How do we make more weebs and pro-japan gaijins

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Produce more low effort moeshit


Build more cars and consumer goods in general. Here in Primorye it's pretty rare to see non-jap cars, and japanese consumer goods are the best you can get; doesn't compare with chink garbage by a mile.

Kill yourselves and make anime about it

You pay for what you get.

Always hilarious seeing some third worlder complaining about low quality and then complaining about high prices.


You third worlders always complain about high costs of living.

Better game consoles for a start

That's why Americans complaint about the prices in USA?

bring more jrpgs to pc tojo

Alright creatura

We do not actually

Our consumer confidence index is at the highest in 17 years.

Stop complaining about cheap Chinese goods if you want cheap goods. If China’s quality/price efficiency was so bad, then why doesn’t India step up? Brazil? South Africa? Why doesn’t Russia?

Oh wait, because the rest of the world is an incompetent shithole. Like Russia?

can we top canada and britain if we make more low effort moeshit?

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more anime at a young age.

implanting a nationalistic philosophy at a young age should be pretty easy.

use what you have to create a positive image of your own country. warp the mind of the weak


the only way my opinion of you could ever increase is if you left here forever

just pretend to feel sorry for nanking and we'll instantly win 1.4 billion friendly neighbors

thanks guys
i'll make more moeshit
wait for the next season

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Is Abe even going to survive the current scandal?

no.he is a shit

>current scandal
you mean the conspiracy theory joke news?

He'll resign then run again and win the next election

Is Abe friend with the yakuza?

What scandal? What happened? Fill me in plox.

Send us qt loyal Japanese gf.