
come on user let's go kill some palestinian kids edition

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The irony of moving to Poland because of immigrants

>>>Poland. Moving to Poland. I visit at least once a year. As I grow older I realize that life has no meaning for me in Canada. I don't feel Canadian, the social climate demonizes me for the color of my skin and my genitals, white people will be a minority here by 2040 and my children will be treated even worse.
>>>At least in Poland I will be building my homeland and I see a future for my children.

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NEED to creampie her.

that's like rain on your wedding day

your wilful ignorance is more impressive (sad) than his alleged irony.

the article criticises the guy for doing exactly that

>What shall I do to strengthen my spirit? Do not tell lies, or do what you despise.

>What shall I do to ennoble my body? Use it only in the service of my soul.

>What shall I do with the most difficult of questions? Consider them the gateway to the path of life.

>What shall I do with the poor man’s plight? Strive through right example to lift his broken heart.

>What shall I do with when the great crowd beckons? Stand tall and utter my broken truths.


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not if you want to live anywhere relevant and have a good job. Of course there are exceptions but those type of people are extremely prevalent in all of the major cities pretty much.

American here. Ask me anything about picking up women

someone hat this fool

have learnt that under the 1949 Geneva Convention collective punishment is a war crime

wish Mrs Griffith had known about this in primary school tbqh

What am I wilfully ignorant of? It's rank hypocrisy

dont think its even possible to pick up american women without breaking your back lol

Inconsolably depressed
suffering greatly from protracted benzo withdrawal

I tried posting a frog in the other thread and I kept getting a connection error so I tried posting without an image and it let me post and then I posted a different frog and it let me.

small brain: moving to Poland
medium brain: being invaded by Poles
ascended cranium: invading Poland

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>your wilful ignorance is more impressive (sad) than his alleged irony.

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uhhhh the hoooowyte race!!!

There's a black man in my neighbourhood so I'm moving to an impoverished, third world country lads because even though the natives are dumb, at least they're white!!!

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>wants to live somewhere relevant
>moves to pooland

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well its obviously not polish immigrants hes concerned about is he, idiot.

might cop

same but alcohol

absolutely hate, loath and detest myself more than I could possibly describe

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we have come for the golden ass

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PUA master here

you lads wanna get laid? do the following:

lead off with a neg and then look for IOI's, make sure you escalate quickly and keep playfully insulting while laying foundation, but don't forget to agonize her friends while giving off clarity of intent, look for affirmations (her breathing) and keep communication frequency at compliance, she will shit test you so build credibility by direct game, using the disarm approach wingman. Drop anchor, then eject while eye glazing using the implicit technique, one she's lockedout nickle back her till game over.

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i'm not that guy but yeah I agree his reasoning is partly retarded.

Why do white liberals celebrate their death?

oy blimey

same two weeks ago but nicotine

yes lad yessss been looking for this pasta for a while now

PLEASE just take some so you spare us your twatty posts

saw a man with different colour skin to me today
now i'm moving to donetsk

"accidentally" bumped into a girl from my uni class until she struck up a conversation with me. she's my gf now and thinks it was all her idea lmao

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whilst mosley and powell might have had a point,

Hitler had to invade Poland, he had no choice

>come on goy those palestinians wont murder themselves

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converting to Catholcism to be elected King and then converting back to Protestantism and then having allegedly 400 illegitimate children

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any rorke uni students here

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>Why do white liberals celebrate their death?

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dont understand the point of PUAs
prozzies exist and you don't even need to try

I sure hope this is bait right?

white liberal

>he fell for the benzo meme

enjoy your months of hell

theresa may is a liberal

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rorkes never manage that far

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I reckon they were correct
Even they couldn't predict what the future would bring?

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because the planet's basically doomed

did your grandad tell you this one kiddo?

Why don't you vote for Corbyn in 2020? He will raise your NEETbux


most israeli "jews" are just russian gentiles larping

How do I make friends with a Welshman?

Only problem with Enoch Powell was that he was too optimistic

had a great shag for £22 on the first floor flat of 70A berwick street, soho, london on saturday evening

>The Greeks didn’t believe that citizens should be required to pay taxes. Under normal conditions, the people of Greece didn’t have to pay a dime to the state. Instead, the government got its money from customs duties and taxes on foreign residents—and from the wealthy. Only the very richest people in Athens were required to pay taxes. At first, they relied on funding from the top 1,200 wealthiest people, but in time, even that number was lowered down to 300. Instead of complaining, the wealthy would actually volunteer to pay more. Being taxed was a social status symbol in Greece, so men would offer to give more money to the government toward military or cultural spending, just to show off how rich they were.

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wales mentioned

just keep mentioning wales

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because the next election will be in 2022 and he'll be too old by then and he'll be replaced by some neoliberal

Why are you celebrating your death?


just had an absolutely mental wank, tongue out gasping

dig his children out of a pile of coal

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cos he's a fucking commie

let's do that now


You do realize that they will kill you once they are the majority and wield all political power like in South Africa right? They aren't going to stop and say "user hated his race really hard so we ought to spare him" they will kill you on the way to other people

rorke by definition is poor and uneducated
do you just mean "conservative" uni students?

never realised ringo was a sheed

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>moving to Poland

business idea: territorially partition Germany intermittently (50 years or so) to rein in Teutonic lust for power on the continent

Portillo got a new series on Indian rail journeys

not sure how to feel about this, previous rail journeys were comfy core because it was set in the civilised western world

feel like a sheep in a wolf's den sometimes

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same. have developed a very good technique.

I love seeing the same images reposted over and over. Does anyone of that image of the slag? That image of the frog?

And then they all died

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majority of the """conservative""" party is. or barely right of centre. same here in Canada.

rorke is anyone leftypol disagrees with, income and social standing don't matter

can't accept how my life has turned out

look at this mong hahaha

Corbyn can't be PM because he is antisemitic

these greek guys have got some good ideas i tell ya
*shags a little boy*

no they won't

crying those 4°C tears only a man can cry

Where in the world has multiculturalism worked without an authoritarian state to enforce it?

"""""european""""" """""""""""""""""""""""""union""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

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>Assembly-women is a comedy written by the Greek playwright Aristophanes in 391 BCE. The play invents a scenario where the women of Athens assume control of the government and instate pseudo-communist reforms that ban private wealth and enforce sexual equality. t is important to note that the play's central concepts of women in government and communism were not legitimate suggestions from Aristophanes, but rather an outlandish premise.

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Polands actually quite nice now with all the EU money and the underclass all gone

Oh yes they will
In fact being a vehement race traitor will make them want to kill you more

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