Ahh, just what we needed

Ahh, just what we needed.

Other urls found in this thread:


more like fatgirl

Why hasn't she been cast in anything after Castle???

She gives lousy blowjobs

But she's a natural redhead?


And that's exactly why her career as an actress is dead.
She's a decent voice actor though, I've got a few audiobooks that she worked on, she's really really good.

Too white.

You're too black to be considered a human being, you retarded nigger.

Why not smolfu?

too smoll

>And that's exactly why her career as an actress is dead.

Don't you know? Redheads aren't allowed anymore.

Worked with RDJ


but amy adams

She was on the short list for the role, btw. Get it? Short list?

why is batgirl not woman of color in her 40s?



is that a dig at amy Adams? I guess they could age up Cassandra Cain though, asians need more love

Um excuse me sweetie, did you assume xit's gender?

I work retail, no time for paperbacks, fuck off.

>jane levy under one arm
>kylie minogue under the other
>no jury could convict me

>Cassandra Cain
Riiiiight, because there the SJW push totally includes asians. It's not exclusively over-30 niggers with afros and hoop earings.

I can top that.
>Jane Levy under one arm
>Second Jane Levy under another

Well that current Hellboy news had a dude drop out so an asian could be cast for the asian role so progress, yes?

And yet the nigress that replaced a paddy redhead stays on. Fuck Hollywood.


I'm wary of muddling with the timestream like that, but damn if it ain't worth the paradox


No one would take her seriously

Why wouldn't you take her seriously?

no wonder he has a boner she's a huge slut!


Is she?

fuck off shitlord she should be transgender xer of color with disabilities

Maybe a little

too much anti-semitism in hollywood

Actually... Babs was in a wheelchair, she's a ginger, and she's ambiguously gay when other females are around.

What film is this?

Ok, that one actually got me.

Shameless S01E03

A 5 feet superheroine won't be intimidating to any villain

Shameless, it's a tv show with William H Macy. Sadly she was recast after season 1, before all the nude scenes with that character.

>A 5 feet superheroine won't be intimidating to any villain
>A heroine won't be intimidating to any villain

That's what they said about RDJ.

>White girl

THis is DC, not Marvel. Batgirl wouldn't just stand in a gray parking lot in daylight and run at villains. She would used darkness, stealth and gadgets. Most people wouldn't even know they were fighting a female.


Too late, she's mine.

Fake Givposter Impersonator


May I direct your attention to






*burrows face in her ass crack and inhales deeply*

Good boy

If I just threw her over my shoulder and made off with her you think she'd be able to stop me?


Duct tape her and put her in your backpack


Am I suffering from facial blindness or do these two look really similar?

Sarah Jones has big jugs! She was in an episode of House and they were real big!


Very shapely.

she ever been in the nip?

REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, get out of this thread!

But it's a thread about Molly Quinn

No it's not. It was, but then OP fucked off and stopped supporting it, so it became a smol thread.

I dropped her when she started dating an ugly jew hobo

Dear Lord, what the fuck is that?

If Jane Levy was a musician she'd be Sydney Sierota

he's a producer of some shitty reality show

Whoever becomes Batgirl, know this: ben Affleck is going to fuck her

molly quin thread fucker

pls no :(

JOSS pls
Someone give this film back to Refn

A Batgirl falls in love with Batman.

Unable to confess, she is gifted by a deus ex machina with the millionaire orphan's phone number. Never minding the strange area code, she immediately calls him, and is overjoyed to find out that he has a crush on her as well.

But, the next day, when she recounts the previous day's confessions to Bruce Wayne, he only looks at her with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, she finds out that the man she called is not the same vigilante she fell in love with. In fact, he doesn't exist in this universe at all. He is the alternate universe counterpart of her crush, who has fallen in love with her AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of his crush.

Hijinks ensue as they strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip each other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of BATSEX.

Very clever user!

>tfw no pocket-sized Levy gf


Stop posting that because it's already a thing.




Stop posting about Batman fucking Batgirl. She's a goddamn teenager and his best friend's daughter.

It's already bad enough that they want to hire a Catwoman 20 years younger than Batman.

I used to find Jane Levy extremely fucking attractive, as in the number one most amazing girl ever attractive... now I just think shes a normal pretty girl.

what happened to me?

she's not a fresh face anymore

she grew older and uglier

She went blonde.



She has the biggest feet


giv smol gf

