Why are you wearing your shirt at the beach, user?

>why are you wearing your shirt at the beach, user?
*they all laugh

>I gaggle of cunnies will never laugh at your manboobs

why even live bros?

I have abs since i was 12, i still have abs... and they would laugh anyway, i'm just ultra pale, 10 minutes without my shirt and i go lobster, i hate that.

It soaks up *labored breathing* the sweat *weezes*

>that third one that's way more developed than the others
what's her story?

*Pulls out .38 and kills them all*

NOBODY laughs at ME, and my fashion choice!

Can't you use sunscreen or something?

cunny threads are the saving ggrace of Sup Forums. it's like all the cleber posters come out only for these threads.

She trains, says her prayers, eats her vitamins and believes in herself. A true Hulkamaniac in every sense of the word.

Probably drinks milk, you know how much growth hormone gets passed into that stuff

Just post the webms from Sunday, lads. Either here or a link to somewhere else

mod mum will die in her sleep if he delete this thread

did she go naked in that video?

I don't want any of you bitches to cry to your mom about how my man-tits are bigger than your pathetic little nubs. So long, suckers!

What webms were those

Because I'm fat.

I don't want to embarrass you girls with how small your tits are to be quite frank.

4, 2, 1, 3 is the order I would adopt them in

because i was magically transported here from my bedroom, send me back, i have anime to hate on the internet.


I have to avoid exposure to excessive sunlight at all cost because my great grand father, grand father and father all died from skin cancer and my twin sister was just diagnosed with malignant melanoma. The doctors just told her she has six months to live.

Thanks for reminding me and spoiling my vacation.

*blocks your path*

wat do?

Just 'mire some good looking people

Just because niggers commit a disproportionate amount of crime and are disproportionately stupid doesn't mean I have to hate every single one I ever meet

this, i would love to see this couple fuck desu

can you help me train brah? i wanna get ripped like you.

Kelly Brook is the sexiest woman in Britain

i almost certainly don't know today's date but I know with laser like focus exactly what you're talking about

wew cuck

Jordyn's erect nipples

What are you talking about, I see a bunch of people with shirts on the beach



people naturally mature at different ages you dip

Report and sage all pedobot spam


>uh... for... reasons.

She kinda looks like joelle grace perry but is too thick to actually be her

>pedo threads

>this thread

because in afghanistan our convoy was struck by mortars, my squad mate was ripped in half and died in my arms, and the blast shocked my spine leaving me unable to get out of the vehicle; I was caught in a humvee fire that caused burns over fifty percent of my body before I was dragged out unconscious

so i hope this shirt doesn't frighten you -- the direct sun makes the skin underneath feel like its being seared by hot metal

i-i'm mexican

>and the blast shocked my spine leaving me unable to get out of the vehicle;
Is that possible

What are you implying
