Justice League - Superman's black suit

First look




We going full injustice?

whos the guy in the second row middle?

will the antagonist already be darkseid?

>Justice League ending it‘s getting reworked by Joss Whedon. Early test screenings of the movie did not perform well, because the ending was too ‘typical‘, the executives of WB said that the ending will be more like a cliffhanger rather than an open ending. The original ending that Snyder was initially plan to shoot it‘s this:
“The League was reunited and finally stop the chaos of Steppenwolf. The last shot are the League in some sort of future building, referenced to the ‘Justice League Room‘. Steppenwolf was defeated but escape at the last minute. The last shot was that Batman is taken by Steppenwolf, but then Darkseid arrives and kills Steppen and he only says: ‘Shall we begin?“.
That ending was cut due to some inconsistencies, right now Joss Whedon is shooting a new and improved better ending to the movie.
Joss Whedon was hired by WB, because he is too well known for writing great scripts. Snyder did not recommend him to WB.
Hal Jordan is indeed making a cameo in the film. But only as Hal Jordan, and the actor is Armie Hammer. The cameo will last around 2 minutes and it‘s in the second act of the movie.
Deathstroke is not in the film.
The controversy surrounding whether or not Matt Reeves, Batman movie is part of the DCEU it‘s also a bit of a situation inside WB. Because, they are speculating online about this, so inside WB it‘s also a problem. Matt Reeves will have the final word, if he wants to make a Batman solo without the DCEU, WB will be fine about that, but if he wants to make it a DCEU movie, WB will be happy. Ben Affleck is still starring on that movie. No doubt on that.

It's Steppenwolf (in the comics Darkseid's uncle)

steven the wolf

Cyborg is being reworked in his design and the edition process of the character is being reworked also. Ray Fisher will do some additional dialogue in order to capture the part right.
Justice League running time is another situation. It‘s been rumored is around 3 hours long, but WB is letting Whedon decide the running time of the movie, because he is making some many changes in order to get it right.
Black Superman is in the movie. Some sources say that he is not, but he is. And his evil side is going to be a lot in the third act.
They added humor to the JL movie. A LOT. And some of the best humor scenes involves Flash and Aquaman.
Cyborg movie is still in the cards. Ray Fisher is talking to WB about selecting the director and he put a list on it. He says that Barry Jenkins, director of Moonlight is the top of the main list of directors.
Aquaman movie will not include any of the heroes, or references. It‘s like a standalone movie, the movie will have 2 post credits scenes.
James Wan is in talks to direct another DCEU Movie, some people inside WB says that the movie is Green Lantern Corps.
Armie Hammer casting will be announced in the next couple of weeks.
Man of Steel 2 will be setup in Justice League. Bizarro is the villain and Supergirl will be mentioned.
Suicide Squad 2 is fast-tracked by WB. But, apparently, the director for the sequel will be Joel Kinnaman, in his debut as a director. The sequel is being to considered to be rated R, and will make the Joker a more of a main character rather than a secondary one.
convince Charlie Hunnam to do the part.

The fuck is this? Golden armor for Aquaman?

The Joker origin movie is a top priority. Leonardo DiCaprio is indeed in talks with Scorsese and WB to play the Joker, DiCaprio is not fan of the superhero world, but Scorsese will be supervising everything. If DiCaprio rejects it, the other actor in mind is Bill Skarsgard.
David Ayer was fired from WB after the statement that he gave in the Comic-Con. He was supposedly to direct Gotham City Sirens, but now the film is in hold.
The two Shazam actors are: John Cena and Zac Efron. Cena will play the adult version of Shazam and Efron the Shazam teen version. The two actors were in screen tests with director David Sandberg and WB like the chemistry and the performances by the both actors.
The Flash will be directed by Robert Zemeckis. The announcement will come soon, but Zemeckis has been working on the movie since last March. He is gathering to start the pre production.
Justice League Dark is a mess right now. They don‘t have anything to work on. The ‘director search‘ is fake news, WB is not looking for directors for this movie at the moment.
Nightwing movie is getting a rewrite this week. Jeff Wadlow (‘Kick-Ass 2‘) will do the rewrites.
Batgirl movie will be helmed by Joss Whedon. The release date announcement will be released when Justice League arrives on theaters.
Green Arrow is being considered to appear on Justice League 2. Stephen Amell was talking to WB last week about to make the jump to screen, but the studio is looking to

What is my fursona doing in this?

It's Batman's suit after he says line" I'm rich." We already saw that part in the trailer, but suit wasn't shown.

Imagine being op and getting excited about a thumbnail of a toy . excited enough to create a thread with "first look" as the subject.

Why do you come on the internet and spread lies? Don't you have a better life? Justice league is going to be fucking dope with Snyder's action and sure there will be some retarted whedon quips for the retarteds but they are not going to change Snyder's vision

And yet, you clicked.

This is from man of steel

>tfw there will probably be a line in the movie that goes, "Steppenwolf? Like the band?

Probably Willem Dafoe's character. Aquaman's Atlantean advisor Vulko.

"Steppenwolf? like the hermann hesse book?"

>co-written by Joss Whedon

who makes superman's costume in the lore? batman is a rich guy with a lot of resources but they never go into how anyone else gets their costumes.

That's clearly batman in the underground sequence moron

It's from JL in the behind the scenes thing. It's real old

Superman's costume was made from the blanket he arrived with in the rocket
Oh at least that's how it was originally
Now he just has costumes.

Maybe he makes it from JUSTICE like the Flash makes his from FAST

It's almost always 1 of 2 origins:

1. Ma Kent sews them for him

2. It's Kryptonian material from the rocket he came to Earth in.