What's next for the dark universe?





Yep but the MCU and DCEU make money

Javier Bardem as Frankenstein's monster. I'm actually looking forward to that.

This shit is fucked after Batkong v Superzilla

Dracula Untold was unironic kino.

Godzilla was alright when it actually showed Godzilla. Everything else was complete dogshit. Kong Skull Island was completely terrible, I still don't see the appeal.

funny enough, people are tired of marvels 'appearance of change but keeping the same' in the movies, and their comics are tanking so hard that marvel is trying to megajew the comicbook shops into ordering almost 2x what they will sell (in non returnable comic form) so they can look great to disney, when in reality their best selling book isnt even beating batman beyonds new run and in some cases, BOOM's MMPR run is beating some of their better known titles.

the house of stan is about to start hurting again

DC actually averages the same money per movie than marvel even with bad reviews. Actually they make more but SS didn't get a China release, so it doesn't show. But domestically they are crushing marvel, i.e.

Checked and kek'd

Kong was pretty good, I can see reasons why people wouldn't like it very much, but there aren't very many to be honest.

The directer is a ugly little prick though


Is this true?
From what I've heard and read, only up to Godzilla vs Kong are confirmed.
Those last five smell of bullshit, here's the official plot for Godzilla 2:

>"The new story follows the heroic efforts of the crypto-zoological agency Monarch as its members face off against a battery of god-sized monsters, including the mighty Godzilla, who collides with Mothra, Rodan, and his ultimate nemesis, the three-headed King Ghidorah. When these ancient super-species – thought to be mere myths – rise again, they all vie for supremacy, leaving humanity's very existence hanging in the balance."
—Legendary and Warner Bros

So why would Rodan and Mothra even be in that film if they're getting their own films?

stop bullying portugal, that map is fake, at least in portugal's case

wtf Portugal?

jesus it wasn't that bad

That first map is missing Ethiopia.

None of these idiots know how to make a horror movie. They take classic horror characters and try to make capeshit. It's insane. They just need to work with what they have, horror creatures and put them in horror movies. It's not hard you fucking hacks.

Hollywood needs to burn down and everyone in it needs to die

What a bunch of forgettable shit.

short attention span fatty detected

another reboot most likely

What the hell is the dark universe and why are all its films such shit?

they don't want horror movies though, they want an action movie with a monster bad guy and an attractive kinda monster as the good guy

Dracula Untold and the Wolfman were rated so bad that the director of the Mummy (and creator of dark universe) made them not canon.

Now that his Mummy movie wasn't rated so well either, will he change his mind and make them canon?

Stop making things up, all recent MCU movies have made money they will keep getting made

Bride of Frankenstein was meant to be coming out next. Then Johnny Depp as the invisible man.

>Bride of Frankenstein was meant to be coming out next.
Nope it's a movie every 2 years so Bride is 2019 and Invisible will be 2022 perhaps.

Will not be until 2033 or so when the Dark Universe series concludes with Phantom of Opera and Notre Dam.

Such a shame I have to wait 10 years for the new Phantom

look at all the current reviews for the newest movies pointing out all the sameness in them.
one even went as far as to say "we get it, its a lighthearted movie. But we dont need a laughing segment every 3-5 mintues."

I liked The new Mummy.
Can't even see why people would dislike it? Upset EL JUSTO man isn't there because hes shit?

i actually liked the one with Gerard Butler and Emmy Rossum

Is there a list for the Horror universe?

Speaking of Horror Kino, I watched Curse of Frankenstein today. It wasn't anything mindblowing, but definitely pretty good. Gotta love Cushing, although I think Urquhart stole the show.

because it's shite. your not seeing why it's so dislikable proves that you're an autistic pleb.

The idea will be shelved, when not even Tom Cruise's box office draw is enough to make people want to watch this shit, it's pretty much over.

How anyone could think a cinematic universe where classic monsters become 'superhero' monsters to fight 'evil' would work is beyond me, but then again you only have to look at the leaked Sony emails to understand how utterly stupid the people running these studios are, which also begs the question of how much better movies in general would be if the directors were left alone to do their thing. Precious few directors have that kind of status, guys like Christopher Nolan.

explain why its bad please. for a standard action film it was fine.
Maybe memes describe your life too much?

It was fantastic. Doubt they can beat it but if nothing else it might be meme worthy.

Ok so capeheromovies are made for critical acclaim and not money.

Didn't know that.

its making less money per movie?
I dont know what else you want me to say man

More like Dracula Unturd, am I right guys?

>Cruise - 55 years old
>Depp - 54 years old
>Crowe - 53 years old
>Bardem - 48 years old
What did they mean by this?

they're assuming that people will want to see an Origin story for both of those characters.

That they're just bad at thinking ahead in general.
>Hey, we want one of those newfangled decade spanning Cinematic Universes, who should we cast
>Oh, a bunch of guys who will all be mid 60s by the time the Group movie takes place

>Russel Crowe is younger than Tom Cruise
what the..

He's more secure with his age, so he doesn't dye his hair or get facelifts. Cruise wants everyone to think he's still 25 year old action man.
Look at his shirtless scene in The Mummy; he's got saggy grandpa pecs.

Crowe takes more age-appopraite roles of mentors and older characters in general, Cruise still plays young action heroes like he is still in his 30s, watch Mummy and pretend that main hero is 55 like Cruise, it simply doesn't make sense

because cruise is a manlet. manlets can't play characters their actual age because they'll look ridiculous.

But 12 years ago in War of the Worlds Cruise played the father of teenage son, he was clearly comfortable with his actual age back then

they did not look like father-son they looked more like gimli-legolas

Big difference being slightly past 40 and being nearing 60, I guess.
His last few roles have been pretty miscast in terms of age. Edge of Tomorrow? Shouldn't the cowardly rookie be in his 20s, not his 50s?

You could argue Oblivion could have been played by an older guy, but his love interest was like 34

Civil War is one of the worst pieces of shit I have seen in my life, I still don't get why people liked it so much.

>Edge of Tomorrow? Shouldn't the cowardly rookie be in his 20s, not his 50s?
he was an officer who gained ranks by being a people person. Not far fetched he would be middle aged

He was only a Major, that's very low rank for someone in early 50s

Yeah, but that whole plotline was written to write off his age. The guy in the comic is young. It makes a modicum of sense in the film, although not really, but it's still pretty silly.

I don't know if he's looking to take these kinds of roles, or if that's what people are hiring him for.

I thought MoS was better than at least half of the marvel shit, but ok not for everyone I guess.

Batman v Superman was to me not as good as MoS, but I never understood why ranks only in the 20s percentage. I mean how did that even happen? What makes it THAT bad? I would give it 7/10, but for some reason it gets like 2/10 in terms of percentage.HMM

>bawwwww why do other people not dislike what i dislike bawwwwwww

It's actually rated 5/10, 27 is percent of positive reviews

Yeah, ok but I still don't get it. What was so bad that it got only 27?

Agreed. I don't get the hate at all.