Fridgeposting thread





Is this shopped?



honestly cant tell






Why is a mexican kid working as a valet?

cheap labor and hollywood hipocrisy

This is not photoshopped by the way

I think I have the same body shape as her and thats not even concerning because she's a fucking tank with huge lats

thats shooped, right? the arm and the size of her hand?

>Sup Forums





Why is her face slowly morphing into a Bogdanov?

She can still get it.

Pretty sure thats Gordon Ramsey

Kill yourself my man.

Only cure for chronic fridge mode is a rack so distractingly huge you don't notice it.

those fucking hands

god this is one of the few things that still makes me laugh

>deleting pablo behind the bushes


what? it's the right that always whines about MUH MEXICAN ARE STEALING MUH JOBS

Them hands are bigger than mine

kek took me a minute
