(((British Telivision)))


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>that like/dislike ratio
Feels pretty good

Looks like kino, to be fair.

it's funny because they're gonna keep making this shit no matter how many online tantrums you guys throw

They'll just make disliking a video illegal because wrongthink bad for you.

>he actually believes this shit
it's more that no one takes you faggots seriously until you chimp out in public
downvotes on a youtube video don't do shit

It's not unthinkable that a single black african could be recruited from the Roman colonies in African.

Plus, looks like he gets his head chopped off, so why isn't Sup Forums screaming DEUS VULT instead?

>Take revisionist nonsense lying down
>lol what a cuck
>Oppose revisionist nonsense with the only platform available to you
>lol what a baby, just accept it

Alt-right education, everyone.

Is that why 90% of online British news sites have closed their comments sections, BBC included. Is that why the police patrol social media for 'offensive' posts. No discussion allowed might lead to wrongthink and pedophile hate. Now listen to your Imam say prayers.


>they're gonna keep making this shit no matter how many online tantrums you guys throw
Well yea, it's a socialist system where the consumer's opinion doesn't matter on the least bit because they are forced to pay for it. The government will continue to take your money and make anti-(You) programming. Don't you just love socialism. Hey at least I don't have to pay for healthcare. I get shitty healthcare for free!

>getting this steamed over fiction
get your testosterone levels checked faggot

I'll reserve judgement until I get proof the black soldier is a main character. Like said, there were likely SOME subsaharan africans in the roman army.

>dude I get my history lessons from GoT like everyone else XD
Please tell me why a sub Saharan African would be recruited into a Roman legion proper and sent to Britannia.

>It's not unthinkable that a single black african could be recruited from the Roman colonies in African.
It is because
1. In 43AD the Roman Legions were still made up of Roman Citizens. A Roman Citizen was generally an Italian from Italy or a descendant of such, which was different to a Peregrinus, who were the free people who lived under the empire. Any blacks in the empire would have been Peregrinus and thus not allowed to join the legions but the auxilia instead, but this man is clearly a legionary.
2. There were no black Roman colonies in this time, the south of Roman controlled Egypt had dark people living there, but they would be the thin, long faced africans we see there today.
3. This black african character is a main actor who features in all 10 episodes of the first season, he is named Vitus and is clearly supposed to be an important character, despite being a regular legionary



>sub Saharan legionaries
Literally never happened. Want to know what Romans actually thought of Sub Saharan Africans (Negroes)? Go read Strabo. Go read the Arab historians too. Warning: they both basically say they're all savage, cannibalistic and less than animal with zero infrastructure. Want to know why the Romans felt they had conquered "Africa" when, in reality, they'd only taken a sliver of the northern part of the continent? Because the north was literally all that mattered. The rest was such an underdeveloped shit hole that no great civilization even counted it as being part of the geopolitical world.

10 episodes, Vitus

>King Henry VIII was a nigger
>you're a baby if you complain about being ethnically cleansed in your own country
What a bunch of man-babies, caring about the future of your society? What a fucking loser. Real men let thier wives fuck black men, you're obviously too insecure for that.

I'm more offended by this "wow so gritty" and "omg classic rock" style that seems to be seeping into everything being made nowadays

Can Britbongs just nuke themselves already? Pretty please?

>were never legionnaires
>wouldn't have been recruited from unconquered territories such as sub Saharan Africa
>would never have been sent from Africa to Birtannia

He said a Roman legion you dunce.

This doesn't say anything about niggers in the Roman army. Your side has to literally revise history just to make niggers feel like humans.

They said the same of the people north of the Rhine and then promptly got BLOWN THE FUCK OUT.


>thinks casting decisions to pander to minorities is genocide
>immediately starts talking about nigger dicks
I rest my case


lmao at all the alt-right incels losing their minds over this

Now that conclusive DNA evidence have shown that the ancient egyptians were related to people of the levant and not sub-saharan african in the slightest I guess they have to go after the romans instead.

>African links
Yes, North Africa, where berbers live, who aren't/weren't black.

>They said the same of the people north of the Rhine and then promptly got BLOWN THE FUCK OUT.
No, they didn't. They regarded them as barbarians (obviously since they were foreigners), but Tacitus and a number of others were also quick to relate their fierce nature, tall stature, and warlike aspect (all positive traits within Roman society). Don't confuse the term barbarian with the term savage.


>is defending history being re-written to get rid of white peoples
>ignores that leftists have been bringing millions and millions of brown people into white countries against the will of the people
>is ignoring that the left literally says they are doing this to replace evil, racist whitey
>is ignoring that leftists are obsessed with black cock
Why does your side fight so hard to replace white people and then turn around and mock white genocide while literally telling us that you want to replace us?


Blacks in the Roman army is total bullshit but it would help if the people agreeing with me on this didnt constantly spout NIGGER and KIKES and racism in general.

I'm not racist im just an autistic history graduate.

>twisting yourself into intellectual pretzels to defend the big black cock
God you people are so pathetic. Just suck a black cock and move on with your lives already. The rest of the world is laughing at you cucks. Literally the entire world is laughing at you.

Is this about GJC's expedition to Britain?

This Tbh. All television is garbage

it's a symptom of major illness which is replacement. First it's your historical figures and depictions or them to be inclusive. Then it's your people. Replacement is real


>i-I'm not racist i j-just like history
I get you have to say this or else the Europolice will arrest you for a hate crime while your Muslim neighbor grooms little white girls, but these people literally want to replace (You) and they don't even hide it anymore.

200 years later though, it is a big difference.

Though i do believe medieval artists exaggerate his darkness.

Not that guy but it quite literally isn't a genocide though.
And shitty television shows are not rewriting history.
And you(r women) voted for Merkele and other cucks and are now spreading their asses willfully.

Just call it collective suicide. You bunch of bitches.

No I'm genuinely just not a racist.

But fuck Muslims though, they're not a race.

>that one obsessed guy in every one of these threads

>There is a difference of opinion among researchers as to whether or not the story of the Theban Legion is based on historical fact, and if so, to what extent.
The guy didn't even exist. Eurofags have been revisionist cucks for centuries, it appears.

How will the alt left try and spin this one folks? Probably the same way the advocate women's rights and child protection laws while simultaneously supporting mass Muslim migration into the west.

Also its' historical authenticity is still up for debate.

>we are literally replacing you because we hate white people
>not a genocide
You're right, only non-whites can be genocided. When Jews ethnically cleanse your country, it's not considered genocide.

They'll do what they always do, point to evidence of Roman soldiers from North Africa as proof, and when it's pointed out that north africans aren't black they'll call us racist or say its a tv show it doesn't matter.

if it's any comfort to you most of the academic world is pretty irritated by forcing racial narratives like the idea that black africans served in Britain in a regiment recruited in North Africa.

don't forget raping babies and sacrificing them to Moloch

Where are the concentration camps?

Anyway I find it hilarious how your every picture features a woman. You brought this on yourself.

might help if you didnt discuss things like a mouthbreathing neckbeard with zero social grace.

>The government will continue to take your money and make anti-(You) programming

Only insecure beta male alt-righters would give a shit that one TV show they don't like is paid by taxes.

You just attacked me personally please hand over your personal details in order for me to inform the appropriate authorities.

Did you dimwits watch the trailer long enough to see this?

Looks pretty good. Dont know why a couple of frames of a black guy in a 4 min trailer is somehow reason to have an autistic fit...


finnish boy

Whats the problem? Does a fictional Nubian legionnaire trigger you this much?

So I take it as a no then.

that looks like something the irate gamer would make

Looks pretty promising to me, but sure, let's obsess over a black actor and sperg about a fucking fictional TV show for couple of weeks.

I saw it. It's still irrelevant. You sound like this retarded fucking cuck

White bois getting mad that the black man civilised their pink skin caveman asses


Well it takes one to know one I guess.

>an autist getting triggered over a single black legionnaire is calling non-assburgians "cuck".

You do realise that youre a genetic cuck right?

>the legions that caesar took to britain were raised in northern italy and cisalpine gaul, plus some germanic cavalry
>somehow a wild nigger
>lorica segmentata in 53BC

You're acting like we're the ones who are overly politically motivated for having a problem, when you know they 100% cast this actor for political reasons.

We wouldn't have all these screaming alt-righters if the government introduced court appointed girlfriends.

Surely that would be a leftist policy they could get behind.

He's an auxiliary tho

No, they put him in because they want to represent the black people in our society today and that is it. They don't give a fuck about historical accuracy.

The black guy is in there for 1 second what the fuck

And literally everyone else is white

It's Battlefield 1 all over again.

its like they do with WWII, because 0,000001% may have been black suddenly every WWII movie and video game has black people in it everywhere.

might as well post that one picture of two german soldiers in north africa lighting a smoke for a black north african civilian. "see, nazi's weren't so bad!"

A mainstream tv drama loosley based on ancient Britain is not going to please the historical accuracy autists whatever they do. It clearly has some supernatural fantasy shit in it so it's not supposed to be realistic anyway. If it wasn't the black Roman soldier you'd just complain about some other detail like the uniforms being wrong or some shit. I'm just thankful we're getting a show set in this era, it's underrated as fuck

The genocides of Armenians and native Americans and aborigines had no camps. In the case of native Americans, there was not even a need for organized slaughter. Disease, poverty, and alcoholism sufficed. Conditions intended to drive a group into poverty, while simultaneously importing millions of foreigners is a sufficient condition for genocide.

So fucking what, you can always choose to not watch it.

>It's not unthinkable that a single black african could be recruited from the Roman colonies in African.
Soldiers recruited in African colonies would not have been sent to Britannia. And if they were, there wouldn't have been very few of them if any at all.

Das right, I won't be watching it.

Top ten reasons white racists white males are responsible for Brittania's low ratings.

>white racists white males

>>lorica segmentata in 53BC
It's 43AD you dumb fuck, and not Caesar

>being this fucking dumb while trying to sound smart

>its a Sup Forums defends dumb shit in movies because they love blacks episode
getting tired of these

Why does Sup Forums think it's smarter than actual historians?

>its a Sup Forums spergs out of 3 frames of a black dude in a great looking trailer episode

Double the privilege.

North Africans, you dumb shite


>ROMANED bongs
>roman niggers building the Wall and making the Scots pay for it

check imdb there are two black main characters
stop defending shitty casting and writing just because you love blacks so much

Because historians who disagree with Sup Forums are literally part of the zionist conspiracy to make them stay virgins.

Maybe... Maybe he's a slave pretending to be a roman?

>Feels pretty good
It really shouldn't, unless you're a retard. It's incredibly pathetic of us as humans that so much hatred exists to the point that many have rallied together to bombard a video with derision and dissent because of race and not in spite of it. Sure, the show could suck, but that's not where the dislikes stem from. They're all disliking this video specifically because of the race issue, and that's fucking pathetic. I really do hope WWIII happens so these retards can be wiped from the gene pool. Maybe it'll feel really good for you to fight for the color of your skin rather than important issues like freedom, human rights and justice.

Who was she vilified by? Because if it's other historians then that's not racism, it's peer review.

fuck off tyrone go steal somewhere else