GoT Plot Hole, Jaime being the "valonqar" aka one to kill Cersei is BS

Cersei's prophecy states that the "valonqar" (Valyrian for "little brother") will strangle her to death.

Many fans believe this will be Jaime, since Tyrion being the obvious choice would be too predictable.

But, I posit this: How the fuck will Jaime strangle Cersei with ONE HAND? LITERALLY HOW? There is no possible way because that fake gold hand he has can't get a good enough grip, and to strangle you obviously need 2 hands with a good grip.

Seriously, how the fuck could it possibly be Jaime? If anything, he'd stab her in the back a la the Mad King because again it's like pottery, so that they rhyme.

you dont even need hands to choke someone out you fucking idiiot

>"valonqar" (Valyrian for "little brother")
ACTUALLY valyrian was gender neutral so it could be a girl

He regrows his hand because magic.

Another lannister appears out of nowhere just like Euron did, and chokes the fuck out of Cersei in a hot, sweaty girl fight

>yfw this is literally the twist

>Turns out Cersei has a twin sister
>Kills her
>Truly, I have won the Game of Thrones
>What a tweest!
>Roll credits

Assuming you're implying he'd choke her out with his arms in a choke hold, you're the fucking idiot because -

"And when your tears have drowned you, the valonqar shall wrap his hands about your pale white throat and choke the life from you."

>shall wrap his hands about your pale white throat
>wrap his hands


It's going to be Arya

So it truly is the Hound then.

Don't even joke about that shit. Don't give them any ideas

You have not been paying attention. Not all words are gender neutral.

Prophecies don't have to be 100% literal.


I have a feeling the Hound and Arya might ride south or somehow meet up with Cersei and Gregor somewhere and Sandor will kill Gregor, while Arya kills Cersei.

D&D would definitely do this.

This right up their alley, totally going to happen

>Jaimie walks into a room
>"Hey Cersei, I joined the Night Guard and then slew the Night King by stabbing him in the back, figured it worked on one King it'll work on another"
>"Oops I've tripped and my Incredibly Heavy Solid Gold Hand has flung itself from my wrist and collided with your throat"
>"Oops you're choking to death and I am powerless to remove the gold hand with my weak left hand"
>"Oh no you have died and someone totally called this exact situation"

Are you some kind of retardo?

That is what the season 8 leaks say but those are obviously fake.

He could literally push hard enough with his stump to stop air getting to her lungs you tit


>How can a blunt metal object do damage to a persons neck
Questions like these are beyond GoT fans I get it dw

There is other little brother too

He has his left hand, and he has a golden hand.
In addition, "wrap about" could mean he doesn't actually grab her throat with both hands, they just move around her throat as he chokes her with his arms.
Also this: It's not like people who think that he's The Prince That Was Promised expect him to simultaneously kill her by choking her, and by driving a sword into her heart.

Even if fake, this is probably what's going to happen anyway tbqh

cercei chokes on eurons big cock
euron is a little brother

Arya kills her

its the baby, its going to grow up, there will be a timeskip, then it will strangle sir c.

Cleganebowl will happen then

After last episode's scene with Sandor and Mountain you still have doubts it won't happen? This show is garbage, of course it will happen

>bran wargs into her baby
>baby climbs up her windpipe and out her mouth
>strangles her with umbilical cord

Potteretic Justice

sleeper hold

Jaime and Cersei are secret Targ bastards Aerys, that makes Dany Cersei's younger half-sister.

It will be Arya, wearing Jaime's face.

If Jaime kills Cercei it would be triple poetry
>Azor Ahai
>killing the mad queen makes him also a queenslayer


Again, it's like pottery, so that they rhyme.

he uses Tears of Lys aka The Strangler to poison Cersei.

the prophecy says "his hands" though I'm pretty sure
not that that would stop dumb & dumber

valonqar isn't part of the show just the books. Arya will probably kill cersei for le girl power SLAYYY

>Insecure boy memes

Arya strangler her while wearing Jaime's face would be alright.