Any changes needed?

Any changes needed?

Add Mgs3 to games

Replace Ocarina of Time with an important arcade game or something.

>No "GTA (Gangbanging The Austrians) Salzburg" on Videogames

Shit list, desu

Why is Quentin such a tasteless entry level pleb?

Thing is, some of those games were fun. San andreas, half life, shadow of the colossus(is more of an art piece than all those other movies btw)

But all the movies there are just.. Trying too hard. They're all old, almost all of them are in foreign languages, it never applies to normal people. This is why artsy cinema is pseudo intellectual 90% of the time. It's fake. And you all know it is.


>first film
try muybridge and kinetoscope, redditor
also shit choices for film, fuck off back to Sup Forums

while the movie side is okay-ish
>Ocarina of Time
>Dark Souls
>Super Metroid
kys, this is absolute shit taste

Vice City > San Andreas
Majora's Mask > OoT

back to Sup Forumseddit, manchild subhuman

MGS2 is the kino one

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

If his image was correct at least 7/8 of those would be Nintendo games, cry more kiddo

>Not the best Zelda game in the series
>Not the best Final Fantasy game in the series
>Not the best Mario game in the series
>Not the best Half-Life game in the series
>Not the best GTA game in the series
>Not the best Dark Souls game in the series




if his image was correct there would be no nintendo games on it

GTA 3 instead of san andreas

MGS2 is one of the few video games that deserves to be called art.

>Replace Super Metroid with Super Mario 64
>Replace San Andreas with V (deal with it faggots)
>Replace Half Life with Doom
>Replace Shadow of the Colossus with Pokemon
>Replace Dark Souls with MGS2
>Add Tetris

t. 12 years old

the movie sides is pretentous as fuck boi, tryharder next time

>plays nintendo weebshit
>calls anyone 12 years

>No Tarkovsky in film
Fucking trash

Also I'd put Doom in vidya

video games aren't important or worth noting.

>the only weebshit on the list is Final Fantasy VII which he has no problem with

HAHA I agree! Hideo Kojima is a true genius, he predicted the rise of SJWs and degenerates!

>everyone is arguing about the right side

i have problems with any nintendo game being considered some kind of an amazing achievement(aside for Mario, probably)

What Sup Forumstards don't realize is that they ARE the degenerates. That's the best part of Kojima's deconstruction.

FF7 gets a pass because it single-handedly put Nintendo in the trash for 10 years, where they belong.

art isn't meant for normal people, art is meant for the elites

completely wasted trips


gta 1 & 2 > other gta

t. butthurt trumplet.

Lack of Tetris is disturbing. Shit lost without the GOAT vidya.

because of the story? it has the shittiest gameplay and characters of all mgs tho

The only way somebody could unironically think this is if they're actually 10 years old, kill yourself consolewar faggot

>cartridge games are now superior to discs because of the size of games
how hilarious

>san andreas
>ff vii
>any movie made by french

This. San Andreas was just a continuation of III. GTA 3 was the achievement.

>ESL retard doesn't know that without nintendo none of his precious fps games and interactive movies would exist

you went full hipster

>Sup Forumseddit isn't a problem on Sup Forums!
>nearly every post in this thread is Sup Forums cancer
Holy shit

none is talking about the shit selection in films tf

cinema is obsolete medium

>replace dark souls
wew lad

Sup Forums has never been about actual films. Just capeshit, cunnyposting and crappy netflix shows.

yes, there's nothing 'kino' about dark souls

Dark Souls is trash, go back to Sup Forums you weaboo brainlet

wheres goodfellas and mullholand drive

>FFVI is leagues better than VII, which is massively overrated.
>Breath of the Wild or Wind Waker is the best Zelda game.
>Bloodborne should be on the list with Dark Souls as well.

Other than that good list.


I don't even play nintendo games but he's objectively right, you're either a yuropoor or a mexican

fun fact: Sup Forums recently rangebanned all mobile IP addresses.

Every board should follow in their steps

its easy to say
videogame fanatic = brainlet
movie fanatic = enlightened

at the time perhaps, but now cartridges can fit Terabytes of data while dvd/bluray still can't fit anything more than some pictures and sounds


Cast it

idris elba as everyone

It makes me glad to know that people like you will never reproduce.

>Not the best half-life game in the series
Lmao delete yourself

>dark souls

taylor swift as mercy

>seen only 3 movies from that list
>played every video game from that list

I need to get my priorities straight, my life is a mess.

what r u on about, ur doing great

>no Sunrise
>no Rocket League