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Is this how you pronounce is name? I can't get over that J.

The Theon scene was worse than the Littlefinger scene and you all know it

instead of:
>ironborn kicks theon in the crotch
>theon shakes his head and kicks the ironborn in the crotch
>theon uses this advantage to beat him up
we got:
>ironborn kicks theon 10 times in the crotch
>each time, the camera zooms in further into theon's crotch and then snaps back to the ironborn's face
>*canned laughter*
>theon smiles for 5 seconds
>somehow knocks the ironborn out with a single headbutt
>beats him to a pulp and drops to the ground
>*canned laughter*
>*seinfeld bass tune plays*

best show in the world, lads

Here's how it ends


Please stay down my prince, if you continue to resist, I will have to end your life prematurely.

The rumors about season 8 in 2019 could be true

>dany's arm is fatter than jon's

Did he shave for the occasion or is his ass really that smooth?

>not even a sideboob from Dany

What's your favourite kind of Euron, lads?

WHO /teamJon/ HERE?


Dany wants that big northern booty.

>inferior to clothed twincest sex

plot euron


If this show ends with everyone dying in a dragon pit explosion and JonxDanny's kid taking the throne with Tyrion & Missandei acting as defacto parents I'mma spit the fucking dummy.


Branisking continues to be right


rainy bridge euron

actually seemed pretty demented

Well, /got/?


>when she isn't in costume, dany is chubby again
at least the costume team knows how to make her look slim now i guess

Modern day Isaac Hempstead Wright

I'm confused, when did Littlefinger betray Sansa ?


Knee Saw?

You mean kaleesi

I liked pragmatic "fuck this I'm going to my island" Euron (until it turned out to be a ruse).

I never got the part of it being a ruse anyway. Did he and Cersei just plan that at some point he'd storm off and "go home" and he improvised when he saw the wight?

should be a good mix of 1, 3, and 5

>The twincest Jon, it was beautiful.
>I would become crippled a second time, just to see it again.

Much hotter. Kit and Emilia managed to look gormless even for a love scene.

It'd be an awful ending because the White Walkers would just be a distraction after saying whoever sits on the Iron Throne isn't important the last few seasons. And then Euron becomes the final antagonist for some reason despite having no development.

Reminder that Bran is the Night King and the dead are coming for his sisters

>Rhaegar was supposed to be the kind of guy who made Jaime look ugly
>Lyanna was Bobby's oneitis

Joint Leaf? Is this some degenerate pro-marijuana subliminal messaging?

post >yfw this happens

Stannis are you well?

how did cersei and euron plan to publicly mislead the good guys into believing euron was running away if cersei and euron didn't know about the wight

>Cersei was in love with Rhaegar
>a fucking greasy haired hobo

KEK even fat bobby B could beat him 1v1

What kind of formation is that

Lyanna doesn't look like shit in that picture like in last season's finale tho. Not beautiful but also not pig disgusting, anyways why are they getting literal who's to play this characters.

Threadly reminder for the retards that all the gold made it safely to King's Landing, confirmed by Randyll Tarly.

I hope so. I'm also still waiting for wight Summer and Hodor.

Ideally though Bran would work his Night King to make ColdSummer and ColdHodor.

Instead he looks like Dean Ween

>if cersei and euron didn't know about the wight

They knew. They were told about it beforehand.


>2 more years of pointless /got/ threads

Stark sigil

>Fuck me, I left the kettle on, I got to go.

"Euron follow the plan to ferry the Golden Company unless I give the emergency signal which is to grab Jamie's crotch"

Is there actually any disagreement on this still?

N-No... agghhHHH user SAVE ME AGGHHH

>anyways why are they getting literal who's
because they're cheap

Kit Harrington looks nothing like Rhaegar, Lyanna or Eddard

He still looks like he could be Bobby B's bastard.

she looks perfect here honestly.

> ColdHodor
You mean Coldor.

best answer is best

Oh shit that's a fish. Do you think it's just a coincidence that we've been seeing less Edmure and more Night King hmmm? Maybe the javelin toss was to make up for him missing the arrow shots.


Good, I want normies to turn on the show and I want Confederacy to crash and burn.

there are still idiots who ask why the iron bank supports cersei if the gold was destroyed in the battle


1 and 5

This is practically confirmed to be a Jewish plot to normalise incest at this point right?

No you mongs, I'm talking about Nikolaj

so are you telling me cersei believed the wight existed without needing to be shown

>Brienne gets to close to Jaime.
>Cersei quickly reaches out to grab Jaime's crotch.

Now that would be great.
>Jon asks Bran to watch his conception
>It's Bobby B and Lyanna

Threadly reminder, what THE FUCK was the Danycuck Brigade expecting from Cersei?
>help us fight these zombies it's #1 priority!
>oh by the way we're gonna annihilate you after, also bow :^)

Imagine being Kit Harington in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Emilia, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your chubby body and horrific puffy face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck another redhead in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Kit and not only lie in that bed while Emilia Clarke flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her fat arms and leathery skin, and just lie there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that pose. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but also Peter Dinklage standing outside the door shouting that she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, EMILIA CLARKE LOOKS LIKE *THAT*?? because he's not the one that has to lie there and watch her flabby fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of redheads and supermodels and later alleged pop singers for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in London. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's covering her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to lie there and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous days. And then D&D call for another take, and you know you could kill every single person on the set before security could put you down, but you lie there and endure, because you're fucking Kit Harington. You're not going to lose your future hollywood career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.

PigDisgusting Zombie Lyanna clawing her way out of the crypts

Based GRRM is going to cuck DnD and release both books back to back in 2018. When the final season comes out no one is going to care. He planned this the whole time.

Kit-ass is a thing of beauty

>Show gets shittier and shittier because the boring characters get the highest amount of screen time
>Last 3 episodes
>LF plotting something, the show focusing more and more on his schemes
>Seems like he will play his cards and try to get edgy quasimodo out of the picture
>"nothing personnel middlefinger" *tips needle*

Nice. I guess killing fucking Thoros was not enough.

Thought his name was pronounced Nikolai so "collage" wouldn't fit.

>can see literally anything happening at any time
I’m sorry, HOW IN THE FUCK have they not used this to their advantage? You can literally predict any strategies from your enemies, pinpoint where their armies are at, and anticipate all the details with which they intend to fuck you in the ass. Oh, look at that, Cersei really wants to bamboozle you? Well not today bitch, send a motherfucking raven. Hey, is that Euron’s fleet hanging about? What’s he up to? Good thing Jon’s shagging that girl with dragons (who happens to be his aunt… beautiful), burn that motherfucker down. See? All our problems are solved. But no. I’d rather fuck around in Winterfell solving my sister’s drama like the little cuck I am. Fuck this show.

Yes I’m mad. Fuck you.

Oh. You're pronouncing it wrong. The "a" is silent.

>Muh jewish plot conspiracy meme
Yeah sure if you believe it.

from normies sure but I've never seen it on /got/

it's nick - o - lie

Only /ourguy/ Euron. This is what made me feel bad that I thought it was a miscast.

Speaking about lies


thanks famo

I can't get passed Danny's vision of seeing the throne room in complete ruins with snow falling in, surely that's one of her last scenes where she finally gets to the throne but it no longer matters.

mite b cool

Bran probably would say no, he is an /r9k/ neet tier cripple at this point.

The virgin targcest THE CHAD TWINCEST

check the previous thread then

They didn't necessarily believed it but they planned for the hypothetical situation. That's what Littlefinger told Sansa about imagining every scenario and then never getting surprised.


Good, gives them time to hire some proper writers

>Fewer episodes
>Fewer characters and locations
>Takes even longer
bravo d&d


so if jon and gang failed to produce a wight would euron still pretend to go home or would it be unnecessary now

Gwyn is for ___

>the virgin lovemaking
the chad dicking

Wait a fucking second.

Sansa lied for LF back in season 4 and that Vale guy was there.

If Littlefinger is guilty of murdering Lysa then Sansa is guilty of collaborating with him.

You know what I just realized
All of Jon's disgusting belly wounds are now rubbing openly against Dany's flesh
Mustn't that feel fucking disgusting

>Where's my sister?

What did he mean by this?
