Name that series

Name that series

mad max

Rick and morty

Harry Potter technically

The Thick of It


>Name that series

Never has happened

the leftovers

I mean, if you ignore thunderdome and pretend that fury road is 3 then sure.

unironically Fargo

But then it would be 2>1>3>4

Always Sunny

Planet of the Apes reboot

Star Trek TNG


The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, For a Few Dollars More, A Fistful of Dollars

Lord of the Rings

Nolans Batman trilogy



>Lord of the Rings
You cannot be fucking serious

Lord of The Rings
Apes Reboot

jesus god no. 2 > 1 >>> 3
stop. see above

Does it have to stop at 3? I can think if a lot of series that get better as tike goes on. Sopranos comes to mind

Dollar's Trilogy
And if we count series that have more than just 3 movies then James Bond.

>Nolan's Batman

For (You)

Diary of a wimpy kid


but they aren't wrong


He is objectively correct though
>muh helms deep

>he doesn't rank Fellowship of the Ring above the other two
unironically kill yourself

The only scene I have ever seen from those movies is when he is chasing the kid with a booger and then puts it on an apology letter.

I'm sure it's the only good scene from any of them and I don't want to leave a bad taste in my mouth.


Wolverine solo movies

Twin Peaks

only answer we all can agree

Cornetto Trilogy.
Fuck you

Very well done, user.


Star Wars prequels


Star Wars prequels.

Romero's "of the Dead".

Evil Dead
Mission Impossible
Stars wars Prequels (fite me)
Bourne trilogy

>Mission Impossible
>2 better than 1

Take two steps back and unfuck yourself

Season 3 of Dexter is trash and on par with seasons 5-8

Boku no Pico

star wars prequel trilogy

The Matrix

like others have said: star wars prequels

fuck off TPM-fags



Who dat chink?

Captain America.

>Evil Dead 3 better than anything

4 was the best, except the specials though.

>army of darkness
>not absolute kinomatography
Pick only one famalam.


Cindy Starfall

You gotta watch the special edition with the extra kino moments.

>Stars wars Prequels
>star wars prequel trilogy
Correct. The original trilogy as well. And let's hope the sequel trilogy continues the trend and picks up after Force Awakens.

>The original trilogy as well.
>thinking VI is better than IV or V
holy fucking pleb

The highs of season 2 are better than those of season 1 sure but as a whole? cmon
You're right about season 3 being the best though

Fury Road was worse than Thunderdome

The Hobbit trilogy

Ah, yes, that's it! I wanked to a bunch of shit of her but then forgot her name and couldn't do it again.

Episode 1 is better than episode 2

The "humour" with the skeletons near the beginning gave me second hand embarassment, and I fell asleep about 40 minutes into the movie.

>army of darkness better than evil Dead 2

No it wasn't. The only good part of 1 was the Maul fight

star wars prequels

The Maul fight was awful though. The only good part of Phantom Menace was... well there were none.

This. Mannion really was the best minister, and the enquiry is 10/10 Bong-kino.

Toy Story