Nationalistic immigrants

>nationalistic immigrants
if you love your home-country so much why don't you move back

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Plunder for their homeland.

i don't

Because they know their cunts a shithole and the one they're in is better, but their pathetic, fragile little ego won't let them admit it.


(that was a Spanish "no" btw just in case you couldn't tell)

Nothing more nationalistic than expanding your country's blood-borders.

I'm an immigrant
I don't love my home country
I don't love America
I love California

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Nah, I think I’ll stay here and continue to fuck white wimmin.

>nationalistic immigrants
>if you love your home-country so much why don't you move back
Is it just me or does Sup Forums have a lot of them and the most opinionated tend to be living in a first world western country and they or their parents are from some utter shithole.

Pajeets are the worst offenders. At least Africans and sudacas freely admit that their homelands are shitholes.

What about immigrants that become nationalistic to the country they moved to?

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>if you love your home-country so much why don't you move back

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I'm a first generation immigrant. My family came from Portugal during the days of Salazar.

We all love America because he was turning Portugal into a backwards shithole.

How do you know that he's an immigrant?

Or what?


Africans constantly argue that we don't know Africa and that Western medias give a bad image of Africa which is far better than how it is showed in Western medias.

africa isn't a country though

meant for

I know that most people here don’t have the mental capacity to understand that the world does not run according to how Sup Forums thinks it does, but I’ll try to explain it to you anyways: Nationalistic immigrants love their home country’s culture, landscape, food, people, etc. For example, if some Guatemalan moves to the US, he does so almost always for economic, political, or safety issues. Just because he moves does not mean that he automatically hates his home country now. Because unlike the autistic subhumans that populate this board, nobody in the real world blames culture for economic misfortune.

Because Venezuela is dying right now and we don't have nothing to eat.

I really love and miss my homeland tho.

Why not stay and improve your home country?

Because nobody on earth except for retarded Sup Forumstards actually thinks like that? I’m still astonished that they think they’ve managed to actually convince a single “>le scary brown person” to not immigrate with that “argument”.

because its one person in a system which is corrupt trying to milk as much as they can

brain drain is a real thing

Muhammad staying in Syria won’t make the country better because he wouldn’t have been able to get an education if he stayed. If he goes to Europe, he has hopes of getting a good education. Furthermore, a common theme among all first generation immigrants is a desire to return home when things improve, meaning that they would bring their first world skills and education with them.

fuck you pendejo

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why do other countries have to pay the consequences? Immigrants commit a disproportionate amount of crime

I didn't know niggers are now considered immigrants

>why do other countries have to pay the consequences?
Because they don’t. Immigration is beneficial to the economy, both high and low skilled. Regardless, “muh bootstraps” is not a solution to complex global issues and it’s not going to stop Juan from selling tacos next to the grocery store.
>Immigrants commit a disproportionate amount of crime
Also blatantly false. Crime in Germany has DECLINED since the start of the refugee crisis.
>I didn't know niggers are now considered immigrants
*tips fedora*

Yes paco, why not?

>Crime in Germany has DECLINED since the start of the refugee crisis.
I really doubt this

>Immigrants commit a disproportionate amount of crime
Let's see the evidence backing up this assertion. If it's as obvious as you seem to think, this should be easy.

What about immigrants that are nationalistic towards their new country?

its all from the perspective of the people migrating who will be better off along with the rich who get to pay lower wages because of a saturated labour market

You get more nationalistic by living abroad. It is a result of homesickness

>immigration is beneficial to the economy
sure if all you care about is gdp. Per capita goes down. Wages go down, living conditions get worse, crime goes up and social cohesion gets worse.

>per capita
Only if you're incompetent, which then you deserve your shit wages
>living conditions get worse
Only if you're an incompetent faggot who can't stop himself from buying properly
>crime goes up
>social cohesion gets worse