What TV does Sup Forums use to watch their kino?

What TV does Sup Forums use to watch their kino?

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I refuse to watch anything that isn't on super 8.

Buying a TCL 55S405 Labor Day weekend. $400 is my max and I my apartment is so empty so I need a TV right now. Seems to be the best option.

Pleb here.
Might upgrade soon though, because it's getting dead pixels.

What's the best price 4K HDR TV at this moment?

>Buying a TCL 55S405

Doesn't have Dolby Vision HDR. That's why nobody is buying it anymore. HDR10 is shit and not even dynamic.

If you want to futureproof your TV, get one with Dolby Vision HDR.

How the fuck is there a difference?

>What's the best price 4K HDR TV at this moment?

The minimum TV people should be buying now is the TCL 55P607 because it is 4K and has Dolby Vision HDR which is the very least you should buy as of today.


Fuck off, Alex.

>How the fuck is there a difference?

HDR10 is inferior to Dolby Vision HDR. One is dynamic and the other one is static. You can see the difference. Netflix and Amazon use Dolby Vision, not HDR10. Apple is also using Dolby Vision instead of HDR10.


Basically, if you buy a TV without Dolby Vision HDR, you are locking yourself out of the best picture quality that every company is going to offer.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention, user.

Perhaps I should wait for Black Friday prices on the P series...


i watch on my 20something inch computer screen in the corner of my screen while i browse Sup Forums in the background

Same, but I have a 27".

Lol fuck that bullshit. I already brought a 4k tv 2 months ago, this shit got that hdr. I'm done with this futureproofing bullshit. It never ends. Maybe get some content first before I hope on this bandwagon. 99.9% of media isn't in her as it is

>Perhaps I should wait for Black Friday prices on the P series...

Unlikely. The P series is selling out like crazy because of the many articles calling it the best value on the market. There's no reason to drop the price for Black Friday. The only TVs you will see on Black Friday are the shitty 4K TVs without HDR that nobody wants and maybe some 4K with only HDR10, which is inferior and can't be upgraded.

17inch masterrace.

>I already brought a 4k tv 2 months ago, this shit got that hdr.

If it's not Dolby Vision HDR, it's inferior and not futureproof unless you own a Samsung TV with firmware updates. The standard that every company is using is Dolby Vision HDR. Hell, HDR10 has already been replaced by HDR10+

You should have done your research, user. Netflix, Apple, Amazon, Youtube, are all supporting Dolby Vision.

Is HDR even worth it if I don't watch the latest blockbusters

>Last year, when HDR was new(er), and the basic open HDR-10 standard was the only one that was publicly available, I said it was a great reason to buy a new screen — whether it was a LCD TV or an OLED. I was wrong. It was a silly thing to say in hindsight. It's still a great reason, but it's also not as simple as just choosing a TV that has those three letters in its product description.


you fucked up.

HDR10+ and Dolby Vision have replaced HDR10.

>Is HDR even worth it

HDR is always worth having if you care about image quality. Eventually, every company will be supporting it because it is an easy way to improve the picture quality.

In fact, every major publication says that HDR is a bigger leap in picture quality than 4K was to 1080p.

We will see HDR programming grow faster and become more common than 4K programming, because it is cheaper to produce and takes less bandwidth.

>How the fuck is there a difference?

>HDR-10 is the simplest of the HDR standards — it only chops movies or content up into a series of discrete scenes, where each has customised maximum and minimum peak brightness levels. Where Dolby Vision is much more granular, pushing brightness and contrast information for each individual frame, HDR-10 is basically a one-size-fits-all. Dolby Vision also works on streaming content that isn't Ultra HD, which is great for dodgy Aussie 'net connections, but HDR-10 is restricted to 4K.


Why even waste money on a TV if you aren't going to drop $15k on a home theater setup as well? Just use a PC monitor.

>$15k on a home theater setup

This is retarded. My home theater audio system only cost $1500 and it sounds better than most people's systems costing $3000 or more.

Just bought Samsung QE65Q7C QLED TV, Samsung HW-MS6511 3.0 soundbar ans Samsung UBD-K8500P Blu-Ray player. Watched The Revenant UHD yesterday and it almost melted my eyes, good god it looked good. I havent bought a tv in like 15 years and never had any kind of sound system. The change was kind a radical to my eyes as was the sound and am very happy to my purchases.
Does my tv have that HDR you guys are talking about? I'm really not into technology. It seems to have Q HDR 1500 but I have no idea what it means


I have a few boxes of dirty old VHS tapes and this laptop. I'm okay with anything that's at least DVD quality, I'm more about understanding what's going on than how visible each pore and wrinkle is on the actor's faces.

Dolby HDR and OLED are the top tier things right now they are pushing on the high end. Both are meant for dark theater like viewing and for those who mainly watch 4K movies off of discs or a high end stream box. For 99% of users HDR-10 is good enough and still a great upgrade from non HDR. On top of it all it's not like you watch the normie trash that supports the "best" features anyways and anything decent out right now that supports it is only worth watching for the PQ. More marketing shit for stupid people to argue about even though the majority won't even bother to change the PQ settings to be optimal for their environment.

I've had a 65inch KS8000 for over a year and give no fucks.

I am closing in on the final stages of my projector purchase after doing much research.

My budget was $200. A few points of interest
>If you want 1920x1080 for this price you will probably have to buy a single-wheel DLP projector.
Single-wheel DLP sucks due to rainbow artifacting. Disregard anyone who says they can't see the rainbows. They are normie turboplebs who can't tell a good image from the side of a barn.
>alternative A: CRT projector
These can be found cheap on craigslist and have amazingly beautiful images with deep contrast ratios. But they are also made of old, finnicky tech that takes a lot of work to get set up right and it may die on you at any moment.
>short-throw projector
These require a specific throw distance and set up. I am not interested in this because I want to be able to take my projector to other people's houses and venues if need be.
>lots of listings LIE.
Just filthy fucking lying going on all over the place when it comes to projectors. Even listings that say "native resolution: 1920x1080" will often turn out to be false when you look the projector up on projectorcentral.com or at the spec sheet in the manual.

>contrast ratio is more important
This goes beyond projectors. If you have a shitty washed out looking 1920x1080 image it will look less detailed than a 1280x720 with good contrast. Go for at least 1000:1 black levels that are equivalent to a typical IPS LCD monitor.

At this point I am probably going to settle for an older Canon LCoS projector due to the better contrast ratio even though the resolution is 1400x1050. I should be able to project a 80" image on my bedroom wall according to my calculations.

Your TV doesn't have Dolby Vision, but you're not in totally bad shape. Samsung is upgrading expensive TVs like yours to HDR10+

Here's what people should be buying. 1 being the best and most futureproof.

1) 4K TV with Dolby Vision and HDR10+
2) 4K TV with HDR10 upgrade-able to HDR10+
3) 4K TV HDR10 which won't be upgraded to HDR10+
4) 4K TV without HDR at all
5) 1080p TV
6) 720p TV (usually TVs under 40 inches)

You have Number 2

>For 99% of users HDR-10 is good enough and still a great upgrade from non HDR.

Yes, but Dolby Vision is noticeably better and HDR10 has been replaced by HDR10+ to compete with Dolby Vision.

I wouldn't buy a TV unless it had Dolby Vision or HDR10+ or both.

>More marketing shit for stupid people to argue about even though the majority won't even bother to change the PQ settings to be optimal for their environment.

It doesn't matter if normies don't calibrate their TV. I demand the best picture quality and HDR is not a meme. It is an even better upgrade than 4K is to 1080p.

My next TV will be 4K and Dolby Vision/HDR10+ at the very least because I'm not getting stuck with a TV that companies are slashing the prices for because nobody with a brain wants them.

Thanks for clearing that up user.
Like I said, last time I bought a tv was 15 years ago, so all these smart tv things and what not are completely new to me. So do I get that HDR upgrade from automatic update when I connect my tv to internet? Or how do these things work?

>4K TV without HDR at all

I feel sorry for people who bought these.

Their TV is literally a meme.

What the hell is this kino shit?

Da fuq is vision hdr


i have a 60in samsung 1080p tv dont really care for 4k atm

read, nigger

wow, thank you for the heads up bro! i'll make sure my next TV purchase has Dolby Vision HDR™ as a core feature. Next time I'm down at my local Best Buy™ I'll ask the friendly and knowledgeable associates about Dolby Vision HDR™.

Dolby Vision HDR™: there truly is no point in watching TV unless you have it. Thanks man

10 cents deposited into your account you fucking faggot

Those Sony android tvs are severely underpowered and filled with bloatware I just sold mine to some chump. Kodi pc plugged directly into tv is still the best setup.

>i have a 60in samsung 1080p tv

Me too but I will be upgrading to OLED 65 or 70 inch when the prices go down and HDR format wars are over.

Don't listen to these faggots. Be glad with what you have because you enjoy it. The assholes in this thread are never satisfied or happy or enjoy anything. Most of them are probably blind and deaf anyway

>muh shillz

Did you cry about this when Dolby Digital became the standard for multichannel audio or do you just like to larp as somebody from Fight Club?

Jesus christ oled is beautiful almost stopped and jerked off in front that LG I hope they make smaller ones for peasants soon

>Kodi pc plugged directly into tv is still the best setup.

That's a waste of money. Android boxes plugged into TVs are the best setup.

Can you link me up with some good gold plated HDMI cables while you're here bro? I heard the Monster ones are good quality right? I need the best HDMI cables to go with my Dolby Vision HDR™. I may even spring for the Geek Squad™ service to help set things up.

Nice meme, Fight Club. Let me know when you finish your manifesto at your next Black Lives Matter meeting.

What did hdr do?

con thousands of people into buying another tv

look it up you stupid nigger

An LG OLED TV with 4K resolution and Dolby Vision HDR as well as HDR10.
It also has 3D support too.

Looks amazing.

>con thousands of people into buying another tv

Nobody says you need to buy another TV. It's just that if you want to buy a new TV, you should get one that is futureproof and that involves HDR.

I bet your TV is shit.

A decent 55" TV for $300. Don't need HDR, or even 4K necessarily. Can it be done?

Who the fuck are you calling nigger, nigger? You can't even punctuate your sentences.

Kill yourself.

no all tv at that price for that are cheap

So HDR is going to be the new thing after 4k to sell yet another television.

Think I'll skip this one and adopt the next fad.

Also bought one of those recently, feels good. My first smarttv since i rarely buy new tv's

>He doesn't own a 35mm projector
LMAOing @ your life

not in a rush to buy any tvs at the moment. especially when 3D is fading away. 4k is perfect for passive 3D (unlike 1080p) but nooo, everything is hdr bullshit.

what the fuck is Dolby vision hdr ?

>A decent 55" TV for $300. Don't need HDR, or even 4K necessarily.

Yes, but you may have to buy a refurb or floor model.

>Think I'll skip this one and adopt the next fad.

4K was the fad you should have skipped. HDR is actually the real deal.

try googling it you stupid nigger

4k alone is a meme but 4k with HDR is great

im gona report you to dolby faggot you are not doping a good job shilling.

You've never seen HDR in person, right?


put the bong down you stupid phoneposter.

my tv is from 2007 and is some shitty plasma that can't even do 1080p
44 inch i think i don't know

I bough an LG 43uj750v for 600€ and it's fucking fantastic. I feel like it's a steal. HDR is amazing, nice 60hz and 4K is top even, even when I watch 720p videos.
Would recommend

>my tv is from 2007 and is some shitty plasma that can't even do 1080p

Pathetic. My TV is from 2013 and it's a 60 inch Samsung 1080p Plasma. Still works great but waiting for OLED prices to go down before I spend money on another TV.

i watch 200mb 720p x265 tv show encodes :^)

>200mb 720p x265

the pleb trifecta

and i watch it at 1.2x speed while posting on Sup Forums

do you use vlc and downloaded it with utorrent?

mpv downloaded with jdownloader

mpv isnt on tv's silly

i plug my laptop into the tv with an hdmi cable and clone the screen
but usually the picture is a bit off on the telly because of aspect ratio issues

^^^the fuck is this conversation

>i plug my laptop into the tv with an hdmi cable and clone the screen

that is virgin-tier shit.

I use my Android box and stream from my NAS.

i am a virgin im so lonely to

no need to waist 100$ on a box if you have an old laptop or PC lying around, they do a better job anyway.

>tfw I have a 65" 4K OLED with DolbyVision HDR10 and passive 3D and enjoy it more than plebs with their 15 year-old TVs

>100$ on a box

Cost me $25 and your old PC uses way more electricity you dumbass.

fuck off its never gona play 4k for that i

>mfw I use a 32" Insignia I found next to the dumpster a year ago

It's missing the buttons on the side and there is a thick red line on the screen but it does the job

>4K was the fad you should have skipped. HDR is actually the real deal.

3D was the fad you should have skipped. 4K is actually the real deal.

4K playback can be done for $30 with any of the dozens of Android boxes on Amazon.

It's not hard to play 4K when there's so many cheap ARM boxes out there.

>3D was the fad you should have skipped. 4K is actually the real deal.

3D and 4K were fads.

HDR is actually noticeable and improves quality.

Whatever. The only thing that matters in the end is inches. You can't make a 40" 4K 3D Smart QLED HDR bigger no matter what, and I'd take a shitty 70" over it any day.

>The only thing that matters in the end is inches

Doesn't matter if the image is shit.

mostly a meme, Dolby Vision is 12 bit and does not even need dynamic HDR. Only HDR10 requires dynamic HDR.

project free tv

>The only thing that matters in the end is inches.

if a guy has a tv less than 70 inches im not gonna date him thats a fact lol

Post pic


On an vaio with a broken screen connected to a 20" TV through HDMI

He's not wrong.

Pretty sad I can't download full remuxes anymore but it's pretty nice.

Buy a cheap shit 4K TV and Dolby Vision might help you.
Buy a decent 4K TV with decent quality picture processing and there is nothing between DV and HDR10.
DV will only be of significance with 12-bit OLED panels, which do not exist yet in the public domain.

FWIW, I have a £7000 Panasonic EZ1002 65" OLED. Best TV available right now worldwide for picture quality.

I also have a massive cock.

post your cock in front of your tv