What's Sup Forums's honest opinion of Kristen Stewart?

What's Sup Forums's honest opinion of Kristen Stewart?

Id like to have her suck my dick

unironically sweety feets

Id like to have me suck her dick

smelly pot-addicted autistic lesbian


Id like to have her lick my pusy

She was a God-tier Final Boss Waifu to End All Waifus during her twilight years and even for a few years after, but the moment she started using drugs and fucking married producers and became a dyke she JUSTED herself. Literally the most squandered waifu material of all time

I would SPLIT.

-ugly as fuck on the inside and outside
-My dog can act better than her.

shit body , shit life choices, shit personality

kind of a cute face I guess? nice feet. bad actress

she was so fucking CUTE in Cafe Society, I just couldn't stand it

outside of movies she seems to have been ruined by dykism

Literally this. Snow White Kristen Stewart was The Most Beautiful Woman to Ever Live. It was all downhill from there


Imagine Kristen tying your wrists and gagging you with her panties and tape before shoving you under her bed and inviting her good friends Elle and Dakota over for some fun. Imagine lying there in the dim light, unable to see them, straining to hear their soft sighs, whispers and giggles, followed by groaning and the creaking of bedsprings.

After what seems like an hour Kristen calls "Are you OK down there, user?" They all laugh, then the mattress begins creaking again - from the sounds of things Dakota is fucking her own sister with a strap-on. You can only imagine what Kristen is doing.

HOLY FUCKING YUM. Which kino was this?

Id go gay for that tranny.

used to be top tier

very funny

that movie with the faggot kid who wanted to live with the bears in alaska

wheres the penis??

>Id go gay for that tranny.

You have something wrong with your brain if you think her face is at all masculine.


She's cute. She seems pleasant, if very nervous. She's not as bad an actress as she's often pegged for being. I hope she meets the right woman.


She has good taste.

Generic white bitch no 46755

>Literally the most squandered waifu material of all time

this. she was perfect. shes disgusting now


She looks like she only takes baths when really she just needs a shower.

She's come a long way. I really enjoy her recent performances and I think she's gorgeous.

But then again I'm not a /tv asshole.


