I think Greece got its range ban lifted

I think Greece got its range ban lifted

Attached: 1.3.jpg (600x591, 52K)

Fuck, should've stayed banned

wait, greece was range banned ?

pay denbts then




Don't know why they were rangebanned, my greek brethren for sure didn't deserved it

We deserved it. They should have kept us rangebanned.

Rare flag

Finally, /balk/ became cancer without the malakas.
We have albos out the ass and anime is banned.

Newest of all the newfags

I'm Greek in spirit, but German in success and prosperity.

I'm German in spirit, but Greek in success and prosperity.

Attached: 1511390613036.png (1013x1072, 503K)

I am German in spirit, but Asian in penis.

I'm BLACK in body

I am penis in spirit, but vagina in penis.

I'm girl in sexuality but man in gender

Probably got Greece and Turkey mixed up

>are the same anyway

dumb fag keeps spamming int wit hshit threads