Yeah well you're fucking irrelevant French whore who splashes water on her shitty asshole I doubt they'd want to do...

>Yeah well you're fucking irrelevant French whore who splashes water on her shitty asshole I doubt they'd want to do anything with you, you pathethic little bitch

Other urls found in this thread:

Terrible. Came off as a vulgar little boy who screams profanities when he got made fun of

>Takes one to know one

That would have sealed the deal

that's vastly superior to smudging your shart around with paper though

I'm an autist so I can't read the situation well, but seriously who was in the wrong here? I mean she sort of kept firing off at him and he sort of took it in stride but everyone acts like he got his ass handed to him by some dumb weather girl. Was it really that bad? Did he flip out on twitter or something? Why does everyone care?

>That's crazy, I've had the same dream except you left.

Wait what happened? Can some one explain?

Like you would've come up with that on the spot after being humiliated on live television.

"Sure. How much money should I tell them to bring?"

I know it's a meme thread but you don't want to appear like the comment hurt at all. Just a cheeky implication and move on.

>Smile wryly waiting for the audience's laughter to die down maintaining eye contact with Ornella the entire time
>Motion for the next person who tries to talk to stop before they can get a single word in
>Gesture for the cameraman to come closer
>Camera pans in
>Lean in closer
>Clear throat

These are lame because there's no actual wit or burned involved, it's just someone going
>no u!

Jonah Hill had some dumb french cunt make a joke about fucking other actors and not him

There is not a single response where Jonah comes out on the high road. Just give it up, Sup Forums.

>When I saw you sodomised by a three-feet large demon in the movie you acted in, I knew you are an angry little closet fag

Isn't that bad

>smile alittle
>well fantasies are all nice. Maybe youll even get to see them one day
This is how you destroy the bitch

should have made a joke about her muslim boyfriend and frances treatment of the jews before walking out

He was ridiculed about getting sodomised by a nigga-demon and not being sexy enough to be in the weather girls dream. this hurt his fat feelings

Ornella did nothing wrong.

Why americans cannot handle the bants?

your answer still reeks of butthurt

>He was ridiculed about getting sodomised by a nigga-demon
I don't understand why this upset him. It's just a scene from a movie

>Why americans cannot handle the bants?
insecure, fat and stupid

it is like all the sickly, demented and retarded europeans were banned from the continent and settled somewhere to fuck their own cousins and found their own society

wasted trips on a spineless faggot like you. jonah is known worldwide and this bitch is an irrelevant dried up shitstain roastie. just by existing, jonah will forever stay on top. there's plenty he could've said to put the cunt in her place, you baboon

>Hahahhahaha well done Cornella Pornella well done HOWEVER .... sneed

thanks for your input 9gag

>It's just a scene from a movie

Actors that have dignity do not do scenes that disgrace them. You could never imagine Tommy Lee Jones in a comedy getting fucked by a nigger-demon.

>I don't think your fantasy is accurate....just like your weather report last week.




what he actually said wasn't even that bad, to be honest
what was bad was cancelling all his interviews in france after that

also a lot of people forget that whatever jonah said had to be translated and relayed to the french hosts
so even if you have the best comeback (i'm rubber, you're glue), you're at the mercy of the guy translating shit to make it into something proper in french

>If your fantazies are as accurate as your weather reports, I've got nothing to worry about

I'm French and I never used a bidet nor have I ever heard of anyone using one here. We also use soap and don't care about Jerry Lewis. Why don't Americans update their stereotypes? At least when we call you fat sacks of burger shit this remains fairly timeless.

uh oh too bad monsier Jacques but you just said a bad word I'll have to fine you 1500€ and send you for 3 months of re-education

do you bath only once a week, user?

Of course I'd leave.
Exactly like your father did.

The best one I saw was ask her to keep repeating herself and saying he couldn't hear her in the earpiece until it got awkward for her

>implying the brappost isn't the only logical response

Nice meme, user.

>*flees thread in surrender*

I don't know why he was so fucking butthurt about fat jokes when his entire acting shtick is him playing a fat loser.

>I will use my jewish connections to elect Macron as president, who will then proceed to flood the country with so many barbaric refugees untill there's a statistical certainty that you or one of your close relatives will get raped in their lifetime.

>yeah well, my fantasies involve being a multimillionaire successful academy nominated actor in Hollywood that goes around to foreign countries where I go an visit on their small little network channels and be interviewed by small little commoners that read off what work a real meteorologist did to- oh that's not a fantasy. That's my real life.

Like what fatso ?

>Here's the thing - I'm 100% sure they wouldn't be interested in sleepingvwith you. Hell, I'M not interested!

The Tom Cruise response was the best. Someone post it.

*taps his headset a bit*
sorry, what? I didn't catch that last bit
no no its fine
can you repeat it?
*she repeats it*
Oh, that's funny. Nice one.

Well, if i was an irrelevant French weatherwoman i would fantasize about a better life everyday too

>You wanna hurt me? Go right ahead if it makes you feel any better. I'm an easy target. Yeah, you're right, I talk too much. I also listen too much. I could be a cold-hearted cynic like you... but I don't like to hurt people's feelings. Well, you think what you want about me; I'm not changing. I like... I like me. My fans likes me. Subway likes me. 'Cause I'm the real article. What you see is what you get.

non native speaker here
what is a 'shampoo' in this context?
does that imply showers don't always involve shampoo?

so someone just stands under a shower without washing themselves?

>Maybe stick to reading off a prompter, yeah? Jokes ain't your thing.

There, done. Can we stop these threads now?

>got in Hollywood because Dustin Hoffman's son (jewish) said so
>fat jew boi nepotistic shit gets #BTFO by nobody french weather girl

what an awful, unfunny and bitchy response

pls be in london

planes trains and automobiles nice


>*teleports behind her
>le nothing personell

>Go on lady, do your worst.
*stands up and faces the crowd*
>Look at you all. All afraid, all scared of what the future holds for you. I don't even blame you, I'm scared myself. You wanna break me down? Go ahead, because I can take it. I'm not gonna sit here and pretend like I'm not hurt by her comments, because I am. But below this fame and success, is a human. Just. Like. You. I may not be the most attractive guy, but god damnit do I have a good heart. And you can never take that away from me.

>I wish you'll get terminal cancer so you could write your fantasy to Make A Wish Foundation

I think it refers to washing your hair.

If you shower daily, shampooing your hair every second time is best for your hair and scalp

Autism, the entire audience would melt down in cringe

This one is legitimately great

> Why? Do I remind you of your husband?

over and done

>Funny joke, I need to meet your writers.

There, done. End of line.

All soul suckingly terrible. Is this some ironic meme I'm missing?

>As they say in France, I give up

was the only good one I heard

>I write my own jokes. Unlike you.

that is basically what happened, except they weren't banned, just failures here so left for a 'better life'

He's always fucked in the interviews, it's lik a running gag, because he is known for flippin' out.

>A weather girl who writes her own jokes? Now that IS funny.

Dunked on

>So is your fat face
You can't win, french whore is always one step ahead.

>yeah, i'd leave. then you'd get in your car after the pig roast to find me in the back seat giving your daughter the ol' jonah chocolate creampie!

>Why would you do that? Do you like thinking less of people, is that it? Don’t run away. That’s incredibly rude. I’m here giving you an interview and you do that ... it’s incredibly rude. You’re a jerk.

I cry evrytim

Yeah but that comeback was shit, to be fair. As if she'd say "so is your fat face"

Come on, son.

You're forgetting that on top of everything she's hot and he's a fat jew, she's always ahead.

Sure, but in this instance the retort I used works as it minimizes both her and the joke itself.

Not really desu, just comes of as very butthurt.

>Now why would you do that? Why would you do that? Come here. Come here. Why would you do that? What's so funny about that? That's ridiculous. Do you like making less of people? Hey hey, no no, don't run away. Don't run away. That's incredibly rude. I'm here giving you an interview, and answering your questions, and you do something really nasty. You're a jerk. You are a jerk. You ought to be ashamed of yourself.

Hah, funny comment. I need to meet your writers.

Shampooing is an unnecessary process that merely strips your hair of oils, and conditioning just replaces the oils.

It doesnt contribute to washing at all

based cruise

>Subway likes me

>be surrender monkey
>go to night club to watch American rock band perform
>get blown up by grenades and shot by tanned Europeans
>go for a walk outside
>get run over by semi truck of peace



He's rich and famous. She's just a nobody. That's his comeback.

He kept it cool and said the right thing, making them look like the unprofessional ones. All your comebacks are god-awful and cringy. Please don't embarass yourselves trying to this IRL.


>*genuine chill laughter from Jonah*
>"I don't...I don't they they would want to sleep with you
>*semi-smug face*

That is all. That is literally all you need.

If we update the French stereotypes they'd be just muslims now.

yeah I'll tell them to triple bag it

This one doesn't work, she's hot, makes him look buttmongled.

kek, it was just a matter of time before this post

take it on the chin and hit her with a "well played"