Blunder of 2017

Blunder of 2017

Terrible program.

>near the end of the season
>yesterday episode with revelations
>expecting at least a couple of threads on Sup Forums

it will be cancelled, right?

I don't get it, the actors are all great, the cinematography is for the most part also great, they seem to know how to write a story.
Why did they stick them into an apartment for the whole season? Why did they show a Jesus porn scene to an american audience? Why is Herr Starr such a ridiculous caricature of himself?
Even Garth Ennis is more subtle than this shit and he wrote Crossed.

>tfw you realise they were King and Queen of Stormwind in the Warcraft movie.

Probably the best season of 2017.

Just following the comic.

>they seem to know how to write a story
"seem" being the operative word

Why would they put it on so close to GoT?

Oh boy, no, they're fucking not. Don't reply to my posts again, chucklefuck.
They did pretty well in S1.

The first Crossed series was awesome. Its mostly just the first issue thats full of shit that gets posted when people get talk shit about the book, the rest was great shit

>Why did they show a Jesus porn scene to an american audience?
The whole Jesus sequence was fucking gold.

Herr Starr is exactly like that though.

Perhaps you should read the source material before commenting.

from one failure to another

As a christian I was really uncomfortable, but I can take a joke and I admit that it was funny.

Unironically this.

Unfortunatelysome kids on Sup Forums can't handle a black Tulip.

Precher become obsolete. American Gods is far more ambitious and clever with a similar premise. Twin Peaks is back on TV, so the place for a weird show is already taken

Preacher should be great if they try to replicate the 90´s, it would fit better and could play with nostalgia, but they choose to make it trendier and more edgy than the comic.

Beside Casidy, the main actors dont fit with the comic characters. Also, no Jhon Wayne.

I like it. But mostly because I'm a sucker for this type of magic bullshit shows. Starr is best character.

unironically one of my favorite shows on right now, though

>The whole Jesus sequence was fucking gold.

It was unnecesary and dumb.
If you want to piss christians, sure, but it feels like it dumbed the show making feels like a try hard kind of statement.

I've been enjoying it.


Jenny best girl.

>tfw my Christian mother enjoys watching this show

Most Christians are not as uptight as the losers on Sup Forums.

that guy on the right -- he can't act

I'm catholic and it's my favorite show right now. Some things are a little uncomfortable, but it's fun, as long as you're aware it's fiction.

my problem is tulip, but not because she's black, but rather she's ugly, has zero charm or charisma, and is just dumb; she's completely irrational and impulsive, and we're supposed to buy that she's some badass when she's a tiny womanlet that would lose a fight to an average 8 year old girl

It was a clever way to introduce the origins of the Grail, the way it started was funny because many viewers probably took a while to figure out what was going on, and the characterization of Jesus and his dynamic with the followers was hilarious. Loosen up a bit, guy.

Pipe down, racist.

>she's ugly
I mean, that's subjective, I think she's hot.

As for the rest of your arguments, I sort of agree, but she grew on me. The PTSD plot that's going now is trying to fix this, but it's just dragging on a little too long imo.

Word up, nigger.

>as long as you're aware it's fiction
Just like your god :-)

>the characterization of Jesus and his dynamic with the followers was hilarious. Loosen up a bit, guy.

Agree, but again, was more tryharder than the comic. The comic had a good mix between the farce and action, the show feels even more cartoony and edgy.

The design of the Messiah in the show is an example about how they want to force a reaction from christians

Yeah, yeah, whatever, like I haven't heard that one before

> getaway donkey
That was hilarious.

Also, what was up with the truck in the final scene?
Did the grail pull the original one out and sink another one for Jesse to find?

That was how I read it, yeah.

Tulip is a blonde white blue-eyed woman who was brave and valiant.

Not an annoying ugly mulatto who acts like she's Arnold from an action movie.

I really liked the comic, but this show is shit. I'm glad it's getting cancelled.

>I'm glad it's getting cancelled.
Is it?

P much the sMe reason I hate her too. They should have sticked to how she was in the comic.

At this point this show has pretty much salted the Earth on ever becoming a hit. Season 1 was slow, but it was at least laying groundwork... 90% of which became moot after a poo explosion. Most of season 2 has been wasted on Tulip's ex-husband and muh PTSD, and she's an insufferable humorless jerkoff to begin with. Herr Starr is finally shaking things up a little and the season is almost over already. They've barely advanced the Eugene and Hitler in Hell thing at all. Why were they not using screen time on this shit instead of getting shot in a bar game and bad dreams about falling fingers? Shame because the season premier was high octane as fuck and I was hoping it would herald in change for the show.

No it ain't, what the fuck. Not to mention the horrible pacing. Got more out of the first three editions than the whole of season 1.

Tulip is really dragging the show down every scene with her is a drag, I mean Cassidy is crying about his son dying and she is more interested in her weak PTSD shit.

i was interested because the premise (vampire, angels, etc) was interesting but it's just a chick drama like true blood so lost interest in it.

Lol what a pussy. Is this a false flag samefag?

Did AMC allow the first show to say fuck during a live broadcast when Hitler addressed the rest of the people in hell during the latest episode?

I think it was uncensored in the live broadcast, I actually didn't think much of it at the time because I completely forgot AMC was so stingy about it.

It's your fault for supporting AMC and their current programming is trash

I DVR'd it and had to rewind it to make sure. He definitely says "I"m Adolph Fucking Hitler!" I can't see them allowing it frequently, but I can't see how The Walking Dead is going to be refused one at some point. It's a step in the right direction to let a channel on this level to be more lax with language censorship.

It's the end of the season and they start doing jesses origin story. what a waste.

show's shitty but it's entertaining enough

also herr starr prostitutes but no orgy party?

They blacked the female idiot