Trial by Combat

Who do you choose as your champion?

whoever wins, we lose.

black guy

t. Cuckdeau

*blocks your path*

>hey bigboi, wanna fight?

the nignog

>there are """"""""men""""""""" who are attracted to this

The one who doesn't pretend she isn't a spic



How did they keep the referee from getting a boner in this scene?



i choose this guy

How tall is she? Looks like a malformed little kid.

Can I get source?

>ywn see miranda dominating a moaning victoria with a strapon

In Hollywood movies, those two girls would be able to knock out several fully grown men, you know, because they've been training in the martial arts for years! So of course they would be able to punch as hard as the men.


They're both pretty much jobless as far as I know so I wouldn't think it's entired off the table for them to battle it out with strap ons

Holy shit she's ripped. Good for her!

Lmao is she like 4 feet tall ?

I remember when we had Disneyfags here on Sup Forums and regular threads about iCarly and Victorious.

Those were better times

based chinks

They might be weird little fucks, but they do it beautifully.

0/10 You're just butthurt.

t. chink

>People are getting nostalgic for fucking Victoriousposting

chinks are chinese. those are japanese, so japs. also gooks are kroeans and viets. learn the difference, white boi.