Show only you watched

Show only you watched

>probably the only user here to have seen it

omelette de fromage!

oliver beene

Plan B. It's a series about a man using an expensive time travel technique to get what he considers a perfect life.

End of the series spoiler
At the end, he gets tired of the fucking Roastie who never has enough, no matter what he does, and he sends HER back in time, a year before they even met.

Premiered the same time Its Always Sunny did. Only one was picked up.

forgot pic

this show was funny as fuck

is that jaime lannister?

S1 was bretty gud
S2 was not
S3 had a really good set up for the next season

oh well


They did some weird photoshop on Nikolaj's eyes in that pic, he looks fine in thumbnail but expanded it doesn't look like him, I had to look it up to be sure.

fuck forgot pic

All the scientist are running around.
Looking for the monkey but he can't be found
Cause he's down by the pond playing hockey with the kids

I absolutely love it.

Watched this when it was going. Really liked this.
But have a soft spot for time-stuff.

I bought this on dvd ages, never heard of it before and didn't realise it was cancelled after the first season 1 and ended on a cliffhanger,still bummed about it.

that was such a shit show

that snowy show with that sopranos actor


SHame it was cancelled yes. Showtime before it was Showtime.

You should watch Space: Above and Beyond


Does Space: AB end in with a cliffhanger?

Not a "will he die???" cliffhanger but you will want more.

I watched the first few episodes but just lost interest, did it go anywhere?

My mom too is watching it.

The funny thing is, I started watching it for these reasons, in order:

>1. I'd just finished watching a good foreign dance movie
>2. the main character, who was like 36 at the time of filming, I found oddly hot
>3. the younger girls

I mean I love pussy but sometimes I wonder if I'm partially gay when stuff like this happens.

Please tell me more user, I am curious, not maybe curious enough to watch it but still.

^^ This one

I only wish there was more

Sup Forums absolutely loved this show when it was airing

Pretty good show with almost zero budget.

peaks when it's feeling like a XCOM 2 tie in
It's pretty mediocre otherwise

From looking it up just now I learned that it got a second season.

It did not deserve one

It was fantastically written. The problem is, you had to appreciate it for its writing. The girls weren't hot enough to watch the show exclusively for that, and it didn't have a story that a lot of the male population would be interested in.



Came here to post this.


The chick with the boots kinda looks like a autistic version of Remy

>The girls weren't hot enough to watch the show exclusively for that
That didn't stop me from crafting elaborate fantasies involving them, especially Boo

Fucking awful

Sasha 4ever


is that bobby b baratheon?

That's Tony Soprano, stupid

How to Make It in America
>Louis Guzman

Is that the one where there were 500 immortals?
It wasn't bad


Wow that show was fucking shit

This was fucking terrible.


It was decent.


I watched it, it was shit

This brings back feels. One of the first shows to go the gritty sci-fi route (amidst the mass of campy stuff like Andromeda, Xena, etc). Still mad it wasn't renewed.

tamponné, double tamponné

