/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General

You Saw Edition

Friendly reminder that it's been confirmed that Eddie Vedder recorded a song that plays during Twin Peaks Part 16. It confirms Audrey Horne never gets her mind back. (Pic is an unrelated shot of 100% awakened Special Agent Dale Cooper)
Listen youtu.be/pXth84G7dkM



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Leaks confirm that Death Grips will perform in episode 17

stay gold mitchum brothers, stay gold


Why do I feel like I'm watching a once in a lifetime cinematic event during each episode? I've never gotten this feeling from any other show. Is it my mind reinforcing my belief that this is masterclass kino?

I just feel weird watching this, lads.

Do you know the chicken walk?

Do I need to watch the old Twin Peaks before I watch the new twin peaks?

Like clockwork.

No, you watch this season first, backwards, then season 2, then FWWM and then season 1

Watch Hoyton Buick's Midnight Masters beforehand, it draws a lot from it thematically.

>mfw "I am the FBI"

Why is nobody talking about the official video for Axolotl? Not only does it look like something Lynch would direct (pretty similar to Crazy Clown Time's video), but it also shows what looks like the birth of a Woodsman.


the symbolism is way too crass in here. you have a caricature type of priest, excorcizing in front of car headlights. the "bad one" grows some tentacles and has a "v for vendetta" kind of getup. the camera work is pretty dull. not a lynch thing, but a wannabe work.

The way they presented the show might not have always been spot on, but Lynchs and Frosts ideas have always been genuinely original and insane.

You can skip a lot of Season 2's episodes, as they went to shit, especially with some of the guest directors. But you should still watch the finale and FWWM afterwards.

>that HARD CUT to Audrey in some phenomenological game reality facing a mirror

what an autueristic triumph by Lynch, a pity few will truly grasp the depth and meaning behind this and countless other scenes



reminder to NOT skip episodes on your first time watching. carry that weight, like everyone before you has.




This whole season took place in Audreys mind. It's already been basically spoiled by the actors on instagram.

Diane getting BTFO scene had a very cool atmosphere to it. I liked this episode the best so far.

> Fuck you Diane

from anyone else i'd call that a spoiler but she reposts peoples art a whole lot. especially if it involves audrey.

You CAN start skipping through Season 2 episodes once you realize how shitty they get.

Reminder that the spoilers are 100% right and the season ends with real Cooper and a new, better Dougie for his family.

>Friendly reminder that it's been confirmed that
>Leaks confirm that
that's it then. i avoid this shit place until TP finale. dont want to read your bullshit leaks and spoilers


17: Cole makes a statement. Cooper's doppelganger arrives at Twin Peaks. Sheriff Truman gets an unexpected call. Freddie fulfills his destiny. Laura runs away from James in the past, and Pete goes fishing.

18: Dougie returns to Janey-E. Cooper and Diane go into the motel, but she dissappears next morning. In Odessa, Cooper finds Carrie Page and takes her to Twin Peaks.

when did the copy of diane take the real one's place? did mr. c kill the real diane after his happy fun time with her all those years ago?



>Don't read the SPOILERS, Laura! Don't read the SPOILERS!


>Laura runs away from James in the past, and Pete goes fishing.
Why are we revisiting her murder?

Diane never existed, because she is a Tulpa created by good Dale right from the start. Cooper has had his tape records for the sole purpose of using them himself, for memory. He has just started his recordings with "Diane" like Laura would start writing with "Dear Diary".


many people have the habit of talking to themselves when they are lonely.

The Vedder thing isn't funny anymore.

Having the whole season take place in Audrey's dreams make no sense since it's a direct continuation of the twist ending in season 2, which happened after Audrey got BTFO in the bank.

People are under a lot of stress, Bradley

"It was all a dream" is the lamest excuse for an ending, period. Except for Wizard of Oz.

did you ever see the movie the king and I?

Do birds fly?

>*gives you this look*
wat do

is threadead?

>Zawaski will make them accountable.

ha ha ha V E D D E R E D

it's early morning in burgerland

:-) All.


I'm in Nez Perce (Hawk's heritage) county and it's 4:44 AM and I recently woke up from sleeping since 10:30-something PM.

The same humming as in Season 3 can be heard when Bob talks in the international pilot





I was happy to see them btfo'd yesterday. So that would make it three days ago for people that watch it on Showtime.

We get it faggot.

why is Red kidnapping Carl

*glass breaks*

*record scratch*

Goodmorning sonny

jesus christ really lynch?


I wonder how many people here are from the Northwest.

I'm from north-western Europe : ^ )



I want to see Bob rape her. He's raped all the cuties in this show so why stop now?

Kill them :-) All

daily reminder that in the third episode of twin peaks cooper had a dream that turned out to be him actually interacting with another plane of reality, and that laura did the same thing in fwwm.

just because audrey is dreaming doesnt mean that her plotline isnt happening in reality

I think cutie pic related is going to rape Bob instead.

daily reminder there is only one returning character left that we still haven't seen

The Dreamer confirmed............

that's not Harry S. Truman

Will Lynch EVER top Slaves and Masters?

Lynch HAS to be a Baneposter. "I'm FBI". Really?

>Stacy goes after Chad
>It ends badly
Was I the only one who felt no empathy for her during this scene?

Is Lynch doing this shit on purpose?

Jane Levy is turned on.

Like Lost Highway all over again. Why can't he come up with anything new..

on the twenty-fourth day i did not give a fuck

Abduct him and probe his anus, ayy lmao

>people actually asking if they should start with season 3

Why on Earth do people think missing 2 previous seasons and a movie is an acceptable thing to do?

because most of season two was abysmal filler

Reminder that Wilson was right there and virtually let him finish killing them.

I thought Zawaski was his name.

tfw no blue rose gf

I move car

Because you can skip from ep3 to ep16 without missing anything in s3.

although that is probably the case he was credited as polish accountant

only after the first half
it would be pretty dumb to watch the first season and not even see the resolution of it in s2

he's probably being serious, too

what a plen

But That's Wrong, You Fucking Retardâ„¢

nice fanfic

who sent him the earplugs

if she did not exist, how did albert know who she is and where to find her

lynch is a notorious cooze hound. of course he is.

sonny jim

julee cruise just pulled out of the finale (here's my source). they've had to quickly film a new musical bit to end the finale and the only person available was eddie vedder. lynch quickly wrote a song for him and it has been confirmed that it is all about cooper losing everything.


>18 parts
>described as Coop's "odyssey"
>Sunny Jim
Pynchon poster btfo, Joyce confirmed for the true Lynch author

What is the significance of Cole knowing Diane is outside of his door? Bear in mind the episode is called ''No Knock, No Doorbell'' so there has to be something.

Cole is a lodge spirit lol

who is that brunette actress? she a cute.


put him in a dress and him the chief of staff

*and make him