I can't take much more of this

I can't take much more of this

Other urls found in this thread:


>teach me about Islam


i thought this was satire, lmfao.
It's gone too far now

(((true story)))


d-did you photoshop this user???

How many different queens has Judy Dench played?

reminder that muslims are the most psychotic and inbred group of people on the planet
reminder that if you are an islam sympathizer its time to end your life

>First episode of Educating Greater Manchester
>Usually a comfy dockino about school life
>Episode entirely centred around Muslim Syrian students and how hard they have it
>Muslim kid teaches entire class how to pray to Allah
>Teacher tells her class that Trump is like Hitler
>Muslim kid assaults other student for making harmless joke and doesn't face any consequences
Fuck this

I don't know, Indian stories are inevitably bound up with the history of the British Empire. As stated its based on her real friendship wityh an Indian servant.

The guy who directed The Queen also worked on the Crown and is a reliable source of Queen kino. Also judy Dench is a class act.

I'm pretty pumped really.


Suck it up. A movie without diversity, no matter how much sense it makes, is unacceptable in the current year

>Victoria & Abdul is an upcoming British-American biographical drama film directed by Stephen Frears and written by Lee Hall. It is based on the book of same name by Shrabani Basu, and on the real-life relationship between Queen Victoria and her Indian servant Abdul Karim.

Have you ever been to Manchester? I'm not sure what you were expecting from a

>its real
Hahaha oh wow

i'm autistic, please ignore me

He was indian

Why is western society obsessed with this shit?

Makes me think the jews(or whoever it is) really are there pushing shit and moulding public opinion to their liking.


So Sup Forums doesn't know anything about history or anything about British Colonization of India?

Truly the influx of uneducated middle-school teenagers from reddit.



so it's okay to have an all black cast if the film is set in historical Africa or an all Indian cast for a Bollywood film, but if the film is set in Europe it has to be multicultural? What the fuck?




>but if the film is set in Europe it has to be multicultural

Dunkirk is based off of WW2. Which happened to take place in Europe.

There were black, arab and indian soldiers that took part in WW2.

Britain sent a lot of people from their colonies in the Caribbean, Africa, India to take part and help in the war.

French had African soldiers too.

Even the fucking Nazi's used Africans & Arabs as soldiers with the Free Arabian Legion.

If Hollywood makes more of these movies will you whinybabies finally kill yourselves? Please say yes.

Not all of WW2 was in Europe and colonial troops were overwhelmingly fighting outside of Europe.


I'm all against this current trend of white genocide in the British media but this at least has a modicum of truth behind it.

this is like metabait

shut up you racist nazi republican

I'm more concerned why this poster looks like CIV characters than real people.

what is this inbred bullshit?

>colonial troops were overwhelmingly fighting outside of Europe

Wow you're so full of shit. Why would they recruit soldiers, but have them just take part in some micro battle outside of where most of the combat action took place? Britain and France did the same thing importing soldiers to the battlefields in Europe for WW I.

There were African people living in Europe at the time you dipshit. The French Soldiers from WW I fucked a shitload of German Bitches producing the Rhineland Bastards.

There are still families of Jamaican Soldiers from WW I & WW II living in Britain today.

Marrying your first cousin is common in SOME Muslim societies, Pakistan is famous for this.

Some nonwhite men fought on the Western front, probably in the order of less than 1% of all allied troops. No nonwhites fought in Europe for the Germans. The Russians undoubtedly had some Asiastic soldiers too, but again comparatively few.

In all cases they were kept segregated from white divisions.

A film not showing any nonwhite people in world war 1 would be completely in line with the experiences of 99% of people and soliders who did not come into contact with any nonwhite persons for the entirety of the war. It could also show nonwhite persons in an accurate context if it wanted too, but it doesnt have to.

There were some Black Germans that did fight in Europe, largely the children of German women and French Colonial soldiers that occupied the Rhine.