What's the difference among rednecks, hillbillies and white trash...

what's the difference among rednecks, hillbillies and white trash? i just finished watching Ozark and would love to have additional info from Amerifags

rednecks are kinda racists and fuck their cousins. they usually work blue collar jobs
hillbillies own farms and cows left by their daddies
white trash are basically niggas and live off food stamps and disability


Also to be a true hillbilly, you need to live in a mountainous area.

that is a short and clear explanation. i tended to mix the three labels together

>tfw no curly haired qt southern gf to call you daddy

and in the east. less incest in the Rockies for some reason.

aside from the Mormons.

why does her hair look like ramen noodles?


does she have big big boobies? i think i remember her in an episode of battle creek and she had a tank top on and big ol' boobies?

There is no difference. All of them are considered white trash.

There is no difference, just like there is no difference with niggers and black men, they are all niggers.

She does not.

>white trash are basically niggas and live off food stamps and disability
can confirm. Travel an hour or so out of any major city, and the small semi-suburban towns will be filled with people in wife-beaters on meth, teenage moms, molesters, and thugs.

Makes me laugh when some chucklehead on this site deludes himself into thinking white skin makes someone inherently superior. White trash = black trash = Latino trash

nope. she got that ironing board body.

This guy has it pretty much. Rednecks will drive pickup trucks and generally work as landscapers, mechanics, utility workers etc. Their families have generally been in the same area for many generations so they are related to like a third of the town (which is where the cousin fucking stereotype comes from) and they're typically slightly racist.

Hillbillies are farmers and coal miners who typically live in Appalachia or the deep south. They're often reclusive and rarely leave their property. Many don't have indoor plumbing, they are happy to live an old-fashioned life. They often make moonshine and have traditional hobbies like craft work and the banjo. They are usually poorly educated (like not even a High School diploma) and can seem pretty bizarre when you interact with them, but they mostly keep to themselves.

White Trash is everywhere, but can most commonly be found in midwestern and southern trailer parks. The hallmarks are a completely dysfunctional family where nobody works. They survive off of disability, unemployment, food stamps, and stealing from/mooching off of family. Most drop out in high school, many getting pregnant in their teenage years. They're generally good for nothing and will very often be degenerate drug addicts who abuse narcotics or prescription drugs. Most will have extensive criminal records and many end up in prison.

eh, i think you mixed up rednecks and hillbillies. rednecks are called that because they work on farms. hillbillies are called what they are because they lived in hill/mountain areas. hillbillies are pretty much a thing of the past and have been converted to white trash since there really isnt any need for the hill area anymore, they were previously coal miners but that industry has plummeted. rednecks usually arent seen as morally reprehensible like hillbillies/white trash are, just viewed as a conservative caricature .

>what's the difference among rednecks, hillbillies and white trash?
Rednecks: White people with low paying jobs involving physical activity during the day (Farmers, gardeners, lumberjacks, etc...)
Hillbilly: White people living in the south states in rural areas, fans of country music and culture, and usually uneducated or with very low education.
White trash: Uneducated White people pretty similar to Hillbilly, but they can live in cities and they could be fans of other cultures like hip-hop, metal, juggalos, etc.....

these have to be the most bizarre race of people to spring up in the 21st century. Why? Why do they exist? When will we finally get a race-war between skinheads and juggalos to see who can sink the lowest?

Same way any niche community exists these days: the internet. These people wouldn't be able to find each other and organize events if not for their ability to congregate and socialize online.

Haven't they existed since the early 90's? I know the Internet's been around for a long time but was it as accessible then as it is now?

They've been around long before the internet was popular. Kind of weird to picture juggalos hanging out on USEnet