"Service Canada moves away from calling Canadians Mr., Mrs., or Ms."

"Service Canada moves away from calling Canadians Mr., Mrs., or Ms."

Are you fucking... serious!? This country is a fucking joke - I don't care what you guys think of America, but Canada is quickly spiraling into a shit hole.


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They are going to use your full name, or ask how you wish them to refer to you. Oh, the horror.

yes, it is being implemented right now

thank god who knows how many microaggressions have gone unnoticed until now

ello fellow human

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Leafs get what they deserve.

Good luck Leafs, we have murders and monkeys & you have ultra-femi-nazism

I bet they will make mandatory for a leaf to serve the army they will have to be trans in 2020

>"What is the name of parent number one?"
Westerner surely loves to complicate things, aren't they.

hey canada, you you mind lending me some of your gold.. oh.. heh heh... thats right.

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Water will be worth more than gold

How will the Canadian experiment end?

One generation or two and whites will be something like 40% of the total population

Trudeau is so unpopular right now with mainstream Canadians that it looks like he could lose the election next year. To put it in to perspective, I don't think a majority government has ever been voted out after one term in Canada's history. They are likely going to spend the next year pandering hard to the far-left.

Thats nothing they want to arrest 3 brown guys for beating up n autist for 6 seconds wtf

> Pandering to the hard left
Like what? Nationalizing all the companies in the CTEA?

You guys will probably go full communism in a few years. I wish you luck with your next elections.

Most people were just anti harper n picked him just cuz

>Trudeau is so unpopular right now with mainstream Canadians that it looks like he could lose the election next year. To put it in to perspective, I don't think a majority government has ever been voted out after one term in Canada's history. They are likely going to spend the next year pandering hard to the far-left.
Do you have a national sorry day yet? If not, there is one for Trudeau's idea box.

what's the point? every party is a joke. don't even get me started on the """progressive""" conservatives.


Scheer isn't perfect, but if you listen to his interviews, he makes good points. Im voting anyone but liberal for sure

Nah, the Liberal party is still owned by big business, I just think that for the next election Trudeau's plan is to double-down on left-wing identity politics and make the Conservative guy out to be some Bible-thumping prairie hillbilly.

>Liberal Party
>pandering hard to the far-left
Never happening. They're firmly rooted in the center-right and will stay there.

That's not entirely true


While the Liberals did see a significant drop in their support immediately after Trudeau's trip to India, they seem to have recovered, and are still slightly ahead of the Tories in popular vote.

Of course, they might still very well lose the election because of vote splitting. However, if they lose, it won't really be because of Trudeau being "so unpopular".

>Call my ISP
>They call me Ma'am


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Plus whatever gun law fuckery they're messing with currently is going to cost them some narrowly won rural ridings

>Trudeau is so unpopular right now with mainstream Canadians

This is your brain on Sup Forums. Going to laugh after he wins next years election again and watching you retards come up with some conspiracy as to why your bullshit didn't pan out.

>make the Conservative guy out to be some Bible-thumping prairie hillbilly.

The only thing that's wrong about this statement is hillbilly. He's as much a Evangelical GOP wannabe as Canada can get.

Ah yes, more Sup Forumstard census misrepresentation. Reminder that Canada is over 75% white and you're going to be under 50% in 2 years and no amount of misleading wikipedia links and repeated failed attempts to remove the paragraph from that article (This shit is logged, sad to see the edit history every time Sup Forums posts it) is going to change that, Chavez.

What exactly is Service Canada? I've heard this name a few times in the past year and I have no recollection of ever contacting them.

It's just trudaeu being trudeau the media is already tearing him a new ass about it and he his approval rating are trump tier. At tuis point he's desperately trying to scrape back supports from lgbt and women to squeeze by since he alienated a lot of immigrants after india.

>alienated a lot of immigrants after india
What did he do in India?

Why do they care so much about these special snowflakes which are like 0.01% of the population?

Be cringy

A convicted would-be assassin and Sikh separatist who made an attempt on an Indian minister's life found himself invited to a dinner. Indians thought Justin was taking the piss, especially because he's friendly with Sikhs.

oh noes! the horror or not being addressed as Mr.,Mrs., or Ms.

if you're that hung up on it, you can kindly ask the caller to address you as Mr.,Mrs., or Ms.

>A convicted would-be assassin and Sikh separatist who made an attempt on an Indian minister's life found himself invited to a dinner.
In all seriousness, what is Trudeau's motivation? Why would he do that?

I'm pretty sure it was an accident, but there have been a lot of such accidents since he became PM, he simply isn't very smart.

He claimed the invitation was a mistake. There was also some talk of a third party arranging the invitation to sabotage the negotiations which he didn't condone, but didn't condemn either.

Yeah man I mean the US literally has Afghanistan tier random ied bombings now and weekly school shootings but clearly we as a nation are standing at the precipice.

Im tired of people accidentally callin me ms instead of mr when they hear my voice.

put your money where your mouth is and vote ndp then

this is quite literally the most non-issue thing I've heard of in canadian news ever, and i follow CBC NL
I very much would not like a majority trudeau gov't again, but dear lord take your eyes off of rebel media for a while and step outside

I'd rather not vote for a party that would try their best to prohibit my guns. The libs are bad enough as is

>mfw he ACTUALLY uses his birth pronouns

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So your a partisan hack that would vote in a wet carpet as long as it had the PC logo next to it. Stop pretending to be an unbiased every man then faggot.

No, i just don't want to lose thousands of dollars of my property, because some politician wants to virtue signal

>no im just avoiding *stawman of people i don't like*
Who are you fooling?

Wow I'm going to move to a different country because of this. It's one thing to get shot, but this... this is too much.

Nordic countries dropped titles and Mr / Mrs and stuff in the 60s. Now it just "you" or your name. I don't se how not using titles is a problem.

The NDP have been extremely, and irrationally anti-gun for years. Thats pretty much a fact at that point.

They should unironically switch to "comrade"

Trudeau will literally go down as the worst PM in Canadian history.

He has nothing but virtue signal and (soon) legalize weed

>why aren't you letting me bully you into voting for my joke SJW party?!

How old are you? Brian Mulroney will always be the worst one by a fucking mile.

Hey Canada, how many containers of migrants di you want?

Holy shit JT, go hang out with more of your terrorist buddies and stop bothering the peoplekind on Sup Forums

>bully you into voting
Get some reading comprehension Seamus.


India didn't go so well for you eh?

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Trudeau is the only person who will save North America from Dr*mf(NOT MY PRESIDENT)

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