Win an Oscar

>win an Oscar
>get a voice acting role in a big franchise
>fall into obscurity

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this is what happens when you're a tool

she got it for being whipped

all niggers look a like to you can just a get a cheaper one every year.


She'll be in Black Panther, should raise her profile a bit

>win an oscar in a movie everyone who has more than 50 iq realizes is oscarbait dogshit
>fall into obscurity
Its almost like the academy is disconnected from the realities of making film.

She not that good of an actress.

Any fappable stuff of her?

>fall into obscurity
...a-user, she's black, it's common for them

That's what happens when you're artificially raised up but have no real value.

the guy interviewing her needs to be shot

all africans look the same so why would anyone cast her and not some other black slut?

yes and that's all she'll be known for from now on. explicitly black films about being black or african lmao she fucked up big time, im not racist im black and im telling you i hate slave movies and playing a slave is career suicide unless you already have a body of work and are american

She's hot as fuck and actually does look quite a bit different from your usual black chick

>it's an Oscar movie so it's bad
You couuldn't be any more low IQ

i want some chocolateee

Her role in Star Wars VII was fucking stupid. They should have replaced her with Lando

You certainly could

affirmative action at it's finest

She can say thank you to jew jew abrams and Kathleen kennedy. Cast beautiful black woman, digitally replace her by and a rippled orange potato because she could overshadow the main white twerp girl. Bravo, bravo!!!

It's wrong to lie