"Hey, Jon, you should know that Cersei screwed you over, if you care about anything other than incest these days"

>"Hey, Jon, you should know that Cersei screwed you over, if you care about anything other than incest these days"

Other urls found in this thread:


He's basically analog of Marvel's Watcher.

>I'm the three eyed raven, i see everything now. Also why are you here, Sam?

He CAN see everything, that doesn't mean he DOES see everything. He's not omnipresent so he can still only see what he concentrates on.

you do realize he can only see pieces of everything in the present/past by taking time to watch it and does not actually know everything right?

>he can still only see what he concentrates on.
That explains why he ignored the Rhaegar and Lyanna story since it wasn't rape.

/our guy/


PLOTHOLE. He thought it was rape so he undoubtedly went and watched.

>Jon's name is Jon Sand.
>I see everything
>He is a Bastard
>I see everything

Actually he's a rip-off of the Kwisatz Haderach. They both see past present future. They both can control others via warging (Green Seer) and Voice (Kwisatz Haderach). They're both sons of a House whose leader's death was orchestrated by a rival House.

Without Tyrion, Danny would already rule. All his advice was utter shite.

what the hell has he been concentrating on then cause he sure as shit isn't helping out with anything

He doesn't know motivations, even if he can see events

Tell me why he would choose to focus on fucking Samwell transcribing some shitting dates and times.

Lots of things but up till that point he had no reason to believe that Rhaegar had a secret marriage.

There was currently no rape going on. And he has already seen every rape of the last 100 years.

Can Bran even get hard?

Without moon, there is no egg. But now it is known that moon is no egg. What do?

Let me guess, the ravens will now be super slow and Jon and Dany won't find out they are related until the last episode if ever

Tell me why he wouldn't further investigate what Rhaegar and Lyanna were up to?

The show has been bashing you over the head multiple times that the point isn't for her to win the war, that's easy, it's how she's going to do it that's going to get her the real win.

This was the shittiest possible way to reveal Jon's identity. They are botching what were supposed to be the most epic moments of the show with piss poor writing and shitty acting.


He keeps sending droves of ravens at the Night King only to then tell his maester they need to send ravens to warn people.

Just send one fucking raven to the wall you rape fantasist!

They revealed it already. They spelled it out for the normies who haven't been paying attention, but everyone who follows the show found out in the tower of solitude scene, if not before.

Lack of memory is a symptom of faggotry.

That was shit too.


not that user. i think user meant the way the scene when the characters realized or learned jon's identity was not handled/directed properly and was very meh considering how important that revelation is to the characters. that's what i got from the various posts about that scene.

>"Hey, Jon, you should know the Game of Thrones is RACIST."

jaime lannister will tell him that even without bran

right after jon is born his mom tell ned his real name. faggot did not even watch the tower of joy from start to end, fucking short attention span millennial

This Also, before dying Lyanna clearly said "His name is Aegon Targaryen", not "Aegon son of Rhaegar". This sentence would have been a good reason to investigate their relationship because it implies that Jon is not a bastard or the result of a rape

Why didn't they bother letting them know that they have an omniscient wizard boy on their team? It probably would have altered the negotiations for the better. In fact, why don't they just use Bran to for everything they do ever?

He has the Internet access, he's not the Internet.

I didn't read all the books, but wasn't it limited to what the blood trees could see, or at least the extent of where people worshipped the old gods?

I mean, this is besides the fact the shows writing these past two seasons has been an absolute fan service.

>boring soulless white devils with hearts of ice march south to subjugate for no apparent reason
this show is woke

He can see anything the ravens see.

And yet Bran didn't get it. The fact that he assumed the rape was real and didn't investigate further is bad writing.
He needed Samwell for the truth.
>fucking short attention span millennial
wew lad, missed a pill today?

yes, they changed it for the show

the plot needed a reason for jamie to turn on cersei

>there are no black people in game of thrones

Guess the vault nigger with no money doesn't count because he committed fraud and a swathe of other crimes. Not a good example

How will Bran and Sam prove that

A Jon is not Ned's bastard
B is the legimate son of Rhaegar and Lyanna

>I saw it, I see everything
>Also, in this book I stole from the citadel is a passage about Rhaegar canceling his marriage

He didn't fly so good

The book should be enough to dictate that Rhaegar and Lyanna were married. As for proving Jon's heritage they could have him ride a dragon or set himself on fire and hope it doesn't stick.

what's his stand?

It's these little glimpses into Jaime pre-losing his hand that reminds me what a hateable cunt he was back then. I've really been enjoying the character turn he's had since he lost his greatest strength.


"one type of person", well... that's racist if nothing else


stfu you fucking nerd.. go be a virgin somewhere else

Will he ever get the blonde haired queen now.


why hasn't Bran confirmed that Jamie shoved him out of the window now that he has access to westeros wikipedia?

Maybe he will when Jaime inevitably meets up with him next season. I'm sure it will happen and it will just make Arya's hate boner more engorged.