He was a good L. Script problems doesn't negate his performance

He was a good L. Script problems doesn't negate his performance.

He was trash
Even if he was white he still would have been trash itself

It was really weird because the guy who played L could clearly out act everyone else in this movie except for William Dafoe.


Good performance doesn't make him a good L


I thought all of the cast was good except the guy who played Light. He was the only terrible one.

What good performance?

L is supposed to give that weirdo genius vibe off. Black guy can't do either of these things

Misa was wooden as fuck, Dad Turner looked like he was channeling constipated Sean Penn, and no one else really had enough screentime to show any acting chops
Dafoe was great for all of the five lines he had but any time Ryuk was not in the shadows he was impossible to take seriously because he looked fucking retarded

Anytime I see anyone defend practically anything about this movie I feel like I'm speaking to an alien. There wasn't a single good thing about it. The cafe scene was okay at best thanks to the visuals and composition but fuck if the dialogue and poor casting didn't fuck it up. The guy who played L could've done a good job but the script was godawful so while it's clear he's a good actor, he's not good in this. No one's good in this.

That was because of the writing, not the performance

that's because of the race. black guy cant look like genius

>Dad Turner looked like he was channeling constipated Sean Penn

Sir, I'll have you know Shea Whigham is based.

And I understand how you feel about speaking to an alien (I feel that way when someone praises that godawful Castlevania series), but I have to disagree, Death Note was fun and stylish and weird.

This is pretty basic racism. Maybe put some more effort into it next time.

he just needed glasses to look smarter

show me a black guy that would look like he could be a weirdo genius

You're only the thousandth person to say that.
These threads are all completely the same.

I spent several seconds thinking of an answer.

Not that it matters since you'll just move the goalposts.

ooga booga

More like N.

No, Near shows up later

Yeah, N shows up later on a boat from Africa.

he fucked up L's stoic personality and made him an emotional psycho.

>Script problems doesn't negate his performance

Yes it does

>He squatted in a chair like in the cartoon
>that's what makes it good acting

Here, here!

Iwould be ok with Light being black, but L just need to be pale

he looks like a retard, not weirdo genius

Good actor, but I didn't like his L


And racism is reality.

haven't and don't plan to watch death note, but he was my favorite actor in atlanta

He's the best actor in the movie. He's a great actor in general.

Why did he just stop wearing his mask halfway through? I thought it was because he knew kira needed his real name to kill him so as long as kira didn't have that he didn't have anything to fear, but just because Kira doesn't have your real name doesn't mean there aren't other people who want to know who you are. That's why he uses a pseudonym, and presumably why he wore the mask in the first place.

Who is William Dafoe?

His performance of the poorly written L

No N will be a Muslim refugee from Sweden

came to this thread to find mental retardation and i caught it right here lol you know being weird and being super intelligent are too exclusively different, meaning being ultra smart has nothing to do with appearance you fuck nut, which means you are going by an inherent superficial bias of what looks eccentric. you must be gay, my condolences

Honestly after watching Atlanta and seeing interviews this guy actually has what it takes to play a guy with Asperger's. Shame that decide to make him more wrathful instead just mega autistic

Near was a mistake. He was just L without everything that made L a good character but with triple the autism.

L was stoic even in the face of his own death. Been rewatching the show after watching the movie and I'm getting close to his death, starting to feel the feels already. That dialog between Light and L in the rain is so calm and thoughtful then suddenly the klaxons start going off and everything hits the fan. This show is so damn good

No, the writer did.

N was kinda like a savant I think. In the manga didn't he use the death note to control mikami to catch Light? I haven't read it

>the last thing L does before dying is dry off Lights feet

Is it even possible to be more beta than that?

He was a terrible L

Did you even watch the anime? Apart from sitting like him(squatting on a chair) he was nothing like him

I guess he mimic'd L.'s mannerisms pretty well. The movie was so different from the anime though that it was distracting. Watari, L., the visualization of Ryuk and that "Lord Kira" guy with a plank were all super anime and felt out of place

The ending was much better. Stop fooling yourself. The anime sucked ass. When you have to pull deus ex machina's like shinigami eyes out of your ass, you're fucked. Mia was much better than fucking Misa.

he couldve been

BROKE: Republicans are racist!
JOKE: Democrats are the real racists!
WOKE: Republicans and Democrats are no different.
BESPOKE: It's me. I am the real racist.

That's the point though.

Why do these Netflix Original Movies always feel cheap? Given they have budgets as big the ones in theaters

its an allusion to jesus and judas you pleb because L is sacrificing himself so that his successors can take down Light.


too bad a good performance cant compensate poor decisions


The movie was terrible.

How did he find Light in this adaptation? L found Light through fake broadcasts as bait in the anime.

The liberal media won't stop until all little white babies are dead.

Remember our cause, remember that anti-racist stands for anti-white (not because we are racists, but because hating racists is hating us in some sense)

Light's first kill was broadcasted through a stream only live in Seattle.


How did he know it was the work of Kira though? Also wasn't Light's first kill that high school jock picking on the girl?

I understand that, but still looks gay as fuck


>How did he know it was the work of Kira though?
The guy acted in an unusual way before dying (because Light was testing out the notebook with Mi(s)a and wanted to prove to her it was real). The police thought it was drugs at first but then drug tests came clean.

>Also wasn't Light's first kill that high school jock picking on the girl?
Yes, but they ignored it.

>yeah I can just control literally every single thing with the death note, even down to there being a barrel on fire for the page to fall onto
>light can actually control the wind with the death note
No. The ending wasn't better at all.

So what if he wasn't on drugs? Criminals can be psychotic. I have no idea how you can narrow down Kira's location just by a criminal acting weird.

>How did he know it was the work of Kira though?

It was just a theory (a geuss) The real confirmation was when he started tracking the seattle police database and discovered that kira was using that to find his victims. And then he used kira's dad to determine it was kira's son because he already suspected it was a student based on the times of the killings. The big problem with this was the pacing - all this shit happens in like 5 minutes.

Me neither, but that's how they defended it.

Also, in the manga and anime, if someone touches the death note they can see the shinigami attached to it right? Why was that left out of the movie?

> I have no idea how you can narrow down Kira's location just by a criminal acting weird.

It was just a lead until he used the seattle police database to find out kira was using it to find his victims.

>Why was that left out of the movie?

My guess is that it gave a reason for Mia to want to become the keeper of the notebook, since only the keeper can see it. Cause she needs a reason to do that stuff for the plot to advance. But that's still stupid because what does it matter if you're the keeper or not? It's already established that anyone can use the book to kill, so you might as well just steal it from light when he's not looking.

Adapting shit like this never works and shouldn't be allowed. It either turns out as something original that lends from the source material but keeps a unique style, or tries to copy FUCKING ANIME.
L's character was perfectly tolerable in the anime but trying to recreate it in real life doesn't work. It's edgy and retarded.


Anime could work because the characters are a bit like caricature and they add to the story like that but you can't represent them in real life in most cases.

agreed. that's why the other death note movies are weird as fuck

His acting was good that's not the problem, the problem is the way they portrayed L. No longer is he the calm and rational one, he gets literally triggered and chimps the fuck out and goes on a shooting spree chasing Light down.

yeah I was laughing the whole time that happened. Like, oh watari died? Wow maybe he shouldn't have used his real fucking name


good call

why didnt he drop out of production. L wasnt black in the anime or comic.....oh because its all a bunch of bullshit

>good and alpha guy is black
>girl is smart
>evil and beta idiot is white
what did netflix mean by this?

This guy is hilarious in Atlanta.

He was fucking trash. It was like a black weeb cosplaying and acting autistic.

The fuck are you talking about?

It's a coincidence Goyim. Don't overthink it.

this. The scene most likely wasn't meant to be as homosexual as it was but by god was it gay. It completely killed the mood.

>I understand that

>I understand this thing that isn't true and that guy literally just made up

fuck you

And he was being considered for the role of Spider-Man against Holland. Thank fuck, we dodged a bullet there.

Still not sure if his performance was garbage or the movie was just so bad he couldn't be good.

The only problem was him being a dirty nigger,

Yeah, fortunately that movie sucks dick regardless

Yeah, they should've made it more like the anime.

Perfect :D

No, they should've made it good.

I think he started good, but when he lost his composure it was very un-L like.

>, Death Note was fun and stylish and weird.

This movie was NOT fun.

You don't know what deus ex machina is. Shinigami eyes were a huge part of the series from the start.

He was shit. The movie was shit. Whitewashed anime movies should be grounds for execution

It wasn't un-L like, that's the problem. This movie L was a gigantic baby the entire time.

My name is L and that's a fact
If you don't like me, it's because I'm black

I don't like sleeping and I do like sweets
When I catch Kira, he's so dead meat

Everyone says I'm the smartest guy
Sit kinda funny, and my glasses are fly
Don't carry a gun cuz it's just a distraction
But if you fuck with my friends you're gonna see some action

I got LEDs on my pimped out gun
I'll chase your ass down with my retard run
Hold you at gunpoint while I stop to think
Get my head cracked by a sneaky chink

I got a Chinese butler, his name’s Watari
He sings me songs and also gets shot (sorry)
When he dies I go a little ape shit
Steal a cop car (try not to get hit)

Know a guy named Light, he's the reason I'm here
He sees demons and screams like a queer
He’s got a magic notebook for killin’ criminals
When his bitch girlfriend isn't bustin’ his balls
I searched his room and found a paper scrap
But I didn't write his name I just wrote this rap