Admit it. It's kino

Admit it. It's kino.

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Charlotte's disgusting treatment of the Footsexual community still burns me.

marry fuck kill rape
marry samanntha
kill carrie
rape miranda
fuck charolette
PS: is this show any good? my mom watched it all the fucking time.

>Puff Charlotte's thing high boots
>Tongue bathe Samantha's tootsies
>Get trampled by Carrie
>Eat Cynthia's PedEgg shavings

It is not. If you have to watch a show about annoying women making stupid decisions and crying about it for several seasons, you're much better off watching pic related. Atleast you get something out of that show.

a boner

Bet you're a tasteless titsguy too, huh

It's shit and I hate high heels.

Old McDonald had a farm

>four boring stacies discover their dreams and fuck and discard 4000 chads along the way
Did people actually watch this? How did it get a movie? How did it get past the first episode?

single moms were growing in numbers in the 2000s. they carried this show.
t. had a single mom who watched every episode as it aired

Two actually with a rumored third on the way

Was your mom also apart of a group of women who watched the show religiously and drank red wine while complaining about men? Because mine sure as hell was

Kim Catrall > the rest

That's the tall blonde right? If so then yes

Yes definitely I know that type and my mom fit that mold. I wonder if this show was meant to be a satire of those single women, or encourage their lifestyles?

fun fact, Miranda is the real character while the other 3 are figments of her imagination to deal with her mundane life
she's the only one with parents

It's just an overglorified product placement gig for fashion items.
It's mostly forgotten nowadays because it was mediocre.

It encourages it especially in the movies

Somebody on Sup Forums once said that this show is basically the gay-lifestyle performed by women.

Really made me think.

1 > 4 > 3 > 2

>show about lesbians
>every single one of them is beautiful femme
greatest lie ever

also power trip/wishful thinking for used up roasties above 30 about to hit the wall telling them they still can make it, having the cake and eat it too

It ruined a whole generation of women

>wearing high heels in a desert

fitting, although it doesn't necessarily have to be gay men, just women having sex as a man would, casually, with no emotional attachment or commitment feminist delusion of wanting to become like men, showing they can do everything a man does

whatever sjw may say about muh representation, at the end of the day even lesbians don't want to watch fat butches fucking

I don't think the show was made for lesbians

It's witty and well written. So yeah, kino.

The TV show isn't bad, but the movies are awful.

I like how it sums up what female culture was all about in the 00s, it was all about shoes, clothes, shopping, getting a cosmo with your gal pals and dating guys, how did we go from that to third wave feminism in just a decade?

Women used to be content with their lot in life in the present day and now all they do is whine about "muh patriarchy" and "muh rape", what happened?


He's a big guy.

How am I supposed to believe a short, bubble butt qt like ASR turns into a horrible horse hag like SJP?

It was made by one though

Literally the only woman show that doesnt BTFO manlets

The movie had the gall to show a beating and crucifixion in a totally frank and realistic way and surprise surprise it's brutal (no, ya think?)

I can understand why some people would say it's just too much for them but it doesn't make it a bad movie.

Is he /ourguy/?

Yeah and the one cared only about money and realism rarely brings money to the table. You can either pander to like 2% of the population or to 48%, not a very difficult decision

For you

The point was to do both. She wrote a show about lesbians, full of nothing but lesbians, so obviously lesbians watched. But they were almost all hot, and fucked eachother multiple times every episode, so there was a reason for men to watch as well.

It was the best of both worlds, muh representation and gratuitous sex. Something for everyone. That writer was one clever dyke