Every post on tv about GoT

>Every post on tv about GoT
>i now know what this place would have looked like in 2004 during the LoTR craze if Sup Forums existed back then


>defending GoT shitposting
Fuck off to reddit, faggot.


got = reddit senpai

Nothing will beat Sup Forums when 9/11 happened

Well Acthualy Sup Forums was created on da 3rd of October, 2003. Frankly through only Anime, newgrounds and vidya was the only thing most likely discussed during that time.

Thankfully that is over as anime is reddit normie shit.

this desu~

>>i now know what this place would have looked like in 2004 during the LoTR craze if Sup Forums existed back then
Sup Forums existed you dumb little wanker, Sup Forums didn't.


I only come here for the pol and porn threads
Any actual TV discussion is only about retarded man children fantasy or capeshit

>mfw newfags weren't around when the Archduke was assassinated.

I wish it was around in '99 for The Phantom Menace

>tfw here since july 2005
let me die

t.my 350lbs life

>tfw sept 2006
can't wake up

but Sup Forums is retarded man children fantasy

>Sup Forums has been around almost 14 years
>newfags still can't triforce


>tfw 2003
It was the best place for hentai at the time.

>mfw /rel/ on 32 AD

been here since 2012

▲ ▲

good thing i didn't fall for the got meme. saw only the very first episode and never bothered to continue

Here since 2007, still consider myself a newfag. I miss the old Sup Forums.

>mfw Sup Forums after Cannae battle
Absolute state of white """"""men""""", they never recovered