How bad is the traffic in your city?

How bad is the traffic in your city?

Attached: assad stuck in traffic.webm (1280x720, 1.86M)

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I-4 is the deadliest road in the country

Hell on earth

I've had people from Chicago and LA tell me it's worse here in Toronto during rush hour than there... and they're pretty much famous for traffic.

t. Chilango

What car does Assad drive, lads?

It's Honda logo on the wheel

Pretty bad specially near office/commercial zones. Once I got stuck for more than one and half hours and managed to move less than a kilometer.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-03-20_02-40-39.png (1288x489, 234K)

People literally don't know how to drive here.

Oh, and we have PSAs reminding people not to murder pedestrians

Isnt this extremely dangerous?
It looks really shitty for a president. Even random warlords in Africa have better cars.

Looks like a kino documentary. Link?

>small city
>doesnt ever have traffic jams, only busy on the top hours
>can go anywhere relatively fast and the only thing making me stop are traffic lights
feels good :3

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Fucking horrible, especially during rush hour you'll drive like 5km in 30 minutes. I always ride a bike during spring/summer/fall
The best, we don't have a speed limit so it's very easy going. People here are usually good drivers

fucking smaht
he even shaved so no one knows it's him

i accidentally turned left at a green light a week ago because the turning lanes just light up where i live so i didnt know it had to have a little arrow in the light. I still feel bad.

Traffic in Portland, Oregon is fairly bad because of the poor design of the roads. The main freeway for the entire west coast of the US (Interstate 5) goes right through downtown Portland, where it intersects with Interstate 84, another major freeway. There is also a major river (the Columbia) dividing the metro area, and only two bridges. There are also hills and narrow passes which complicate things.

Attached: Marquam bridge.jpg (1600x1200, 736K)


isn't there a spanish word?

now I know why amerimutts hate syria

Was wondering the same thing. Especially how autistic the Spanish are with replacing every English word they can. Maybe it's a semi touristic place?

I live in DC and right in the middle of the DMV tri-state metropolitan area. Take a guess.

too many fucking old people who insist on driving 5-10 under the speed limit

aparcamiento, but everyone uses parking.
aparcamiento is just too long of a word and parking is understood internationally
we also have "STOP" traffic signs, we dont translate to "ALTO" like mexico

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that's kind of sad,

How is that sad? It’s practical

Why doesn't he have any bodyguards and why is he driving himself?

watch Hypernormalisation, Bashar was never supposed to be in power, he was just a NEET who was interested in computers. But his father was majorly fucked over by Kissinger and all his life he's had to stick it to American dogs

everyone calls it parking. if the foreign word is so much shorter than the native one, the foreign word is superior imo

Damn, he had a hard life.

In Sofia it's ridiculous, even though we're building new subway lines at sanic speeds we can't handle the entire country moving here. Obviously nobody really lives in the countryside so it's nice and peaceful. Shit roads though

What you’d expect from one of the densest populated countries in the world where people can afford cars.
Also our bike lanes and public transit is overcrowded too. This country is like a mildly more succesful Bangladesh

>who was interested in computers
isn't he an ophthalmologist that actually happily performed as that before becoming one of the Middle East leaders? First time I heard about him being into computers.

it seems like a normal city.
why wont syrians go there instead of evropa (my homeland)

>Bashar also became the President of the Syrian Computer Society and helped to introduce the internet in Syria, which aided his image as a moderniser and reformer

>“These are the influences that shaped his worldview, rather than being a computer nerd and liking Western music.”

>tfw Assad could be shitposting with us RIGHT NOW
this changes everything
what boards do you think he would visit? the syrian general on pol is off the question

definitely Sup Forums. Judging by that qz article he's an appletard, maybe he's the one spamming Sup Forums with Apple shill threads
I guess he'd be in Sup Forums and /his/ too. As a kid/teenager he was a complete autist, wouldn't look people in the eyes, mumbled his words. So Sup Forums is the perfect place for him

>67 million views
never fails to make me laugh when instructional videos on YT that show vaginas get insane views. I guess there are a lot of aspiring gynecologists/beauty parlor workers out there

god i wish that were me

>he was a complete autist, wouldn't look people in the eyes, mumbled his words
he was /ourguy/ all along

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kill me pls

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back in the UK it's fine, but one of the two roads to the motorway was shut, so if you take the motorway to work you have to go the long way round, and you have to take into account that everyone who takes the motorway is now going that way

se dice parqueo

la abominacion of european traffic

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Depends on the day and time of the month.

Monday-Thursday - not that bad, pretty calm and fast. Short spike in traffic around 16-17:00 in the afternoon when people get off their jobs.

Fridays and the days around the 25th - pretty bad, people are going out, going shopping etc. All at once.

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