So why didn't they just rain arrows/spears on them?

So why didn't they just rain arrows/spears on them?

Because when I brought this issue to David, I told him how cool it was albeit a bit flawed, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him with logic and the such.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my fanfiction, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off.
Later, when I came to show him these really cool Warcraft cinematics, I saw him trying to walk out the doors of the studio with like fifteen pages of my fanfiction in his hands without telling me.
The girl at the catering table was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to tell D.B first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to my chair.
When she took the pages and started counting them, he stopped her and told her to read them each individually “to prevent any deuses machines” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s an expression. After she read each page out loud and put them in a bag and went to deliver those pages to me, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

It was all part of the Night King's plan to get Daenerys to bring her dragons

Man you guys are dumb

Smirked a bit/10

But they almost killed them before Daenerys saved the day.

to make it more believable


Because this stalemate would enforce Dany to send her dragons. Which The Night King needed to penetrate The Wall.

But in general, these questions are such a simple method of attacking the show (or any show).

You could also ask why did The Hound throw a rock over at one of the dead soldiers if he knew it wouldn't kill anything?
Why didn't the Night King just keep throwing 1000 spears at them until he hit something?
How deep is that lake? Why not just sacrifice 10.000 soldiers to fall in the lake and fill the bottom of it?
Why didn't Jon make a grenade filled with 1000 pieces of dragonglass to explode in that horde?
When Dany arrived, why didn't she just throw some fire at the Night King and kill the commander of the army of the dead? Why didn't Dany help Jon with capturing one undead soldier with one of her dragons?
If they know that the undead cannot cross the water? If they have a giant - why doesn't the giant just throw some undead soldiers over there?

The answer is simple. You always go for the actions, that create the best story. As a sidenote I should add, I don't think this version of the story is the best one. But that's how it's structured. To let our character go through Hunting, Fighting, Capturing, Escaping, Desperation, Fighting, Dying etc.

What is it you want with this question? Do you want the episode to end with Jon and the crew screaming for their lives, all of the undead army eating them alive and then the episode ends after 20min ?

What I hated about this episode, among other things, was that I did not see any fear from the crew? They are as fucked as they can be, and they are all just chilling, waiting for the glimpse of hope which is Dany.

My only question to the suggestions that the Night King wanted a dragon is how did he know that Daenerys has dragons? How did he know that Daenerys would come for Jon?

So why didn't he kill Daenerys right then and there? She was standing still, right there out in the open, the island worked perfectly as a target and everything, just poof. He's not stupid, he has eyes, he can see someone riding the damn thing, why instead go for the MOVING target?

Danny was already coming, why not kill them?

Undead infantry don't have ranged attack. That's the price you pay for cheap unit buy.

In the show it is suggested that the Night King, similar to Bran, can see the present and the past.


I'm not sure the Night King knows/cares about the significance of the "heroes" on that island. To him they they are just another living meat bag. Kill them now, kill them later, it doesn't matter.

Unless the Night King is Bran. Then it totally doesn't make sense.

One of those "meats" already killed 2 of his
irreplaceable commanders, back at season 3 (was 3?) he saw how Jon killed one of the white walkers and he put a "wtf? you gonna pay" face, face that turned into "fuck you dude, I win" after he turned every wildling in that camp in the same episode. He clearly knows who's Jon and what he's capable of.

You are as a viewer giving a lot of importance to Daenerys because she is the Mother of Dragons and all that.

Why should the Night King care about Daenerys? She is just a human.

>She is just a human.
Who commands dragons, same dragons that were destroying his army and he had to step in to stop them

Because zombies are mind controlled by thousands therefore they cant do complex moves like using bows or actually be useful in close combat without high superiority in numbers and infinite stamina.

Still, they should have been able to throw stones, spears and chad chucks

Still the dragon on the land would have been an easier target and would have cut off their escape.

Because Night King = Bran.

So he knew that Danny is coming with the dragons and that's what he was after.

He didn't give a shit about Jon Snow or his company, they were literal bait for the dragons.

its not real life, its a tv show

For him it seems like Jon is a not so insignificant insect. But an insect in the end.

He's the fucking Night King after all. Imagine the lore that fat bastard can write about what lies beyond the wall. He won't right shit of course.

t. D&D writing

i fucking laughed at the beginning
>He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face.

that's how they are problably in real life just a bunch of fucking assholes.