Why do Americans keep their aigs in the fridge?

Why do Americans keep their aigs in the fridge?

Attached: eggs-stored-in-the-fridge-dcybc1.jpg (640x446, 42K)

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why wouldn't you?

Why don't you ?

Our eggs are basically pressure washed. This makes them clean on the outside, but weakens the shells and allows bacteria inside. People are somewhat cautious about eating uncooked eggs here as a result.

I keep my eggs in the fridge...

Because they use chlor to clean them which destroys a natural protective layer

It's so they can see whether or not they need to buy more eggs when they get their shoes in the morning

do muslims eat eggs? serious question, I can't recall any arabic recipe with it

Yes we eat it in our breakfast and for frying. I’m a man though so my wife does all the cooking. There could be more uses.

>danish flag

is there any white poster left from white european countries?

I was referring “we” as in muslims. Seems like inferences are hard for cholos to make. Btw you’re the least white Europeans from the whole continent lol. Go mix with some moors

You don’t?

>not being wh*te and converting to Islam

Br*Ts are truly degenerates


>US not on retarded side of the argument one time

Tears of joy desu

Because they start to taste like fridge.

what do you brits do? carry them with you at all times?

wash your fucking fridge imbecile

>you’re the least white Europeans

we are literally 0% wh*Te

waste of fridge space you could be putting leftovers in

these eggs are stacked incorrectly. pointy ends should be turned down.

But god gave y’all better weather. I’d take that over pale skin that burns under the sun.

You have some issues with the irony, user.

Because you literally don't need to. They are hermetically sealed

I understand temperatures in UK are comparable to a fridge, but if you keep eggs outside in med countries they rot faster.

why yes. we all in the north just live with open windows when it gets cold

Hold up nigga! U sayin those eggs aint white?!

The better question is why do they blast wash their egg shells?


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>do muslims eat eggs?
Of course. Why wouldnt we

Really? Why?

We do to...
They keep about twice as long in a fridge.

we love eggs for breakfast

We eat sunny side up eggs or scrambled eggs for breakfast and even break fast with boiled and seasoned eggs every evening during Ramadan. We also use eggs in lots of pastry recipes.

Don't you?

"This helps the yolk remain centered"
there is a whole bloody webside dedicated to eggs for some reason lol

Why don't you?

if eggs go bad they smell like total shit, they go bad much quicker out of the fridge

It's not like I'm using it for anything else and they keep longer meaning you can buy more at once meaning fewer trips to the store.

Not that they usually sit long enough to go bad, but again, might as well. It's not like my fridge is ever full.


>leaving eggs outside of the fridge
it's like you're asking for food poisoning

>Estonians don't eat cheese

Eggs last for weeks outside of the fridge... Unless you're buying 24 at a time there's no point.

Why do Americans keep urinals in their fridge?

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we love eggs

>not having the cheese compartment in your fridge

speak for yourself, I'm white

>Why wouldnt WE
go home to albania