Who sould play him in the inevitable adaptation?

Who sould play him in the inevitable adaptation?

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Lee Pace, maybe?

I mean, shave his head, paint him bronze and you're good to go

Idris Elba

Better still

David Warner, tbqh family.

Really though? I know it's big in its genre but it's still a bit niche isn't it?

They are making a Forgotten Realms movie now though, aren't they? It's at least the same setting.


>My name is Valygar Corthala

Making a movie in that setting is still miles away from making a movie about a specific vidya in it, there's so much shit going on with the lore from D&D to all the novels etc.

I can already see the whitewashing shitstorm.

If BG movie came to fruition do you think they would make Firkraag into a Wyvern?

kek, I can see it working

I don't think they'll ever make a movie for it, but Baldur's Gate is either the most famous or 2nd most famous D&D product. I assume there haven't been 5 million+ sales of the Drizzt books, which is the other option.

>kill him
>take his body to open the sphere

More important question is:
Who would play Boo?

Andy Serkis

>"I don't like cities much. They are built upon the backs of the unfortunate."


Do ya wanna tell me a story 'bout trollops an' plug tails? Please?

Cast this charismatic mofo

>not Sarevok Anchev

Cillian Murphy.

>I am Anomen, Warrior Priest of Helm, what is your name?

I can see him as Minsc

is this a JoJo character?

Holy hell, blast from the past, I used to love the forgotten realms games. Unlimited Adventure and Betrayal at Krondor come to mind, the first ones to really capture me.

Drow lives matter.

Oh my god this might actually happen. I never even thought about it.

I mean it probably won't, but with GoT still fresh in people's minds and Netflix prone to questionable decisions...

Vin Diesel.

Anna Kendrick.

A younger Vin Diesel with a less hammy delivery and darker tan would actually make an awesome Sarevok.

Best fucking teammate, best personality, ridiculously good when fighting spellcasters

Who would play him?

Alan Rickman could have pulled off the voice.

Say hello to Aerie

cast this selfcentered cunt


He has the same mannerisms and everything.



>an actual cuck
makes sense Sup Forums would love him

don't give them any more ideas
they already fuck up star wars
leave bg2 alone

Viconia DeVir here

I liked him as a character. Shame he had dogshit stats with worst class with broken kit.

>casting a tranny as viconia

I thought that was Vivec at first

>Heya it's me Imoen


Will this scene be faithfully adapted?

Vivec is in another thread

I can see it