Simpsons jokes you don't get thread

Post em here

Is it a man in drag?

She sucks and fucks


Did she feed on his seed?

She used to work at Sneed's Feed and Seed, it's a real obscure callback only true fans will understand.

inb4 sneed posting.jpg



Formerly Miss Suck

She gib dat good suc

He seeds her feed

How could you not get that? The joke is clearly explained, she vacuumed his apartment. Haven't you seen the episode?

Why does she have an erection?

you were about half an hour late

>Haven't you seen the episode?
Why the fuck would anyone watch a Simpsons episode that came out sometime in the past ten years?

There were rumors he was gay.

To watch the inevitably upcoming episode where they will reference Sneedposting.

Hoover's Fver & Sver
Formally Chuck's

Topical for both posts, nice

Um, Hoover...easy on the feed & seed

she's part bovid

Chuck's Fuck and Suck

Sneed's Feed and Seed


why does anyone even care to post in these threads anymore? everybody knows it will be the same shitshow as the last couple dozen threads. report and move on

reminder, sneed poster is an underage spammer

>no fun allowed

Some says she chucks like she sucks

there is something seriously wrong with you and your life if you think this shitty spamming is in any way or form funny


yes, if people give OP replies, the joke never ends

don't reply this kind of thread and eventually the retard will go

Your salty butthurt sustains me

Kill yourself.

I read this in Sneed's voice.

You do realize sneedposting started on Sup Forums like 4 years ago?