
Remember the 6 Million Edition

>red shirts that old
woah, they must have been lucky

Who are the Jews of the Star Trek universe? I'm thinking it's the Vulcans.

I've been over this a million times.. it's the Founders.

What made you think that?

>isolated civilization
>endorse race-mixing in everyone but themselves
>exploit emotional responses in others
>homeland gets destroyed

>homeland gets destroyed

Talking about the J.J. Abrams movie where their planet gets blown up. Reaching a bit, though.

jjverse is noncanon.

Not him but Kelvin Timeline

Spock in JJ Verse came from the prime time line
Which means Romulus has been destroyed post Voyager or something

true story

>>isolated civilization
but they were the ones to make contact with the humans
>>endorse race-mixing in everyone but themselves
wait what
>>exploit emotional responses in others
when does this happen? they always looked as people with emotions like they were children to guide and fix

why is it so hard to have a nice hearty meal after 12 hours working? why did he have to come back to this vegan japanese shit that keiko(kike-oh) fed him?

no one forced him to marry her


listen here you little shit all he wanted was to smash tight nippon pussy and eat meatloaf and mash taters and not have to slowly turn into an anemic schoolgirl by keiko

back in yer runt cage, miles
we'll be leaving orbit in 7 hours, I suggest you grab some shut-eye

umm it's 6 gorillian bajorans you bigot

Ferengi you mong

So is this path correct?

Grubby Cardie thieves, rocking up out of nowhere and stealing all the Bajoran resources, killing millions then buggering off once the good stuff is gone, only to come back hat in hand when the wormhole opens

keiko what the feck is this rabbit food shite? how bloody hard is it to just sort me a bloody steak and ale pie you stupid bitch

Keiko, her food disgusting
Miles, his stomach rumbles

Was the reason he never banged the hot Cardie, because he already knew what Cardies taste like?

>keiko, her eyes not wide open
>miles, when the appetite went

no wonder nobody is posting in my star trek thread
you fucking faggot why did you usurp me

He linked in the old thread


What does Cardie pussy taste like you reckon?

depends on how well seared it is

aren't they reptiles?


>to smart to watch ent

Enterprise was better than TNG though.



The red shirt brigade lives on!!

>all these deus ex machina shortcuts