Great British Bake Off

Great British Bake Off


Let's go.

who the fuck are these cunts

not sure if im going to enjoy this

new presenters and shit, since channel 4 bought it from bbc.

blonde qt alert

Bite it, shitlord.

Prefer that brunette qt that's at the back this week

sandi toksvig might be a good choice, found her pretty good in 15 to 1

>Noel Fielding
Fuck. Off.

Noel Fielding is too spooky.

go watch mighty boosh

>you will never be an unfunny,ugly nonce that 16 year olds love for some reason


Not bad so far
Prefer Mel and Sue with their innuendo though

I thought Richard Ayoade was supposed to be in this?

Sandi is based. Noel is a cunt

If it ain't got Nigella in it i ain't watchin

>Noel Fielding's hair

How many of the contestants are white british?

>You will never have a Russian gf like Julia

Is this the guy from IT crowd?

Post stream


OK yeah, julia is a qt. I'd squeeze her courgette

non-whites only bake pita breads

Fucking hell chris, get off Sup Forums

Roy Chubby Brown should have been a host instead of Noel Fielding.

is this the brit version of chairman kaga?

Busy with Crystal Maze

A classic qt.

>my courgette

fancy not turning the oven on

Nice skills, Yan.

>not knowing how to use an oven

>I'm doing a cake to honour the 96 la'


Holy fuck Tom is a fucking catch eh

>2 scourers

get in the bin

shame about kate and that hideous accent

>when you think she a qt but she opens her mouth and is a scouser

Clearly a shirt lifter.

Nice tits

Happened to me with that British Olympic girl Katarina Johnson-Thompson

Can putin fix this for julia? I just want her on my screen for the next 10 weeks

>[Update] [Auto] 3 new posts

I want a couple of close failures so we see her in tears at least once then triumphant as she claims star baker

>that accent


>two scousers
>not a single representative for Britain's brave muslim communities

I'm writing to ofcom.

>Noel Fielding
not for me.


Is everyone gay?

the asian had to mention they were married to a woman.

and that tom bloke is definitely gay.

would quite like a rosy cheeked blonde mummy to bake me things

Rhubarb man is in trouble

Who gives a fuck if Tom's whispering sweet nothings in those dulcet tones

Who was that qt smirky girl from a previous (last?) season of Bake Off that women fucking hated and ranted about on twitter?

Bet that rugby bloke is. If only to piss off the housewives who are getting wet for him

Straight people are Nazis

this lass?

>cake for a dog

Fags aren't people I swear.

So rather than having a delicious meal, you're just going to have a cup of tea? Cunt monkey

Candice. Pure concentrated jealousy. It was pretty funny

Where's that Muslim woman? Dropped.

>Candice is only one year older than you

Wouldn't fuck it with a stolen cock.

What a zany guy Noel is! He ate the flower!!

Oh fuck, Julia

>show is on for 15 minutes extra
>just for adverts

I mean, at least it's added on to the show rather than shortening it, but fucking hell


hope flo gets fucked off soon in all honesty

Classic Noel!

They're all a bunch of shitters so far.


Stephen (straight English Tom) is nailed on for Star Baker

Don't mind the adverts, allows for a piss and other shit.

Best QT

You realise she will be leaving before Chinese lesbian

>no mention of a brown ring
Come on

Where are the Somalians?

Next time someone makes me something tasty, I'm going to say nothing and shake their hand

What can I bake you user?

Sophie is officially are girl

No dog or cat in it this time deary.


Fuck I'd like some mini rolls

>it's a "fat man thinks he can bake cos he eats loads of cake" episode


>Julia with the cream


>mixing white and brown was a mistake

What did he mean by this?


Bloody hell, that fat lad's hard to look at.

Face like a bulldog licking cat shit off a nettle.

It's amazing how it's the same and it was always about the contestants and never the hosts.

Will need a source on this for baking purposes

Non-whites getting BTFO

I fucking love it when we get clusterfuck cakes

fucking hell KSI is shit at baking

Blacks guys are fucking up big time.


Scouse girl is doing well

>No swirl



>julia will never tear up when she thinks she's disappointed you with her baking


Who's the quintessentially british poster child for this season?

sophie or kate