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I'm writing edition

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first for bessies tits god bless her

Jaimie's actor is the best of the show who is still currently alive.


>bookfasg are fucking niggers kys
What did he mean by this?

>Lady Shansha, I believe you lied under oath when you said your aunt Lysa jumped through the Moon door? Does this not matter?
>Ah, I shuppoze we are taking a crippled boy's dreams as facts, then? Should all trials be settled this way?
>Do great deeds not weigh in on my innocence? Saving you from the Lannisters, returning you to your seat in Winterfell, saving your brother and bringing the Vale into your service. A fair trial is the least you can offer me.
>No? Very well. I shall demand trial by combat.
>Not even that? Fine, then the Night's Watch will serve me well enough, with the dead on the way you need every man you can spare.
>No? Very well, but you are a Stark, my lady. I shall not accept accept your sentence if you are not the one to look me in the eye and take my life yourself.
>Or, whatever, just have the goblin bitch mutilate my throat with my dagger. Then burn my body.
>Or you can just leave my corpse on the floor. That would be acceptable as well.

>watching some random scenes from season 3
>Robb in Harrenhal
>suddenly Qyburn






Why don't men in westoros ever pull out?

kek, littlefinger had it coming but this scene really falls apart on the seams if you put some thought into it

The scene was indeed terribly written

>/got/ does bobbyposting

>reddit does bobbyposting
Shit, boring, forced, overused and generally unfunny

Can someone explain this phenomenon?

Qyburn rolled with a gang but they got btfo

why would they?


Why does D&D keep baiting me by introducing waifus and then forgetting about them?

Remember me?

Simple, the CHAD user vs the virgin account

I agree.

>discussing dead memes

>Ned Stark: "The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword."

>Sansa: "Cut this man's throat when I tell you, Arya, and let him bleed out on our carpet. BTW I miss father, we're so much like him LOL"

jesus christ


At least they weren't like "the man who passes the sentence should swing thw sword lady sansa"
"But I am not a man"
But either way good writing is off the table i shapposhe

>sex without shooting balls deep

Might as well not bother at all


They legit seem to think Emilia is superior waifu

why is tyrion ok with bronn talking to him like they are best buds? tyrion is the hand while bronn is just a sellsword

NOO pls dnt cry

>no trial
>"You are accused of Murder and treason, do you deny it?"

Was it a fair trial? No. How many actually are?

>littlefinger was a dirty meddling jew so I made d&d kill him off
What could he mean by this?

It was only funny for a week then redditors imported it to their shithole and now it became stale.

Admit it Sup Forums, you don't care about Littlefinger, you're pissed because it was a yas queen moment.

we've been over this user
the man who passes the sentence must swing the sword
but they are not men ;;;;)))))))

I hate it when the writers try to choose my waifu for me

Except Liara from Mass Effect

the most beautiful woman in the world

He's a lord now and he saved his life a few times

>aaaaah save me kingsguard

He taught it only to his sons.

Well maybe because they are good buds?

Do you think Arya will ride to the Vale with Littlefinger's face on?
Sweet Robin can't be allowed to know about Littlefinger's death.

Lancel did and look where that got him.

>if you put some thought into it

>Defeated in the Whispering Wood by the Young Wolf Robb Stark during the War of the Five Kings. Held captive at a random field and murdered his cousin in a failed escape attempt, then ransomed for a promise unfulfilled. Captured again by random Bolton soldiers and maimed by the actions of Locke their captain, losing his sword hand to him for no reason. Returned safely to King’s Landing by Brienne, the Psychopath of Tarth. Stood around and made no attempt to have Sansa Stark returned to her family as per his ransom terms. Failed to protect King Joffrey from assassination by poison. Raped his sister, then dispatched Brienne to find the lost Sansa. Freed his brother Tyrion from captivity, allowing him to murder their father Tywin Lannister, Hand of the King. Went to the City State of Dorne to recover his daughter/niece Myrcella, failing again and returning with her corpse. Returned to King's Landing to attempt a coup d'etat without first securing King Tommen. Failed yet again, and was dismissed from the Kingsguard by King Tommen for reasons of unbelievable incompetence.

How would you rate Show Jaime's career as a Kingsguard?

>sweetrobin existing
>vale existing


Though I might give Prince's Pass back to Dorne for cleaner borders. Either that or I'll take Terrence. Will probably go for the High Lordship of King's Landing next, Lannisters are going for Blackwater Rush. Blackwater Bay is a traditional Durrandon hold from before the conquest right?

Is Daario the most anime character?
This whole storyline about him killing the other 2 captains and thus becoming in charge is show-tier bad.

Reddit is a circlejerk and behind everypost there's an obvious attempt at getting upvotes

What makes Circusei think that Hellboy II: The Golden Army (2008) will be a fair match against either dragons or hwhite walkers?

>thinking Robin actually cares about LF

Bronn is a lord, he has been for like 4 seasons now
Also Bronn saved his ass several times

>Returned safely to King’s Landing by Brienne, the Psychopath of Tarth. Stood around and made no attempt to have Sansa Stark
I still don't get the point of this change
what were they trying to achieve by getting him to KL earlier?

His son being right next to them.

>they need favorable light, compression clothes, slimming black, CGI, tons of makeup, and nerfing Cersei TO HELL to make dany look half decent

truly the beautiful dragon queen

Ned and Rob swung the sword, and they died

Jon swung the sword, and he died too

Sansa is smarter than they were, her way will work

His POVs are god-tier because they're used as flashbacks to Aerys' time and tales/mythos of the Kingsguard
Plus the Riverlands' pacifying campaign

What's worst, a forgotten waifu or a dead one?
F badpoosy

Punished Gregor is the Lord Commander now right?
Pretty weird choice considering the fact that he doesn't talk. How would he assing shifts and give orders and such?

Is that the City of Dorne?

What ever happened to that guy? Did they replace him with Daario?


I expected this to start playing during their little exhibition

is that bessie?

>made him overly villainous in season 1
>made Ned as good as Jaime at swordfighting
>never mentioned how he charged and nearly killed Robb and his whole personal guard before being captured
>made him kill his cousin to escape prison
>made his loss to Brienne look like he's bad because 'muh stronk wymn'
>made him a shit swordsman with the other hand despite Barristan saying he's 'the most gifted natural swordsman he'd seen' and he would have recovered to some degree
>utterly failed to show Jaime's fighting ability while he was two-handed
>made him rape his sister on top of Joffrey's corpse
>made him ignorant about Cersei's cheating
>made him go to Dorne and be part of the worst storyline in the show so far
>made his sole mission after returning to fuck Cersei instead of reforming
>made him indifferent to Cersei's burning of the sept of Baelor
>literally never showed us what Jaime thinks
>he still doesn't give up on Cersei and leaves to fight for their child

Reminder to never forgive D&D for the character assassination of Jaime Lannister.

>This whole storyline about him killing the other 2 captains and thus becoming in charge is show-tier bad.
Not really. He was a fresh character at that point and it wouldn't be so bad if that spirit continued.
But then he got boooring.
If he continued to do crazy shit like that, it would be fine. But it's like with the actor change his personality also did.

>tfw worse body than a 43 year old mom of two

That is Daario retard

They replaced the actor

As Preston said, the Kingsguard continue their perfect record of never ever ever actually protecting a member of the royal family.

I'd say Jorah's actor is on par, but he's been given nothing to work with this season

Bronn is now le saying fuck a lot man
Same for Hound
Don't worry your pretty little head over it

who cares if Gregor can't talk? Gordon Freeman who is a mute led the resistance to victory until the bullshit kicked in

why do I watch those burlington bar reaction vids when all they do is annoy me

What are we supposed to discuss? How right you are?

And her tits, yes.

Bronn is just a knight. Not even a landed one. It's why he keeps bitching about getting the wife and castle he's been promised.

They were in Winterfell, while Ned and his sons were near the forest I think.

>>never mentioned how he charged and nearly killed Robb and his whole personal guard before being captured
why does this matter

Kit has unironically a better ass than Emilia.

Which actor of them?

it gives us perspective on what the audience for this show is really like

>Yfw if he didn't sell sansa to the boltons he could have had a loyal girl with a daddy fetish who pretended to be his niece as his personal cock socket

>those nipples
Wew lad

Can someone explain the whole bastard name thing?

Like ok, Bran says that Jon was actually born in Dorne, not the North, so he should be named Sand, not Snow. But we never thought Jon was ever born in the North. The story we were told was that he was Ned's bastard from Robert's Rebellion, when he wasn't in the North. So he should have always had another bastard name from whatever kingdom Ned claimed that "Wylla" was in.

why? did Fabio not rate well with audiences?

the show made it look like jaime was captured because of his incompetence

while actually the only reason he didnt get to robb and kill him was getting his sword stuck in a northerner

>the city of Dorne

They call him My Lord

He's a Lord, just without a castle

I saw my brother watching that scene recently. I still can't remember how Qyburn goes from being nursed by Mrs Robb to ending up with the Lannisters

Speaking of which, is Ellaria dead yet?

What the fuck is going on in Dorne?

who cares

Didn't he marry some girl and get her castle?

The simpleton girl, can't remember her name

Dorne is my city

kek what the fuck is that image
post more

I read somewhere that he writes emails to got-wiki because he doesn´t remember the charakters anymore.

>Forced reactions in a bar with the exact same people every time are indicative of the audience of a show watched by millions
Geez, go out more.

They only made Bran say "Jon Sand" for normies to understand what they're talking about

Jaime WAS captured because of his incompetence. He was overconfident and didn't scout well enough, and the suicide charge was obviously going to get him captured or killed (rather than retreating but I'm not sure if he could've, I forget the dispositions.)

I think your thinking it too much kid. Look there, aren't those dragons awesome?

Nah Jaime promised him a better girl with nicer castle before they fucked off to Dorne

Obara was a Sand even though born in the Reach. She just grew up in the Dorne.

The original Daario got cast as the lead in the Transporter reboot. He said he set time aside in his schedule so he could carry on with the role but D&D replaced him anyway.

Qyburn helped Jaime tend his freshly cut wound and wanted the help of Tywin to restore his chains the citadel stripped him off