Admit it

Admit it

You are at least watching 3 (three) of these movies

sorry, but no

I'll watch them all.

I won't pay to see any of them.

you're right
>incredible 2
I'm also going to see aladdin whenever that comes out

Films are going the way of video games with sequels being planned before the current project finishes. Gaming is dead and good film will be as well.

>Ralph Breaks The Internet

Two, Incredibles and Ralph.

>ralph breaks the internet
pls delet this disney, i liked the first one

3? I'm watching all that shit bruh

More than three. I won't pay for them though

If you paid me to see them, I would. But you won't, and I have absolutely zero interest in any of this literal garbage. Normalfags who watch this shit need to be thrown out of this board along with all the other retards like the GOT norms and the Rick and Morty redditors.

> Coco
> Incredibles
> Toy Story

You are correct.

>Ralph Breaks The Internet
Cast them

>all those remakes
>another toy story after 3 had a perfect ending

I fucking hate hollywood

Just the star wars trash

not a single one

I'm only interested in Ragnarok

>Incredibles 2
Had no idea these were a thing, but I'll likely see those eventually. I don't touch that Marvel garbage though.


Ill probably watch half of them, but Im done paying money for trash entertainment. Hollywood needs to stop targetting teenagers and find a niche market for adults with taste, or atleast R movies.

>live action remakes
Worst studio in Hollywood besides Sony right here

I'm watching all of them, though I admit if I hadn't gotten moviepass I'd be skipping A Wrinkle in Time, The Nutcracker, Dumbo, Mulan, The Lion King, and probably Mary Poppins.

Thot Ragnorak if webms of Mommy count.

Not a single one.
MAYBE I will pirate Star Wars if it's really bad.

>Mary Poppins Returns
Why? Fucking why?

Please tell me they are just blu ray 4k releases of mulan, lion king, dumbo etc and they aren't doing more live action shit

Tom Hanks should just die already tbqhwyf

I'll watch the marvel ones, especially hyped for Captain Marvel and Ant-Man and the Wasp
but i'll pirate them obvsly, i might go to see Infinity War in the cinema but only if my orbiters pay for it

>Toy Story 4
They literally ended 3 perfectly. Good lord the greed is unreal.

I'm only watching the superhero movies and the star wars, not in the cinema though

Anyone actually excited about Coco?

I miss pixar. I don't even know how shitty cars 3 was


>Frozen 2
because I'm a /u/ degenerate and a sucker for princesses.
>Incredibles 2
because hopefully it will remind me of god tier pixar before they got bought out by disney. monsters inc, finding nemo, incredibles. that is an absurd trifecta.
because le epic gamer humor. kind of on the fence with this one.

star wars is shit. marvel is shit. I still haven't seen gotg2 and gotg1 was my favorite capeshit.
going to see exactly zero remakes, that's for damn sure.
what is a wrinkle in time? what is coco?

So wait, are there two fucking parts to Infinity War or is it just one movie? i kept seeing logos with "PART I" and "PART II" on those and listed for different dates so idk

>watches capeshit in space
>brags about taste
end yourself

>what is coco?

next pixar movie, I'm pretty sure out in november.

Basically themed around dia de las muertos, some boy ends up in the mexican land of the dead, everyone calls it a book of life ripoff, etc.

>Cinema with m8
Star Wars 8&9
Avengers Infinity War 1&2

Ant Man
Incredibles 2
Toy Story 4

Incredibles 2 is the only one I have any interest in. Throw in the untitled production and I'm up to two.

I'll be watching all the MCU movies because they are fun.

live action mulan

too bad they won't do a live action Atlantis.

the rest are shite

>enjoying ANY of these turd on arrival
>better taste than anyone

So, as nuPixar goes, it's more Brave than Inside Out?

Toy Story 4 is the only one

I have no desire to see a Mexican themed anything.

Might be the first Pixar I'll skip.


For fucks sake, this industry is fucking GARBAGE

this desuex

I blame the public school system. People are conditioned into a routine.

I'll probably watch the MCU and Star Wars movies.

Put it this way: Pixar actually has such little faith in it that they're putting a 22 MINUTE FROZEN SHORT before the actual movie in an attempt to bring more people to the theater

Go back to Mexico, spics

Yeah, I'll probably watch Ragnarok, The Last Jedi and Frozen 2

I wonder how John Lasseter feels.
He did it, he made it in Disney, but at what cost?
>new frozen short
More subtle wincest vibes, let's go

Yep. Who cares if humanity is devolving, at least the trains are on time.

Just one, Incredibles 2, and whether it actually captures the spirit of the original or simply panders to it, I won't be watching a 3. I'll also be pirating it.

Thor Ragnarok
Black Panther
The Incredibles 2
Avengers Infinity War
Ant-Man & The Wasp
Captain Marvel
Avengers Untitled
Frozen 2
I'll be enjoying them and a list of other movies for free

Is your time worth so little?

I can't believe you're not joking. According to wikipedia coco is only 1 hr 16 mins long, I wonder if they cut the main movie just because they knew the frozen short would be so long

I'll probably watch the Nutcracker, Ragnarok and maybe Last Jedi. Not sure about any of them tho desu, might just wait and torrent them after they come out on bluray.

>Star Wars

Walt was antisemitic for a reason.

>toy story 4

no, please no. don't do this to my childhood. if you let just one thing be sacred let it be toy story.

It was originally planned to be split into two parts but now it's going to be one movie

There are people on here who spend as much time each day as watching all of those movies would take combined. I think I can spare the time over the course of the rest of my life

as much time each day shitposting on here*

Only if Mulan stars a black woman.

Tom Hanks is a fucking sellout.

Really? I just checked and didn't see the length posted anywhere

>the lion king

fuck nu disney

why the fuck would they do this

Is it "new and improved" SJW Captain Marvel?

>why would they do this

The nose knows

frozen 2 in cinemas with the niece

rest on netflix or pirate

I'll probably watch Star Wars only because it's impossible to discuss anything else on Sup Forums whenever a Star Wars movie is released.

i'lll be watching 5 of them, maybe 6

Wait. Is The Lion King live action?

Is the disneytoon thing a new hand-drawn animated feature? One of these every 4-5 years is the only thing they should be making.

Sorry, I'm not a manchild. The last Disney/Marvel movie I saw was Star Wars e7 and before that was Iron Man 3.

Looking forward to Thorkino

both Avengers
and Frozen 2 when I can watch it from the comfort and safety of my own pitch black room

I wonder who's going to voice buzz now that Tim Allen is a skinhead Drumpf supporter.

everyone's time is worthless

Last Jedi
Episode 9
Maybe Antman since I liked the first movie quite a bit
Infinity War 1/2, 2 is my stopping point for all things Marvel thankfully
Maybe Frozen since the first movie was actually pretty good, likely see it later into the release so I'm not a grown man sitting with a bunch of loli's

only yours champ

t. neet nigger

Yes. Look forward to that and many more classics made into mindless cash cows for decades to come.

Partially correct. Everyone's time is worthless, yes, but it's what you do with that time that matters.

maybe a Wrinkle in Time in theaters. Pirate anything else that turns out to be decent

Three maybe. Thor Ragnarok, The Incredibles 2, and maybe Ralph Breaks the Internet.

I can't even begin to care or get excited in general about the rest of that. A 4th Toy Story? Really? The 3rd ended it all on a perfect note.

Doesn't matter what I see though. Frozen 2 alone will make more money than Avatar did. Say goodbye to that topspot Cameron.

Oh, fuck that. They'll never recapture the feel of The Lion King in live action/CGI. Same way they failed to do it with The Jungle Book.

>A 4th Toy Story? Really? The 3rd ended it all on a perfect note.
>not milking shekels from a very profitable franchise

Is "Coco" the only original movie on that schedule?

the only marvel/disney movie I've watched that was released in the past 15 years is SW:TFA and I don't plan on watching another one any time soon

she better return with a sandwich amiright

that can't be a good sign...


lmao, I'm not even watching one of these shits.

>Thor Ragnarok
only because I like the director's other work and dark world was sort of comfy
>Incredibles 2
>...nothing else of interest
almost got me desu

probably 13-15 of them

***** YOU HAVE BEEN VISITED BY THE HANK HILL OF DOOM! ***** post this in 3 threads or you will die tomorrow!

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>liberal OP thinks this is a marvel redditor board
this is a DChad board you faggot


Finna pirate Incredibles 2 but that's all.

who here unironically /szechuan/?