tyrion will ever side with Cersei again, especially now that Jaime is going to rat her out.

Your prediction is not going to happen. At all.

What if he was just frustrated since probably had no pussy in awhile. It happens

What if Jaime leaving and telling the dragon queen all her plans was actually part of her plan?

wouldnt surprise me at this point