Why did this bitch dress different from all the other Jedi?

Why did this bitch dress different from all the other Jedi?

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She likes to show off.

The scorpion and the frog

that fucking leaf




"Aayla Secura made a point of seeing us off personally; calling us the bravest soldiers she had ever met. It's a good thing we were wearing helmets, because none of us could bear to look her in the eye."

She's a slut.

is this kino?

what did they mean by this

I think yes

Ahsoka was a proud member of the Itty BItty Titty Committee

fuck you

someone post the pasta already

her species is genetically predestined towards being sluts
she can't help it

idk if i like this picture or not

shes not a farmer on the side.

Okay this is kinda weird but I used to jack off to the scene where she gets killed. Basically when I was 13, I didn't have access to real porn, I had no internet or anything so I had to masturbate to either Viagra ads (with the women in the bikinis) or else my own drawn pictures of women in bikinis which were horrible. Also I used to kinda get a hardon when I watched people die in movies, when I was 7 or 8 I avoided war movies because they gave me a stiffy, I don't really know why. So hot chick + death = super hot, at least for me back then cause I was just starting to sexually awaken. So I fast-forwarded to her walking through the fungus trees and suddenly she gets shot and you can see her ass jiggling when she hit the ground and I would rub my penis with my hand playing that scene on repeat. Then I fucked up my DVD player by messing up A-B repeat then pulling the power which made it fuck up somehow, I don't remember I just remember panicking thinking I broke it. But anyway I used to get a huge hard-on watching her die over and over and watching her ass jiggle a bit when she hit the ground, the problem is that the camera then pans backward up toward the sky and a leaf covers her body pretty quickly so you don't get to see much, cause they keep shooting her after she dies and her ass keeps jiggling as they mutilate her corpse with their laser guns, but that stupid fucking leaf gets in the way. I remember getting so goddamn pissed at that leaf. I'd be about to cum and it'd get in the way and fucking ruin everything.

Here's a higher quality version of that panel

she brave



>not studying in-depth starkino

>Belt made of woodoo hide

>slut boots

Reminder that all Twi'leks wear hats because the gap between their head tails is an erogenous zone akin to a clitoris and it would be too lewd to have it out in the open

Head panties, if you will

Because twi'leks, even Jedi ones, are always sluts.

>okay now look really cool for this behind the scenes shot
>uh just lift your sword a little further above your head
>ok tilt it a bit more

There it is!

That's not true though...

The 501st soldiers of that campaign were ashamed to look at her. The narrator implies that it is because they knew of order 66 but the real reason is that all of them fapped and fantasized about those big blue titties.
Probably the helmets helped them stare at her rack as well

The Jedi dress code isn't much more than a suggestion. I guess it's a case of function over looks but there are some anomalies





Barriss a traitor fucking shit

The actress who play her...


>Regarding Filoni's fanfiction featuring his waifu as canon
The only thing that doesn't make it worse than Disneywars is his true and uninterested love for the franchise and EU. And some of the episodes are kinda good.

>Kenobi and Yoda both wore shitty robes
>That's because they were old hermits who lived in a desert and a swamp, Mr. Lucas


I remember being super confused by the marketing for TPM with Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon wearing those robes. Before that, Luke's black outfit had always been the Jedi uniform; I remember it being described that way in books and on toys.




delete this

shes a sluuuuttttttt all females are cancer

Do you think she fucked her Chad apprentice?

her hand is fucking backwards

/ourguy/has returned

>mfw it's real

10/10 would spare from Order 66


The wiki is an abyss, it never ends

or more practically it's part of the prosthetic appliance to keep it from falling off the actress's heads. Bib Fortuna didn't need one because his head tails rested on his shoulders.

Is Aayla the bustiest, curviest Star Wars character?


Reminder that Earth is non-canon


ooh la la

>You fought in the Clone Wars?

>Yes. I was once a Jedi Knight, the same as your father.
>That reminds me. Luke, did I ever tell you that in our prime (which happened to be a mere 20 years ago), the Jedi had Dragon Ball Z powers and could karate-chop armies single-handedly at a machine-gun's pace, completely disassemble droids with just a gesture, run at lightning-fast speed, deflect blaster bolts with stunning precision, jump tens of thousands of feet in the air, and hover around for prolonged periods of time? "Crouching Jedi, Hidden Sith" sums up that era well.

>Now that I'm an old man, I can't do any of that anymore. Time is not a good friend.

ET's people are members of the Galactic Republic, how can Earth be non-canon if ET is?


>dance shoes

Looks like a older normal looking mycherrycrush

Funnily enough this direction is the one that the current trilogy is taking with the force Gmod physgun and the mind probing.
And even with the Force bullshit Gendywars remains as the superior Clone Wars.

Why did this motherfucker dress different from all the other Jedi?

He got special treatment because of his species' culture, including being allowed to marry and have children

Rey is going to reshape objects in Episode 8

She probably fucked her whole legion.
>ywn be a clone

>only non-virgin in the Jedi Council
Must be nice

Jedi are allowed to fuck, just not have families or form attachments

did they..?

Anakin was in the council

Quinlan probably fucked her, and still get to marry that cute girl from the comics.
Lucky guy

Holy shit, i think i have that comic somewhere!

Post lewd panels

Pretty sure they did fug

Is that /ourguy/ Kit Fisto?

>have a character called kid fister

how the fuck did Lucas get away with this?


her dad was vice principal at the jedi academy so she could get away with a lot of stuff

I was looking, but i remembered i traded them for Transformers comics. Shit.
He took lessons from Raimi

>Since breasts reasonably appear in every piece of Star Wars media, this list only includes specific mentions of them.

Those look like my favorite kind of fake tits. I want to squeeze them

It's actually low birth-rates, he had like 8 wives to populate his species

Sweet Dee?

Aayla has nothing on these bitches

There's no dress code, the orange girl from the cartoon dresses like a slut too.

But they did not grant him the rank of master

> An opulent world, hedonism was the doctrine encouraged by the empathetic Zeltrons, and Zeltros was continuously in a state of never ending revelry. The Zeltron appreciation of beauty in its many forms led to luxurious art and architecture covering the world, and the galaxy's most wealthy favored Zeltros as a vacation destination. Many who came to the planet were taken in by the celebratory atmosphere and the powerful pheromones of the Zeltron people to the point they found it difficult to leave, and even planetary invasions often floundered in the face of Zeltros' planet-wide festivities.
>Zeltros homeworld is a nonstop orgy
The crazy part is, it was marvel when they originally had the rights to the comics ages ago that came up with it.

>tfw you remember masturbating to your dark horse Star Wars comics as a lad

The prequels brought about a mass of contradictions and over simplifications. Like how Jedi aren't supposed to all look like desert dwellers from Tatooine.

Yeah, but marvel didn't flesh them out as well as DH did.
Pic related is the only canon left of the zeltrons. God I hate Disney for replacing the old EU with their shit. Not to mention firing dark horse and using inferior marvel to make the comics.

>muh RedditLetterMedia


Are you blind that's the Djem So attack stance

I don't think there are many lewds panels, and I have both volumen of the Clone Wars comics.



>not a space badass fucking tons of rainbow colored whores
why live?

Star Wars autists are p hard core

The lewdest costume in any mainstream movie. Her tits and nips are fully visible through that net mesh top.


Luke is a fraud