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boipucci edition

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Reminder: incest is wrong.

Ahh... all's well.

First for /bestgirl/

>no foreskin
>weird looking
>hairless green tinged women
>speak weird language
where were you when you realized the shivering sea is what's left of murrica ?

What happened to this guy again?







>He loved her
>and she loved him

Will this happen in the book?

Is CIA man aware of his current meme status?

>tfw you know for a fact bronn is going to follow north and not stay in kings landing because he can't even be in the same room as lena headey

/our guys/ head north!


>blocks your path
what do

The only character in KL left for Cersei to interact with is Bronn...


Fucking corpses

Didn't he snitch on Loras? What happened to him? Did he get blown up?


Anything that makes Dany slightly less annoying is never wrong.

Umm Qyburn and Mountain?

If yes, then Selyse will do it.

Get ten good men

So imagine this?

Final episode,
Dany and Jon kill the night king,
But the wights and walkers are still alive, and this time they are free and start rampaging.

bran has a vision that shows the nightking is not a walker, but simply a way for the children of the forest to control/create the white walkers.

Bran then state that, "there must always be a night king" and Jon leaves to fufill this duty.

How mad would you be if this actually ends up happening?





>there must always be a

The Iron Bank guy, Tycho Nestoris, is returning next season



>emilia clarkes hot pussy will never be rubbing against your thigh as she tells you you're too little

Why even live?

Yes. George R.R. Martin confirmed it's canon.

If he managed to survive the Sparrows' theocracy of King's Landing during Seasons 5 and 6, he would have just been acting as a spy in the city for Littlefinger (because his other job- brothels, had been made illegal.) After the Sept blows up I doubt Cersei is the kind of person to relegalise brothels so I assume he's still just spying for Baelish

Now that Littlefinger is dead, he's probably out of all of his jobs. No cash coming in. Maybe he'll fuck off to Oldtown.



So, Is GOT going to have a future series where everyone is older, they talk about the stories of the past like cersi and the white walkers and jon and danys kids ect. Maybe Jon dies like his father.


*stealth kills you*
psh... valar morgulis... kid...

Not if he took off with Pod and was just bluffing. Even if he wasn't why would he stay with Jaime and Tyrion both on the other side now? Especially when Lena won't do scenes with him.

What if Stannis sends for his family and Mel after taking Winterfell and they all get snowed in and he gets cabin fever and burns Shireen?

How long did Jon go without any pussy

I've lost track of the time

>Maybe Jon dies like his father.

I hope Gendry crushes Jon's chest in with a warhammer

Was this whole season designed to give people a false sense of comfort? Will normies be absolutely BTFO next season?

were they playing who blinks first

Is Dabid naming Jon Aegon confirming they're merging Young Griff with Jon?

Mel will burn her to bring back Snu.


We'll get an epilogue though

The only recent time reference I remember is that Sam said it's been "years" since he let Bran though the wall, which was at the end of season 10. The only person Jon has banged was Ygritte and Jon had returned to the Night's watch by that point. So I guess it's been several years.

Best boipuccis

>he's not watching this to see just how big D&D's fuckup stack gets every episode
explain yourself

Look into your heart. You know the answer.

Sorry, I meant Sam letting Bran through was at the end of season 3

Even if they do he's not going to get many of his parts like Euron will invade the Stormlands etc. It seems superficial atm.

Burn the person he named to be heir if he died?

I doubt even cabin fever will make him resort to that.

there making prequels i know my dad works at hbo

>Emilia Clarke is a horrible actress

Is Preston right?

>A Dream of Spring, Epilogue

"Dad, what if I'm not sorted into the rangers?"
"Olly Alliser Karl Tanner Starkgaryen, you were named after three members of the Night's Watch. One of them wasn't a ranger, and he was the bravest man I ever knew."

>And who... are you...

>According to Isaac Hempstead-Wright, who plays Bran Stark in the show, Sansa’s storyline was not as manipulative as all that – she really did fall under Littlefinger’s thrall and came dangerously close to killing Arya. We just couldn’t tell because the scene explaining all that was cut from the finale.“We actually did a scene that clearly got cut, a short scene with Sansa where she knocks on Bran’s door and says, ‘I need your help,’ or something along those lines,” Hempstead-Wright told Variety.

>“So basically, as far as I know, the story was that it suddenly occurred to Sansa that she had a huge CCTV department at her discretion and it might be a good idea to check with him first before she guts her own sister. So she goes to Bran, and Bran tells her everything she needs to know, and she’s like, 'Oh, s—


is best boy going to get in trouble for exposing d&d as manipulative sandrafag hacks?

>Season Premiere
>YASS QUEEN slayyys the White Walkers in the first fifteen minutes

lich king joke and pedome pic related. bad post, reported, and called the cops.


Right, so somehow seasons 4, 5, and 6 took literal YEARS. Meaning Arya was training for like 3 years. All Sansas shit took years, bran was training for years, etc. They basically just casually did a timeskip in 1 line.

I think Jon's gotten less attractive since the early seasons. His face is fatter now, and losing the curly locks didn't do him any favors.

Fucking kek

>incest is wrong.

Isaac's a faggot, but he's /ourfaggot/

kek its like he's just begging dabid to kill his character off violently

what did he mean by this scene

Do you think he's experimented with boys yet?

That's a man who's given up

>tfw Ned names the Mad King's grandson after you

>tfw no khaleesi p00si
>tfw most cucked man alive

I've played enough skyrim to tell you it'll all end with arya killing viserion in one shot with a regular bow and dragonglass arrow through stealth
then jon, as a true targ, will absorb the dragon soul and use their own shout power, adapted to the world of westeros (read: "change the words or we bethesda will sue you faggots"), the "Dra Ca Rys", and scorch the entire army of the dead to ashes
mark my fucking runes

How will it all end, Sup Forums?

>Dabid version
>Based Fatty version

>I doubt Cersei is the kind of person to relegalise brothels
If she didn't do it she would have been overthrown by now

that would have been pretty much the only major thing he did this entire season so i'd be pretty frustrated in his position too

Nah m8 not even close

So is Euron is gonna be the main villain in the south after Dany and Jon exhaus their army on the NK?

Or will D&D make it Cersei instead?

Am I the only one who truly finds this hilarious every time I see it?

/ourguy/ was trying to prevent the boatsex with logic and safety

but he still got cucked

Not surprised, because there are pretty clearly (imo) some cut scenes here just because Littlefinger's death does not make any sense. I bet there was another scene planned and later cut in which Littlefinger acknowledges the "chaos is a ladder" meeting with Bran too, because that scene also has not only has not consequence but it creates a "plot hole". Sansa also doesn't carry out her own sentence which is wrong too and there needs to be a reason for that. Just a lot of stuff.

> You are now aware of the timeline where the show introduces Aegon & Jon Con vastly expanding on Dorne & Varys' arcs
> In this timeline Alexander Siddig reveals he was working with Oberynn the whole time to put a Targaryen on the throne and get revenge
> Varys is no longer a quippy fat guy in the background but central to Blackfyre trying to pose as a Targaryen to win the throne with golden company
> You know Jon Connington is played by the GOAT or David Wenham

euron will die a like a bitch. you didn't think they kept cersei around this long for nothing right? the writers have shown her plent of love all this time, and i doubt it suddenly changes next season.

>yfw night queen cersei


euron is still loyal to cersei, him saying hes swimming off was just a trick

Of all the things to complain about, why would anyone want the worst subplot of the books in the show?

Especially since having Jon Con in the show would mean adding like 5 different gay sex scenes.

Yeah its just funny to see a current cast member actually acknowledging that it doesnt make any sense and calling the show out for deleting scenes that would have made it clear

Ah, yes! Here it is! The Friendzone meme! The Cuckold meme! Proudly said by a Internet dweeb that has never even touched a woman that wasn't his mother in his life! But hey, at least he was never friendzoned, which is the single worse flaw a man can make!

Such sunless troll convinently forgets that there was a time Jorah was the greatest war hero in all of Westeros. Such happen during the Greyjoy Rebellion, during which he was second breaching the walls of Pyke, and knighted for bravery. Afterwards, he won a tournament against Jaime Lannister himself, and after that had his second marriage to a member of the Hightower house, the most beautiful girl in the continent, who marry him, not for a startegic alliance, but for love. Sure, eventually the marriage ended, and he disgraced himself because of her, but at least he can say he bedded the most beautiful woman in his continent, which 99% of the people that will ever read this will never be able to say so.

Now, it seems that he is making the same mistakes, and only following Daenerys in hopes of bedding her. But such is not the case. He already accepted she will never bed him, but he still thinks of her as the most politically suited candidate for the throne. That is the reason he follows Daenerys now, and has diagraced himself for her. Something you would have noticed if you had actually watched the show.

But no, you see him getting rejected, and think of him only as LE LORD FRIENDZONE WHAT A KEKOLD LOL XD!!!, whitout getting to know his reasons and story, and without admiting how much more of a man he is when next to you. You even think he is the most friendzoned guy in the show, when Littlefinger exists. And yet you pretend to watch the show.

But then, you may have never have touched a woman, sure, but at least you aren't a cuckold like Jorah

so what the fuck has varys been doing other than complaining about "muh queen does not listen"

are you sure about that?

Tyrion's adventures down the Rhoyne with Grff and Co are some of the best chapters in ADWD. Pure comfy.

>everyone on Dragonstone knows those two want to fuck
>nobody even mentions a marriage alliance after months of them playing games with each other, the obvious thing
>except LF who gets offed by some stupid teenagers
RIP Most Dangerous Man

Kek, and it fits with what the leaks said.

That Sansa realizes what a poison Littlefinger is and only THEN does she turn on him. She wouldn't have thought that until he's trying to get her to think Arya wants to kill and usurp her.

Wow he was a qt back in 2009

me and my gf

Probably something with the Golden Company. They've "never broke a contract" but I'm sure he will find some loophole

>The first episode of season 8 airs
>In loving memory of George R R Martin

>it suddenly occurred to Sansa that she had a huge CCTV department at her discretion and it might be a good idea to check with him first before she guts her own sister.

even he thinks his character is a gaping plot hole that makes other characters retarded for not just using his powers to solve everything.

>no foreskin
[citation needed]