Was getting caught part of his plan?


>Dany's dragons could kill everyone there if they sneezed
>Cersei barely seems to regard them, even acts abrasive towards Dany
>one zombie
>Cersei freaks the fuck out

what did they mean by this

Didn't they cut his arms and legs off before they took him?

>muh menopause mistaken for pregnancy
What did she mean by this?

She had some time to come to terms with that fact. Plus she believes that they can be killed and even suspects that one of them bites the dust already.
But it's compeletely understandable for her to be afraid of a walking dead body. How can you kill such thing? It also caught her off guard.

How did it pass the magic barrier?

how does she not fear that Dany would just break the truce and kill them all with her dragons right there

it seems like something the paranoid cersei would worry about

She knew Dany would bring dragons, and she didn't believe in zombies.

Bran destroyed it by going past the wall with nights kings mark but DABID seemed to have forgotten about this already so who the fuck knows

but her main henchman is a zombie

and if I knew my sworn enemy was bringing a grenade to our meetup why would that make me less terrified of that fact?

She's fucked anyway. At complete mercy of Daenerys until the moment she heard about the truce. As it was explicitly stated for all brainlets, you don't call for an armistice if you're absolutely stomping. So, Cersei knows that she has something Daenerys wants so she has reasons to believe that dragonfu won't kill her on the spot.

or dany is just calling the truce to murder them all ala red wedding

surely such a possibility would be on the paranoid cersei's mind

Zombays can pass it as it was shown with the first zombie ever shown in the show that got into the Castle Black and attacked the Old Bear.

then why couldn't benjen pass

>Dany's dragons could kill everyone there if they sneezed
And Danny, Jon and the rest would die too, they were all together. Also, if they try to run they are surrounded by Lannisters and they are killed in that moment too.

But why would she? She could fly to Red Keep and sneeze on it, there, Cersei's dead. No need for red wedding. It's the army that matters not the life of the queen. Besides maybe if it was dumb book Cersei she would be afraid, but show Cersei is literally Tywin in the gown, playing 4d chess and instantly knowing what Daenerys and her crew is up to.
I mean if I saw 2 dragons I would think that she just dumped him somewhere to guard some shit, but Cersei knows that it's dead.

they were seated at different sides

>dany shows up on her dragons
>DRACARYS over Cersei's tent
>the war is instantly over and won


No time for it obv

>but why would she? She could fly to Red Keep and sneeze on it, there, Cersei's dead. No need for red wedding.
muh innocent lives
>It's the army that matters not the life of the queen
so uh where is the dornish army. would the lannisters keep fighting without cersei forcing them too? tyrion says they only fightbecause they fear her

>dying from dragon fire

I don't see the point in this. Cersei has no more right to the crown than anyone else, she was just in the right place at the right time to seize it. The armistice is called so that they can get her armies to help, but the armies are only loyal because "she's da kween."

You have two dragons. One dragon burns the KL leaders spot. Other dragon burns any soldiers sitting around. I mean they let their enemy into their city, let them keep their weapons, and didn't even put forth any kind of defense against dragons just popping in.

Set fire only to Red Keep. Hell, set fire only to the portion when Cersei sleeps or shits. Escape after that.
And Lannisters don't fear her that much. What could she do to everyone of them. Make another ebin explosion? She feeds them and pays them. If she's dead they will just pillage Dany's lands for gold and food.

>implying when they went for a drink they werent manning a ballista on the hill just south of the dragons waiting to add the title "DragonSlayer" to Sir Bronn of the Blackwaters title
Come on ya fuckers

>Set fire only to Red Keep. Hell, set fire only to the portion when Cersei sleeps or shits. Escape after that.
there are plenty of servants and other people who live in the red keep, its not just cersei. but you're right, im not sure why they dont just take KL. They use muh innocent lives but then suggest a siege, as if starving out the populace is somehow more merciful

>And Lannisters don't fear her that much. What could she do to everyone of them. Make another ebin explosion? She feeds them and pays them. If she's dead they will just pillage Dany's lands for gold and food.

tyrion has a lengthy speech about how all the lannister soldiers fight for her out of fear, and everybody loves dany.

which really makes no sense, you'd think even the lannisters wouldve turned on her for killing kevan.