What film has the best and most sex scenes?

What film has the best and most sex scenes?

A Serbian Film

Serbs and their kinky sex

its funny how this manlet had to stand on a box for this scene haha

Basically the golden age of softcore from the 90s
i.e. The Lover, Two Moon Junction, Poison Ivy

The Dreamers

Cum Filled Asshole Overload 2

One of the few movies where the sequel is better.

Enter the void
>Character is literally rebirthed through his sister from a nut from his best friend who in part killed him

Adventures on the Orient Express aka Orient Sexpress

speaking of Noe, isn't love just two hours of unsimulated sex scenes?

Yes, but there were still lots of loose ends.

Holy shit why didn't I mention that the whole film is a sex scene lmao

even though eva green makes my pee pee hard, this movie is fucking awful

>film full of nude Eva Green, references to art and cinema and implicitly criticizing leftists as living in their own fantasy world

Woman In love

The Room



Color of night

>Enter the void
>Those overly long and frequent aerial tracking shots
>The movie is almost 3 hours long and literally 90% of it is composed of those same aerial tracking shots and psychedelic visuals on repeat
>I actually sat through it

Dame to kill for is the better eva sex film. She gets railed a few times in it plus they doll her up a lot better too

But you don't see her hairy pusy in it

#1 Shameless
#2 Room in Rome
#3 9 songs

Was Jane March the Eva Green of the 80s?

Literally anything with Jane March in it

In the Realm of the Senses, when the guy fucks the old lady and she pisses herself.

Ai no korīda


Genuine question, have any of you ever made love with a girl like they are doing in the webm?

God she was adorable. Smart and stable too. Tom really fucked up.

I actually like Stealing Beauty but I though the Dreamers was really dull beside the sex scenes.
The part with Matthew and Theo were arguing was the only interesting thing in the movie.

Yes. But usually probably don't last as long as that webm.

The intensity of the slightest twitch of her hips, feeling her heart beat against your chest, her breath on your neck, looking into her eyes as her pussy clenches around your cock... make me goo immediately.

>The Dreamers

Less pussy than Dreamers though. I'll argue for 300: Rise of an Empire, I saw it in large format 3D for the inevitable sex scene and was not disappointed.

Just watch some porn

and she's still looks taller.

but you see eva's vagina in it

Y tu mama tambien

The scene where Chad gets cucked



the fuck

I really want to have sex one day. Unfortunately I know that my chances are near zero. I can't think of a better feeling than knowing that a woman wants to engage in such a private thing with you.

>9 songs

This. Also Brown Bunny

but Ben Foster was The Chad

I'm convinced Tom has some sort of kink for women's necks. Wouldn't be surprised if he was a choker.

No mention of The Handmaiden?
I mean it's basically immaculately framed and composed lesbian porn kino.

>CTRL+F "Blue is the warmest color"
>0 results

Absolutely déclassé


My short qt part asian gf loves slow sex and it makes me diamonds every time.
She pants heavily every time too and when we do it hard she covers her mouth to not scream.

What is this

is there any movies that show vagina like a porn movie?

Killer Joe.

kek what

didn't noe say that the last scene is a flashback, not a rebirth? someone said that noe stated in the commentary that he thought of the last scene as oscar reliving the most painful moment in life, which is birth.
kind of a cop-out desu, would be real kino if the final scene was a rebirth.

sounds sexy

i am lazy we need a /gif/ thread


eyes wide shot, clockwork orange...

kubrick was a horny guy

Gonna need a quick rundown


If you like hairy women, this man is a treasure.

Room in Rome. It also helps that it's a good movie aside from the sex scenes.

>Room in Rome

les porn

Ask me again in a non memey way

Gimme the basic gestalt on that webm, please.

>Blue is the warmest color
>What film has the best and most sex scenes?

shit taste.
but still want to fuck blue girl


Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist
it's a bad movie though

Let me know what corner of hell that crawled out of

Not really. Something like 9 songs is pretty much just porn. Room in Rome is a competently told Before Sunrise-ish (although not nearly as good) love story with a bunch of sex scenes thrown in.




>les porn
>no it dont have les"s" porn

i like princess leia'S blowjob vids. and kiitens. they are pretty kino

my favorite is 32dd premature. its hard to find. and red dress

you would be a kind gentleman and a scholar if you provided the information of what is the source of the clip you posted, kind sir.

Edit: Whoa! 1465 upboats! Thank you all XDD

Watch Bande à part

Nobody said Nymphomaniac yet?

The train bj >

The Butterfly Effect movies

Thirst obviously.

Wow, that plot looks really interesting.

why is not the porn directed this way tho?
i should direct porn.

nice smug smile

Eyes Wide Shut is the best 'proper' film that has a notable amount of sex and nudity. Phenomenal film generally.

There was an uncensored version of Q Desire on YT at some point. I have no idea what it was about cuz there were no subtitles but it was super-hot!

It's a depressing thought and it's hard to forget about.

it's funny how this manlet has 10/10 facial aesthetic and is a rich superstar haha


It's very easy to get laid if that's truly all you want. You just have to lower your standards considerably and actually leave the house.

what happens when you take a cinemax softcore and cut it to get an R rating.

is that really how attractive people have sex?

Slow sex is best sex

Hign quality BLACKED entertainment

So you'd basically have to fuck a hambeast? What about just a plain average girl?

Below Her Mouth

its on jewflix.

thank me later.


Actually he's basically had his life fucked by the Scientology sect. In fact, his relationship with Nicole Kidman was undermined by people within the Church because she didn't want to have anything to do with them.

Unattractive doesn't just mean ugly. It can mean crazy, abusive, older, etc, depending on the person.
There's no shortage of insecurity in the world.
So yeah, you can get someone who looks plain and average, but are insecure or unattractive in other less apparent ways.
Obviously it's harder to spot them based on appearance alone so hambeasts are a quick and easy way usually. Though there are plenty of them who overestimate their own attractiveness as well.

Did it with your mum last night. Got bored after her 10th orgasm and didn't get to cum.

Do you think when they used to fuck they'd just go raw and when Tom's face started to get flush Nicole would kick the box out from under him?