How could you help the bees?

Bees are important for ecosystem and now their numbers are diminishing even in Finland.

To help the bees, do not cut the grass on the backyard of your mansion very often. Bees like medium long grass. However also very tall full grown grass was bad for the bees as was completely cut grass.

In the midst of medium grown grass, the flowers are best accessible by the bees.

Attached: mehilainen-TCDcv.jpg (747x392, 39K)

Other urls found in this thread:

bump because bees are important

By making Bee Queen pregnant.

Polish Bee keepers are very good at it. They're most respected job in Polska unironically.

The type of grass you are talking about here is called a meadow

Im bee-ing with ur mom right now.
Gotta help the bees

European bees are an invasive species to The Americas who compete, and often kill and displace, other native pollinators, like bumblebees for example. And The Americas used to be fine before them.

Yes, but compare the quantity of cultivated land back then and now.

Finland was for a long time too cold for proper European bees but was pollinated by Finnish bumblebee, the arctic bumblebee

They can survive in freezing temperatures below zero but they just can't fly in those temperatures, instead they walk if not hibernating

Attached: bumblebee.jpg (671x624, 142K)

Noice bumblebee moit
A lot of our native bees are puny little fly things who don't even have stings

Attached: bees_5.gif (200x112, 8K)

Take this, no need to thank me.
Good luck

Attached: beeeees.png (990x765, 1.17M)

Lmao abbo bee

I help.
I gave them a new home

Attached: MOV_707322.webm (1920x1080, 2M)

I'm sure they would appreciate it if they could


Attached: 4D0807D1-C1AC-4240-8D97-A4FF3006835C.jpg (1680x1260, 343K)

You did this?

>I'm sure they would appreciate it if they could

Attached: IMG-20180219.jpg (774x1032, 144K)

>You did this?

>literally living in the jungle
Where the fuck do you live, m8?

I have teeth and I know how to read ... I'm from São Paulo

Attached: bandeirante.jpg (959x960, 269K)

but burgers have been shaving their lawns for decades and bees only nosedived recently there
isn't the main cause some pesticide that was a lot easier to apply so the agricultural industry just gets all their bought bee researchers to say it's safe
least that's what I recall reading on a bee forum a couple of years ago

Bees are important for ecosystem and now their numbers are diminishing even in Finland.
I thought they went extinct long time ago.

That’s really nice

How often do you eat honey in Europe?
How much does it cost?

Genetic modification vis à vis CRISPR seems like the only solution at this point.