This movie is completely inferior to the first one, and the assembly cut...

This movie is completely inferior to the first one, and the assembly cut. So why is it considered the best among "Alien Purists"?

It's only good among redditors. If you ask anyone else, then the first one is obviously better

Its not, are you retarded?
Alien is objectively the best movie in the franchise

Oh boy here we go again. Why can't people just like what they like?

Literally every complaint of the Alien franchise after Aliens is "this movie isn't Aliens, and the series peaked in 1986"


Anything with a Predator was trash

My man

absolutely pleb-tier, and you all need to go back. Ridley Scott is a hack and James Cameron saved the franchise, imagine a shitty film like Prometheus or Alien Covenant being the next film after Alien and you'll understand why Aliens is the best film in the franchise.

Go to bed, james.

I know you are probably baiting, bit i legit think this is the right order.
Alien is the GOAT and i dont see why Prometheus gets so much hate.
I dont want to be contrarian, but i might even go as far as to put Alien 3 before Aliens
Aliens is by no means a bad movie but for me its just feels way different and out of place in the franchise while 3, despite all the problems that it had kept true to what made Alien so good and had similar great atmosphere.

Covenant was absolute dogshit tho, on par with Alien 4 and the only saving grace was Fadsbender

Alien>Alien 3 assembly Cut>Prometheus=Alien Covenant>Aliens>>>>>>Sluice Pipe>>>>>>Alien 4>>>>>>>>>Septic tank>>>>>>>>>>>>The AVP Franchise

I feel that Alien covenant is unfairly maligned.

>James Cameron saved the franchise

The franchise didn't need saving. James Cameron appropriated Alien and completely defiled the legacy of it. He ignored the Giger-esque biomechanical drawings, he ignored the original concepts that had the Aliens turning into an advanced lifeform, and he ignored what made the Xenomorph in the first one so menacing.

All he did was give the franchise his "family action movie" touch by giving us PWECIOUS Newt, motherly Ripley, fatherly Biehn, and Uncle Bishop.

The sheer arrogance of Cameron and his inability to make more than 3 movies makes me want to punch him in the face.

Aliens is Alien for plebs. That's why more people ador it

If you think Alien is better than Aliens than you really need to kill yourself, I’ll have you know that Alien is pure garbage compared to Aliens: even the most famous movie critic gave it a 7/10 while they gave Aliens 9.1/10 so in all reasons your opinion is garbage and should be the most hated one because you’re a troll. Alien sucks deal with it, compare the score to Aliens cause Aliens will kill and destroy Alien under one second cause they barely even showed to Alien so Alien barely got any good ratings. Did Alien have action? No, it had suspense: but it was only shown once. Did it have a famous line? No, now please all Alien fans kill yourself and support Aliens instead of this wannabe garbage.

>This movie is completely inferior to the first one
>and the assembly cut
fuck yourself

You clearly didn't understand what made ALIEN good in the first place, you're a fucking philistine who wanted the same rehashed survival horror again and again because you have room temp IQ - this is exactly why Ridley hates doing these films because so many plebs claim to have "really liked" ALIEN but they didn't understand what he was trying to elucidate

I want to flay you alive for this bullshit and pretension

ALIEN was good because it was about darwinian entropy, faith, existence and creation, Prometheus (both cut and uncut) is a great movie if you aren't a braindead gore fan who just wants to see COOL XENOS and more fotm actors being killed off 1 by 1

It's a sequel, naturally it's going to be the first one but bigger as always, It's hollywood, so more action, getting James Cameron and expanding on the xenos is expected and welcome, but thats just surface level, it's not the fucking philosophical underpinning, the POINT of film and high art, I enjoyed watching what happened whenthey got some firepower and the action scenes, but it misses why the original was a timeless classic outside of gore and chest bursters

you probably complained about that movie with Jake Gyllenhaal Life, when that's all you really want, another flick with an extra terrestrial killing people in space wow so cool so dark! hey reddit I really liked this sci fi film with aliens that was dark am I deep yet

STOP breathing you fucking philistine,Why do philistines ruin everything? fucking plebs literally destroy EVERYTHING, I understand completely why the elite have nothing but contempt for obdurate proles and their retarded bleating

THE FINAL verdict on the franchise

ALIEN > PROMETHEUS (UNCUT) > PROMETHEUS (CUT) > ALIENS > ALIEN 3 =4 >> if it has predator in the title its irredeemable trash

I'm not baiting this is why I unironically believe
this guy gets it

Alien was a shit jumpscare flick, Aliens was an actual film with great characters and cinematography

>Alien was a shit jumpscare flick
you just lost all credibility

stop using the word pleb

>ALIEN was good because it was about darwinian entropy, faith, existence and creation

Uhh...what? It was about interspecies rape.


cause it's the Star Trek IV of the franchise, totally made for normies

>he thinks the original Alien films were good
kek. They were shit jump scare films, at least the newest two flesh out the universe and the cinematography is kino.
>Inb4 lol ur just a millenial fgt
Fuck off with your shitty cringy movies, you faggot. Why can't you apreciate actually good films from that period, like taxi driver? That was literally a masterpiece, still is. People don't apreciate 'old movies' because they're fucking shit, shit directing, shit cinematography, shit script etc. Not because they're old.
>B-But Alien and Aliens will be remembered ppl do appreciate old movies
You're so retarded, you can't even read. That is to be expected from a guy who thinks the old alien abominations 'will be remembered' kek. Only cuck critics and pseudointelectuals talk about classics, normal people just watch what's good not what some hipster cretin says is good.
>s-so old books are no g-good to u?
Did you really compare a , at best, B-list film with classic literature? Yea bro alien dicks from belly is the same as dante's circles of hell. Jesus Christ, american education.

>it's not deep therefore its bad
It is easily in the top 10 80s and 90s scifi action kino, an era long gone I'm afraid though it inspired much vidya.

Terminator, Terminator 2, Predator, Robocop, Total Recall and Starship Troopers (in b4 "it is satire, pleb") are in there obviously. What could rival Aliens for a position in 7 to 10? Demolition Man? Fifth Element? Blade Runner? Not Independence Day, surely.

Fuck off Star Trek IV was pure kino.

The only objectively bad alien movie is 4.

Not even the newborn can save that piece of shit.

Brad Dourif making out with Aliens kind of does.

Aliens isn't bad, Alien is just better.

This is pasta, but what's stopping someone from liking the prequels and the OG films?

strawmanning this hard
didnt even have the balls to reply to the original takedown of his facile shitty opinion because he knows hes wrong

we're done here, lel

It's a massively, massively overrated action movie.

>On a completely different topic: How do you feel about the upcoming Alien sequel, Alien: Covenant?

>The franchise has kind of wandered all over the map. Ridley [Scott] did the first film, and he inspired an entire generation of filmmakers and science-fiction fans with that one movie and there have been so many films that stylistically have derived from it, including my own Aliens, which was the legitimate sequel and, I think, the proper heir to his film. I sort of did it as a fanboy. I wanted to honor his film, but also say what I needed to say. After that, I don’t take any responsibility. I don’t think it’s worked out terribly well. I think we’ve moved on beyond it. It’s like, okay, we’ve got it, we’ve got the whole Freudian biomechanoid meme. I’ve seen it in 100 horror films since. I think both of those films stand at a certain point in time, as a reference point. But is there any validity to doing another one now? I don’t know. Maybe. Let’s see, jury’s out. Let’s see what Ridley comes up with. Let me just add to that — and don’t cut this part off, please — I will stand in line for any Ridley Scott movie, even a not-so-great one, because he is such an artist, he’s such a filmmaker. I always learn from him. And what he does with going back to his own franchise would be fascinating.

What did Cameron mean by this?

What the fuck is strawmanning?

It was a pretty decent sequel, in a world where people are used to sequels being shit. So it stood out in the normie mind. And then III came out and it looked so much better in comparison...

Alien>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Aliens>SHIT>everything else

so tired of hearing about the freudian shit when its been done here as a theory for half a century

but even cameron knows his action flick was normie bait that missed the point

thanks for this

>alien horror are movies better with action in it

Literally fuck your own ass with a bread knife if you believe Alien > Aliens and T1 > T2.


>You can't kill it. It's the perfect organism


>lol look at all the bugs, just shoot at them a few times and they die xD

Aliens was not that great. Extremely overrated

what makes him believe that his sequel was 'legitimate' but the others weren't? so ridiculous

as always, sequel apologists have no arguments other than ur a fag and I liked it


>>You can't kill it. It's the perfect organism
They didn't have a single gun in Alien. Stop being retarded.

>Kiddie Schwarzenegger that can't kill

Literally only good part of T2 is the T-1000

I can understand when someone says Alien < Aliens but if you really think that T1 < T2, then you really just need to hang yourself

>animals with acid blood are taken onboard a spaceship whos operators are an advanced intelligent civilization

the whole fucking thing is dumb, kill urself

>lol look at all the bugs, just shoot at them a few times and they die xD

Funny thing is that these are the same people bitching and whining that Fifeld, the Neomorphs, and the Proto-Xenomorph

They had a flamethrower

They didn't know about the acid blood meme until they actually brought it onboard.


>whos operators are an advanced intelligent civilization

You didn't watch the film

Im saying the fucking engineers, idiot. The space jockey.

meant to say

>Funny thing is that these are the same people bitching and whining that Fifeld, the Neomorphs, and the Proto-Xenomorph don't immediately crumple when hit by bullets

how is 3 not canon
also Fox says Colonial Marines is canon btw

I thought Alien Isolation was more canon

>>Funny thing is that these are the same people bitching and whining that Fifeld, the Neomorphs, and the Proto-Xenomorph don't immediately crumple when hit by bullets

Don't know if you're talking about me but I actually like how they were tanks in Covenant. I don't like how they were target practice in Aliens

For what?

The fact that Alien is superior doesn't mean Aliens is a bad film.

Probably because "Alien Purists" arent retards and have taste.

Aliens > Alien >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> non-canon

Pretty much. Sci-fi horror has a smaller fanbase than action sci-fi and the plebs ate it up.

>So why is it considered the best among "Alien Purists"?

It isn't. It's a very good film, but it isn't a patch on the first one. Anyone with any taste agrees. Aliens is one-liner bait while Alien is one of the best science fiction horrors of all time.

When did franchise instalment in-fighting replace franchise vs franchise as the e-sport of choice

The entertainment factor of Aliens confuses highbrows and distracts them from the fact that it's a much smarter and richer movie than the first. Alien is merely a haunted house/slasher movie in space, albeit with flawless production design, score and direction. But that's all it is.

Correct. Alien and Aliens are great and the rest are trash.

they're both great movies.

I just saw the latest Alien movie the other day. Bretty good.

that cat is dead now

Sorry but you're wrong. Aliens is a flawless film from start to finish. Possibly the best action movie ever made.

Hi Marge

The only actual flaw of this movie is that it is sequel. If Alien was never made and Aliens was 1st, You all would be praising it. It was boom for 'space marine' movies, perfectly blending sci-fi horror with action flicks.

>and the assembly cut

Aliens is my favorite movie. The extra scenes I think are best to watch if you like the regular version and want more.

Alien is supposed to be a horror film but fails to be scary

Aliens is an action film and delivers on all levels

Aliens is a good action movie
But it's a shit Alien movie
Nothing should exist in that franchise outside of the first movie

The sad thing some people actually genuinely believe this
Aliens had newt which is enough to say about the characters
The cinematography is a joke, looks like any other action movie or a tv show, Alien is fucking gorgeous, beautiful closeups

no "Alien Purist" would say Aliens is the best. it has its reputation because of normies. it's a fun, exciting movie, unlike the oppressive, stark, weird, gross slow-burn that is Alien. that's all that matters to most people, even if Alien is ten times the film that Aliens is.

i liked Aliens when it looked like this

>aliens' cinematography is a joke

Not him but James Cameron's style is really really too slick and clean to really work in anything resembling a horror environment. He also perpetuated that "realistic" look of the 80s where everything is in full focus, everything is a full shot and there's little to no dramatic lighting.

> it's a much smarter and richer movie than the first


>if its fun and exciting its worse!!

ACKYHUALLY that's not what I said at all, OP asked who considered the film the best series and why, and i told him.

possibly wrong