Is NETFLIX worth the money? I don't know what to watch to get the most bang out of my monthly sub...

Is NETFLIX worth the money? I don't know what to watch to get the most bang out of my monthly sub. I tried Sense 8 and it sucked. I tried I tried Stranger Things and it sucked. I tried Luke Cage and it sucked. I tried The Ranch and it sucked. I tried The Last Kingdom and it sucked. Narcos looks promising but everything else seems a bit too low effort and... well... gay. It's more HD than Yesmovies but so far I don't see myself paying for this beyond the free trial.

Narcos is the only thing worthwhile.

nope i unsubbed during dear white people bullshit

havent looked back

better platform is amazon
any worthwhile series from netflix you can just pirate

Not worth it. Just use your friend's account.

>the streaming jew

OP has depression
Put him on vay pills

they lost so much old content and are replacing it with SJW diversity quota original content

just pirate everything

Every time i put on netflix, i look thru nearly every category, realize they're removing more content than adding, and exit. Plus how are you supposes to enjoy a show when it doesn't have all the seasons? Netflix format is clean and nice-looking, but that's all to hide the fact they don't have shit for movies and only a few decent originals (black mirror, stranger things) i would rather pay for amazon or hulu, at least you get full shows, i think netflix is mostly for people who like to watch mid-tier semi-new movies every weekend and use tv as background noise

No. Cancel it. I regret giving them my shekels.

You would think they would do everything they can to add content. Why not buy up the rights to old movies and TV-series etc.?

>the last kingdom sucks

C'mon now

A VPN or seedbox is cheaper.

You should never pay for SJW propaganda.


>We want the audience.

Why did Netflix make this business decision?

each show has at least 1 good thing about it. I would say plug in when you have a lot of unwatched shows and unsub when you are done with them.
amazon has no good original shows

>amazon has no good original shows

>he hasn't watched/fapped to the Man in the High Castle

Man in the High Castle is better than any Nigflix original.

Marco Polo is entertaining trash, Narcos is great.

Man in the High Castle has only the visuals and 1 character. The resistance are fucking cunts and most of the show is meh at best, basically its on the same level as luke cage

Narcos, Bloodlines and Ozark are pretty gud

I've only seen Season 1 of both shows. I don't recall Narcos having a character as shitty and embarrassing like the resistance chick in that High Castle show. High Castle is made mainly for women unless Season 2 changed things.

no not anymore. they're not maintaining good stuff to watch, netflix exclusive stuff is all you get and it's all trash. I unsubbed

Not really.

I'm ditching all of my subscription services (except for YouTube/Google Music and Audible) and switching back to pirating.

Not really for the cost, but I'm getting a Seedbox/VPN set up anyway since CG is back up and running, so there's no real justifiable reason for paying for streaming.

>each show has at least 1 good thing about it.
Name one good thing about Iron Autist

Season 2 is practically devoted to showing off how great John Smith is.

It should've started off with "This show is devoted to the eternal memory of Adolf Hitler", considering S2 made both Hitler and Himmler into heroic figures.

i dont get it either

it's becoming a meme at this point and i still don't understand the endgame

Colleen's ass.

>i hate everything on it
>is it worth the money?
you kinda answered your own question.

anyway personally i wouldn't pay for any streaming service. tried the free month. it was mostly just bunch of shit that i had already seen years ago.

>hating on spotify

>pay $9.99/mo for Netflix
>might watch one episode of Friends a month

this. i spend more time browsing catalogs looking for something to watch than actually watching something. there are a few shows that i like but already watched them and many movies that i like but also already watched them. many old shows that i would like to watch but they don't have them.

It's worthless unless you use it to keep your old parents entertained for a bit, since they can't deal with technology. Even then there's probably an easier way to give them stuff to watch.

1.Ward Meachum (guy carried the show for me)
2.Colleens body of work
3. His stupidity passes over into funny territory
4.Zui quan

goddamn the nigga in Naked aged well
I remember him looking exactly same in the late 90 / early 00 comedies

i prefer to pay per show rather than a monthly fee because most months there's nothing good to watch on netflix. there's an upcoming comedy series that i'm interested in and so far that's the only netflix original for this year that i'm interested in.

I like Netflix cause they have all of the Star Treks.

handsome actor playing iron fist. he's the main and only reason i was interested in watching.

I subbed for a month to watch an 80 episode Chinese drama I heard they were airing.
Pretty much everything on there is garbage now. I cannot tell you how much I hate "Titles related to: [MOVIE WE USED TO HAVE BUT DON'T LMAO]" when I search something I remember NF carrying.

is not naked a dating show?
>i prefer to pay per show
yeah if its like 0.1 $ . I don't want to pay again because it did not buffer right or some other shit

yeah, i keep getting that when i search for a show i wanted to watch.

I think I get it. Netflix has in the past made assumptions about consumer retention month-to-month that were overly optimistic and I think they continue to do so. They get new shows on to target a demographic that hasn't yet subscribed en masse, thinking that they'll just naturally retain everyone they already have. When Netflix loses them, they say things like "oh they just forgot to renew certainly they'll renew soon to watch our good shows"

It's the consistent ass-backwards approach of endless inclusivity that always backfires.

does itunes still have pay-per-episode? i remember years ago you can pay-per-episode supernatural and the episode is aired a day or so after it's aired on cw. but availability is country-specific. do they still do that and is it still country-specific? how about amazon prime? i'm interested in current-season eps from us networks and mtv.

Only things I've used Netflix for have been iZombie, because I'm a faggot and Narcos. If I didn't also have my Mum using my account, I'd cancel it.

just curious, what does your mom watch on netflix?

>Netflix has 'the making of The Shining' but not the actual movie

I wish they will do an iZombie spinoff with Robert Buckley and Nick Purcha as roomies and good buddies. I don't care what the show will be about comedy about zombie buckley and purcha helping him deal or action zombie conspiracy thing or anything. I just want to see them both bro bonding.

A bunch of kid's movies and stuff like The Crown.

I just want a spinoff of Rob and Rahul.

Classics cost alot and are hard to get the rights too i believe. But seriously, about half of netflix is sharknado-tier

can you unsub and then sub again a few months later with same account watch for a month and then unsub and do this again a few months later or do you need to create new account?

i see. thank you. i was just curious what their generation currently watch.

Pretty much this.
And it's probable the third season will take a nosedive without Pablo.

/Netflix/ General?

Do I watch Lord of War or Yoga Hosers? No meme answers.

I'm ok with Rahul in spinoff maybe a third roomie but I really really want to see move Buckley and Purcha bro scenes. They're the only two handsome guys in iZombie.

>No meme answers.
Don't ask meme questions then.

>cape shit
>nigger shit
>re runs

How come when I search for an actor it gives me a lot of random results on top now? I searched Winona Ryder and for some reason it thought to throw me "Results for Winona Ryder and more fan favorite" What the fuck does Colin Farrell's gay Oliver Stone romance have to do with Winona Ryder?

Doesn't that have a lot of cuck shit? Sorry, that doesn't sound very tasteful. I'm a white guy not a white woman.

>Is NETFLIX worth the money?


Stop enabling this shit.

no. just download the stuff and watch it on your big screen tv. why would you support a shitty company like netflix? so they can push more shitty agendas? you can download anything thats on netflix anyways

There are some Netflix Originals that I enjoy like Stranger Things, Dirk Gently and Santa Clarita Diet but not enough shows to keep me watching every month for 12 months a year. Their shows that I like to watch are enough for probably 2 to 4 months (watching average of 5-7 movies or episodes per week) of viewing per year. So it's not worth for me to pay 12 months of subscription per year.

no netflix is shit

Tell that to the UK

It's not worth the money. Narcos is worth pirating as says. Pirate whatever you think is interesting but all the marvel capeshit is garbage. What is pretty on point. They put up so much SJW bullshit it fucking hurts. They changed the rating algorithm when Amy Schumer's special was getting beat the fuck down.

From looking at what they are producing. Nope.

Only weak armlets that can't do 10 push ups say this sorta shit

narcos sucks dick

BoJack Horseman, Dear White People, Stranger Things & Master of None S2 are the only Netflix originals worth your time.

>Watched Dear White People
>The token white guy didn't let himself continue to get stallioned

Surprised me.

From what I understand the studios are opening sabotaging by pooling their movies and their shows away, while they keep hemorrhaging money on operating costs and original programming.
It seems they are as much doomed as Spotify.

Absolutely not. It's ok if you're visiting parents' house and have nothing to watch or something but you've likely seen every worthwhile movie on there and the rest is B-list direct to dvd shit.

And it never updates except for their own shows (mostly shit).


are you drunk?

> i dont like anything this service has to offer, should I get it?

Gee I dont know user, should you?


>actually watching Dear White People

You can literally Google the Netflix catalogue and Torrent the shows off of Piratebay. No need to pay 15 bucks a month.

I'll never understand why companies actually try to shill on Sup Forums. Most people here pirate everything.

>It seems they are as much doomed as Spotify.
spotify is as doomed as facebook or google. some nerd protesting it on the deepest reaches of the internet and an online petition with two thousand signatures! oh no how will they manage

It's worth it, but I don't actually watch any of it. My gf makes me pay for it.


Both hulu and Amazon have all of them, hell Amazon even has both the 2003 remaster and original cuts of TOS

You can get all their shit for free. Why would you even think of paying them?

Narcos is kino you're just a pleb

>t. 16 year old brainlet

>not hating on spotify

I watched the movie and it was meh, it has some funny moments but it's overall just rich kids bitching about rich kid shit. Though I was with my black friend at the time and when the lead character got with the white boy at the end he was just like "so you spend all this time pissing everybody off because your a strong black wymyn and you just turn out to be a traitor?" I'm 80 percent sure he was joking but that laugh alone made the shitty movie worth it

Naked was actually not that bad

If you're in the US, Peaky Blinders. That's the other big show on there I can think of.

>Soros buys off Netflix
>Dear White People and other shows filled with niggers, feminists and more niggers start flooding in
Really made my orbs glow.

Why the fuck does your mother watch children's films, is she retarded?


When soros dies who is going to be the new alt-right boogyman?

Trump isn't a nazi. He's a Jewish cuck.

Of those, I've only seen three. Stranger Things was good. I only watched half of the first season, but Luke Cage seemed good. Narcos was great. Maybe you just have shit taste.

Are there any films from Bergman, Goddard, Trakovsky or Felini in Netflix?

Are you aware this will affect the Asia market if they do that right? They can't afford to fuck up

There are plenty, friend.

Soros is one foot in the grave. He doesn't give a shit so long as he can push an agenda. A Jew literally owns Blacked and is making porn at a loss.

>paying for stuff you can get for free

I have a bottle of air to sell you