Could you do it Sup Forums? Could you eat 100 quacks?

Also general Malcolm thread

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Speaking of Malcolm in the middle, which part of the 00s was better? Left or right?

im not american, what kind of food are these "quacks"? it always bothered me

Malcolm in the Middle is better than anything on the right. But the better TV's + PS3 + Smart Phones out weight Malcolm

4:3 > 16:9

Peeps. They're disgusting marshmallows with granulated sugar on them. Completely gross and hated by all.


1. Hal
2. Lois
3. Malcolm
4. Francis
5. Reese
6. Dewey
7. Jamie

>We never specified that he had to eat them. They just had to be inside his body.

When Francis' best friend snaps at the conversation they are having in this subplot it cracks me up every time. It was something like "will you JUST shut up, you go on and on about how you could 100 of this and 100 of that". And then later when the 2 sides of the argument are yelling at each other arguing using medical terminology. This is easily the best side plot of any show I've seen.


>Lois second
>Dewey last

1. Francis
2. Dewey
3. Hal
4. Malcolm
5. Reese
6. Lois

So either the lingering 90's or the premature 10's

>62, 63, ughhh 62, 61, 62!, 63!

1. Hal
2. Francis
3. Lois
4. Malcolm
5. Dewey
6. Reese
7. Jamie


>Lois that high

I want to fuck her


Why is this show so comfy?


R.I.P dewy

some stars shine too bright for this world

i legit think that scene defined me sexually


Left, and it's not even close.

>anything but one of two biggest cancers in today society

Is Hal the single greatest character ever put to screen?

Fuck off.


woah speak for yourself there bud

I bet you don't even have diabetes you sick weird fuck

I dunno I like browsing the internet and watching shows and youtube on my phone in bed

I once ate an entire large Little Caesar's hot-n-ready pizza by myself so probably.

Would you, Sup Forums?

Malcolm had the best girls

Overall it was a shitty decade./

It kills me that adult Hayden has never done this hairstyle.

1. Dewey
2. Dewey
3. Dewey
4. Dewey
5. Dewey
6. Dewey
7. Dewey

In my headcannon Hal and Walt are the same guy at different stages of his life.


ANd still miles better than the current decade really revs the engines

Is dewey, Dewey?

Imagine hitch hiking from California to Alaska. Francis was weirdly self-sufficient for an emotionally stunted guy.

yes, i do enjoy the band mineral.

What happened to him?

an hero'd.

according to wikipedia, he's very much alive

>men sucking our cocks in the dressing room

at least he didn't have to suck them? doesn't sound too bad, fucking pussy man up




Definitely the left just because Vidya was better


Did they actually reveal the name eventually?

Isn't this a reference to Cool Hand Luke

I'd say he's /ourguy/ but more likely we are /hisminions/

Craig was literally Sup Forums

Yeah, eating eggs.

It was in the pilot on francis' uniform nameplate

Everything on left is better except for Pluto.

This episode is pretty much the reason I began smoking

Well it is kind of strange none of the brothers continued acting

1. Hal
2. Reese
3. Dewey
4. Malcolm
5. Lois
6. Francis

I dunno probably.
the claim you'd get massively sick is probably false unless you're already a diabetic.

i'd take my chances and assume i'd just get the runs or puke.they aren't THAT bad if you don't chew them.

So THAT'S where my MILF fetish came from.

>reese second
>francis last
u wot

Am I a Big guy?

when's someone gonna stream this



would smash

also, krelboyne teacher barefoot in that scene; would fap

probably will fap now


thats sooooo fucked

>mfw craig buys lois a sixteenth anniversary gift
>craig, isn't it usually supposed to be the husband who gives me gifts?

>One of the smaller role actors

My mind immediately went to Craig

He's from MA, but I went to school with him at Mount in Woonsocket. He was a fucking wierdo and probably would've been bullied had he not been Dewey.

Thinking back on it, he totally got fucked. He was a fucking wierdo druggie.

God what a shitty decade.



>this is what passes as humour in jewsa
you subhumans need to be exterminated...

>The human body can simply not absorb the amount of sugar in 100 quacks!
>Hey, in extreme cases the pancreas is know to up insulin production by up to %60
>Your Pancreas can produce enough insulin to fill a swimming it doesn't mean squat if your adrenal gland can distrubute it into your blood stream fast enough.

This show was incredible